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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART "WESTCHESTER, N. T., October 19. Thirteenth day. Westchester Baciug Association. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear; track fair. Presiding Jcdae. H. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. - Racing utarta at 2:00 p.m. -J FIR-T RACE Withers Mile. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Inrt Hre A W 8 H, H StrFin Jneys Qwnnrs O H L P. 13802 WKU-IYE 4 114 3 la 11 1 U Us Bullman LiHommediou 5 6 3 16-5 15164THR PRIDE 3 97 5 4i 2h 21 2 2h Onom T H Ryan 8-5 2 8-5 2 15137iQUEEN08"SONG 3 94 2 6 41 31 32 30 OConnor W J mith and Co 21 3i 21 31 15164 TiMOR 3 89 1 2a 51 51 42 43 Dangman F R and T Hit C cock 12 15 12 15 151612 RAKE PERFUME 3 10 6 3 3 41 51 52 Jenkins Underwood and Co 4 6 4 5 151411IAXIM0G0MEZ4 105 4 51 6 6 6 6 Bbm-i M Clancy 7 8 7 8 Time, 13. 25 38, 51. 1:04, 1:17, 1:42. Winner Ch. c, by Meddler Fr lie Grace. Post 4 minutes. Start gool Won cleverly. Intrusive is as fit as a fiddle and the soft track cited bim. He outran his field throughout. The Pride ran to form. Queen of Bong, outpaced -the first part, fit isbed strong nnd doirg her b"st. Maximo Gomez ran a bad looking race. His entry will be refned hor-after. Rare torfnme was doll of sceed. Scratchpd-15159Sc tch Plaid, 105; 151852 Wait Not, 105; 15U025ouchon, 97; 150633The Ro--man, 95: 15163 M-.tnnza.9i. Overweights Inrasivo, 2 pounds: Rsre Prfnme, 3. Intrusive, place. 6 to 5; show, to 2. The Pride, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Queen of Song, show, 2 to 5. - FZQlr A SEC ON DR ACK I.astTG 1-2 Furlongs Withers Mile. 00 added. JL O 2-year-oIdp. Maidens. Allows ces. Ind H or sea A Wt Bt and H M BtrFin Jockeys - Ownwrp O H L O 151C9 MAGNIFICENT 110 4 M 3h 31 in H Si.a at J J Uylnd 6-5 7-5 9-109-10 1497T BOMBSHELL 110 3 21 21 1h 21 2 J-nkins Jaes Galway 7 7 6 6 11252ARMOR 107 7 51 4i 41 31 3a Wilson L V Bell 6 7 5 6 151"8 B CK TALK 107 2 U 11 21 41 41 Bullman A J Jnyner 20 25 20 25 15109 AIE HANLON 107 10 10 10 8 61 55 Odom JEMadden 20 30 20 30 151SFONOLEE 110 5 41 51 51 52 61 OConnor Bromley and Co 5 6 5 6 1S109 DI CENTER 110 8 7 7 7 8 7 Boland TurteyBros 12 20 12 20 15138 ROY A Li STERLING 110 6 61 61 61 7 8 Clawson S D Brnce 4 7 4 6 1513S MATT SIMPSON 110 1 8 8 10 10 9 Collins W C Daly 200 200 ISO 200 15109 SOLON 111 9 9 9 9 9 10 Hennessy J Whit ten 100 100 50.50 15160 WAK EM 110 11 U 11 11 11 tl Cob J Conneiy 100 200 100 200 Tim, 12, 24, 37:50. 1:15.-1:21. Winnr Ch. f, by Rayon dOr Ladv ttargiret. Post 5 minutes. S art straggling Won easily; second handily. Magnificent was easily best and showed both opeel and stamina. Bombshell ran a eood race but weakened a bit at the end. Armor closed strong from a bad brginning. Back Talk is a coward. Royal Sterling ran a bad race. Soratched 15182Rdford, 110. Overw ights Solon, 1 ponnd. . Magnifictnt, place. 1 to 3; show, out. Bombshell, plnce, 2 ttl; show, evens. Armor, show, -a vona . -I pT K THIRD RAPE 1 1-8 Miles. Over Withers Coarse. 3-year-olds. LO d j fj Ramapo Handicap. .000 Aod?d. Ind Horeea A Wt St St Vj M M BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H li O 151Q3. N. B. 115 2 2 21 21 21 11 la Jenkins J E McDonald 6 8 6 8 151 7 D.OFJlDLBG 105 1 11 12 12 12 22 26 Bullman G W Gr-ydon 15 30 15 30 14785!ePR. MC CLURG 18 3 6 6 6 3 31 3 OConnor J H McAvoy and Co 31 5 3 3 151l0tAD MIRATION 119 5 41 4 4h 41 41 45 Clawson Sydney Paget 3 3 8-5 8-5 149 15 TEE ROSE 105 4 3" 3" 3 51 51 52 Odrm W H tlrk 5 6 5 6 UISSdJK. BARLCORNlI8 6 5" 51 M 6 6 6 Spet-cer J P Robison 3 41 3 41 Time. 13. 26 38. 51. 1 01, 1 :17, 1 :12, 1 :54. Winner Br. c, by Hayden Edwards uitaiess. Post 4 minutes. Stare fair. W n aiiving. A.N. B ran a good race and received skillful handling. He was all out at the end. Duke of Middlsborg showed great speed ana wns at a falso price. Admiration is not in hfr best form King Barleycorn showed no speed at all. Prince McClurg closed v round in thn ttretch. bnt was badly outpaced. ScrUcbed 15185 Maid of Harlem, 93. A. N. B., place, 21 to 1: eh w, evens. Dnke of Middleburg. plac". 