Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-20

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, IX.Ii., October 19. Sixty. third day. Harlpm Jockey Clnb. Autumn Moating. Weather cloudy find showery: track fair, but enppy. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:15 p.m. j pi FIEST HACK 1 Mile. Puree 00. 5 t second ; 5 to third. O X j 3-year-olds and upward Maidens. Allowance?. lad Horsea A Wt St and Vi StrFin Jockeye Owners O H L. t 15C83RAMLET 3 100 la 1 12 12 2 1" McQuade Elswo-th and Co 3 3 3 3i 15105 BFItT DAVIS 3 103 4 5 3 26 U 28 T Burns JSOBr-on 2 2 2 2 15026 MD. BESKRVE 3 104 91 41 5 42 30 30 PoDley G B H-vill 5 8 5 8 15053 HBOWN DICK 3 1P4 2 3 2 3 410 4 Riebv W H Roller 5 12 5 12 1506 F GABNER 5 1C9 10 1 8i 72 62 55 B Narvaez A Stono SO 60 30 60 15026 FA LSETTO, JR. 3 91 3a 8 10 9s 92 6" W Jones Will"am?andBarnes 12 15 12 15 1E020OMEITA 4 109 8a 6 6" 6 82 7" Shepterd M Rice 30 30 8 8 15053 BHOTBELT 3 S0 11102 112U4 71 86 A Booker J H Smith JO 20 12 12 11925 THE MINISTER 3 108 5 21 4 5" 5" 9 Flick G Harris 20 20 15 15 15056 MENKLEK 5 114 6a 9 72- 8 101 102 Blnss John Arno 20 50 20 E0 15026 CLIFTON B. 4 112 7" 112 92 inioiH l3 V Porter A Mr.ruDly 30 100 30 100 13904 FO EN RIO 3 10 12 13 12"1210 2151210 Wieon M L Korh 30 SO 15 15 14810 SIR GARNET 3 108 13 123 13 13 13 13 W Grand F H pe and Son 40 100 40 1C0 Time, 12. 25. 38 493. 1 :02i. 1:16,1 :30. 1 :4i. Winner B. f. by Azra Sailtgbt, by King Alfonso. Off at first brek to a gnoi srrt. Won rriving to the limit; second rirdQn out ; third esed attend. B rt Davis was mrch the bst and should have won off by himst-lf. Burns delib-r-ately thiew :1 e race any. Be had a clerrlead swinging into thf stn-tch. bnt in an attemrt to draw tho finish fine, McQnade caught him nappirg nd ttole the race ith R mlet. In tho last twenty yro8 Burns reported to foul tactics and the jndgrs said tha bad e won they wonla hnvA difquaiifled him. Ramlet did her veiy ret Merjland Reserve was badly cnt iff at tho bal-mile t round. Crnley asbliged to take bim up sharply and this naturally threw him off his stride. After goir g about five fnrl gs Brown Dick quit to nothing. Shotbelt was baoly interfered with and nlmost fell on b first turn. Scratched 15177 Ora M., 114; 14878 Bernard M., 105; 15105 Timon, 105; 15081 Vigorous, 1G5; Main Gny. 105; 15026 Victor Sum, 105 : 15026 Long D ndy, 100: 14970Gosrjer, 102. Ovoiwei Irs Fatsetto Jr ,8 pounds; Brown Dick, 4; Maryland Reserve, 4. Hamltt, place. 7 10 5; thow, 3 to 5. Bert Davis, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Maryland Reserve, show. 3 to 2. 1 K 1 iQ SECOND 8ACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 75 to Becond; 5 to third. IO 1 tO 2-year-olds. Allowances Ind Hnrpea A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L P 15I0Z Z 91 li li 13 13 11 Nnwcom W R Giffin 5 6 5 5"" 15054 BONNIViRD 99 4 2W 2 4i 2s T Boms JSOBr en 4 7 4 6 1513 ALICE TURNER 104 31 3" 2H S Hamilton Keith and Pattou 7-5 3-2 6-5 7-5 14I81HI NOCKRR 92 5" 62 GU 5 4 W Jones Jame-D Lncas 12 20 12 15 151 4 WAN Of HONOR 103 3a 5 5" 3hk 52 CnnJey George Kceuker 4 6 4 5 15r?9NETTIE REGbNT 97 6 4" 42 6a 62 W ?cott Mr K P Shipp 4 7 4 7 14520 JEFF 95 7 7 7 7 7 MrQuade ABerryandCo 8 20 8 20 Time. 12, 24i, 50, 1:02s, 1:09. Winner Br. f, by Bramble Mary Conioy. Post 6 miuutes. Start eo d. W,on easily: next four driving hard. Zza, under tho lisht weight, triHde a runaway race of it. She is a speedy filiy that like to run in front, and Nowcom rides her best Bo-nivard got a runniug stert and ran a greatly improved race. He did not havo speed enough for the running sart to do him much gooa.bnt at the end he finisher mcstgaroey. Alien Turner may not huve been up to p. brui.irg race. She hung badly whn pinched in the lst sixteenth Mark ni Nockor. He firishol liko a good youngser. Man of Hotter was bumped aud inttrf red with teverol times through the stretch. Nettie Regent did not have her usual apGd. Throw her race out. Scratched Time, 92 Overwoiehts Bounivard, 4 pounds. Zasa, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Boanivard, place, 2 to 1 ; show, 9 to 10. Alice Turner, placo, 3 to 5; show, out. . 1 f Cand THIRD RACE 1 Mile anil 20 "Sards. Purse 5400. 5 to second; 5 to IK O Lt7 i"rrt S-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horos A 1 -t j Va -trFip Jockgys Owners O H L V 151341 1 MP 114 1 1" 2" 4 2b Is T Barns H Rob nson 8-5 2 8-5 2 15057 VINCKNNES 98 61 7 6 3" 32 21 Flick J hn Br-noek 6 8 6 8 14971 TOBE PAINE 110 7 3b 31 21 1 35 W Desn TLicazi 3 3 2 13-5 15156 MARTHA FOX 98 5 41 7 5 41 4" McQuide LowisandMClister 6 8 6 7 14843 RO SAVANNA a 101 4a 8 4a 7 61 5U Wilson HHinsohn 15 20 15 20 15158 F1NTAN 9S 2" 22 la 1 5 63 Trotter Mrs M E chwasa 30 40 30 40 15154 BRIGHT NIGHT 101 Sa 5 8 61 8 72 Valentine J H Smith 30 40 30 40 11880 NAILER 1011 9 9 9 9 7 86 Cot ley W H Chambers 6 10 6 10 15104 LOST TIME 10110 6a 5" 81 9 9 Winkfield O H Bieboll and Co 30 60 30 60 15155 MISS EDWARDS 98 8 Fell. Tu ly Brannon and Moore 15 30 15 30 Time, 12 2i 37i. 50, 1:03, 1:17, 1:30. 1:43, 1:45. Winner Ch. c, by Donatello Lady Rossington Off t first break to a good start Won in a very lard drive of two; third handily. Jimp won principally through Burns superior jockey ship. He had Jimp in a good position close to the ril bll the way. thereby saving much ground and at the end clea-ly outrode Flick on Vin-cennea As tbe rsee we s inn the latter was ui d nbtedly tha brst. He was badly interfered with where Miss Edwaros Ml. Flicks finish on him as weak. Mips Edwards fall was an ngly looking ne but no damage resulted from it. Toba Pine ran as if short. This race will do htm good Fintan showed some speed, and considering the bad racing luck Rcsavannah had, she Tan a good race. Scratched