8 to 1: show, 21 to 1. Prince McClarg, show, 2 to 5. Admiration, place, 3 to 5; show, oat. King Barleycorn, place, 8 to 5; t how, 4 to 5. T" K 6JC-r FOURTH RAK- La.t 7-8 Withers .ile. All ae8. IQUD Fordham High W-ight Bndiran. Pnr p250. Ind Bor308 A Wt Bt M Yt BtrFin Jockeys Qwnfirs O H L O 15932 ICII ARH J. 4 129 6 1 21 2" 2 1 J n-aua V 41 Koers 2 3 8-5 8-5 1446rKlNNIKINNICK 5 127 2 8 7 61 3" 2a So. ncer T J Healy 4 6 4 5 14830 EuFIN CONIG 2 110 7 61 4i 4" 4 3 OLoary C L R . ley 10 12 7 7 1516 20NECK QUEEN 2 K8 5 4 -51 1" 1 42 OConnor Ooeck Siable 5 6 5 6 15l63!ArANZA. 3 107 1 21 U 31 51 51 Wilson L. V B-ll 10 12 10 10 1459tfSPIlUTUiCLLE 3 12S 8 7 3h 51 61 61 Odom JEMadden 3 7 3 7 150LiDY LINDSAY 3 105 3 51 6 7 7 7 Simms J A McL nghlia 12 12 10 10 15062 NANINE 2 U8 4 3a 8 8 8 8 SNck Oscsola Stublo 15 15 15 13 Addod starters. Time, 12Je, 2 37, 50 1:16, 1:29. Winaor B. c. by Morollo Bunio L-uf. Post 3 miaates. Stfcrr. good. Won after a hard drive of four. Richard J. rn n flee race, inishiog very game y. KinnikinnicK was right thoro and ran to his bast form. Elfin Conig ran a gooil mci loo. sio did Oueck Queea. The latter was interfered with right at the cud. She xras gquoeced ont of er po-iiioi-. 1 cooil. Tb her ro Sera ched-15U2Bos, 110; 15l6t2Warrenton, 121; 15185Tiillo, 118; 149432Killashandra, 115; 14538 LAlouctte. 106; 15181 Thn Bubby. 103. Richard J place, 7 to 10r show, out. Kinnikinnick, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. EiGn Conig, iho.v, evens. "I P yfT7 IFTH RACK Last 6 -i Furloiiics Withers Mile. 00 added. 3-year- JUlYs j olds and np ward. Miidns Ailnwancis. ind Homes . A Wt St M hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners OSLO 1SB032EMIGRE 3 107 4 11 U 12 12 llj wiism MJU.vauugb 3 4 3 4 15140PI KWICKIAN 3 110 8 7 61 4 2 2" Jenkins J E McDonald 3 4 3 3 I4oST. 9IUONIAN 4 115 1 51 5h 5 4 33 Butlmau T tt Ryan 21 3 11-511-5 DRAUGHTSMAN 3 107 7 31 21 21 3" 4 Odom C Oxx 8 20 8 20 1E003 MVKMiRICA 4 112 3 43 3a 3a 51 52 OConnor Br mley and Co 8 15 6 15 TRA.PPIST 5 112 5 8 8 8 7 6 OLeary E D ftloran 10 10 8 8 1416SMISS SOAK 4 112 2 2" 41 62 61 7 J Daly M J Daly 40 50 40 40 Ui4 BELLE OF H. 3 108 6 9 9 9 8 8 Doxgett Osreola Stable 40 80 40 80 12838 HAYELOCK 3 110 10 6 7 7 9 9 Boland L V Bell 8 8 5 5 15159 TRITONUS 4 112 9 10 10 10 10 10 Theime Rudolph Ghiemo 100 300 100 300 Tim, 11. 24, 38M. 50, 1:15, 1:21. Winner B c. by Exile Emma. Post 5 minutes. SiartbaL Won easily. Emigre was lucky at the start and showed too much speed for the others. Pickwickian closed Btrongly from a bad start. St. Simonian ran his race. Havelork was pulled up at the start nnd practically left. Scratched 15003 Dr. Fitzdmmons, 110; 15182 Ross OLee, 107. Overweights Belle of H., 1 pound. Emigre, place, 7 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Pickwickian, place, 6 to 5; show, 2 to 5. St. Simonian, show, 1 to 3. 1 PI OQP SIXTHUCE 1 1-4 Miles. Over the Hill. ,000 added. JL O VO 3-year-olds and upward. Knnfticap. nd Horses A Wt Bt St H K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 151422MUBKADINE 4 106 1 2" 21 21 22 12 16 Odom W H Clark 3-2 9-5 7-5 S-2 J51-M2WARRENTON 4 109 2 3 3 3 3 3 23 Bullman W L Oliver 4-5 4-5 7-104-5 14974DCHSKATfi8 95 3 12 1 l 14 21 3 Slack F D Beard 12 12 7 7 Time, 13, 25. 39, 52. 1 :18. 1 :42, 1 :54, 2 :07Jg. Winner B. c. by Muscovy Glnetta Pose 1 minute, tartgood. Won easily. Mnskadine drew away easily in the stretch. War-ronton tried t bolt at the stretch turn and sulked all the last quarter. Dutch Skater had plenty of speed for a mil Scratched 14947 Semper Ego, 120; 151423 Car nero, H8; 15164 Our Nellio, 100; 15163 Bir Hubert, 85.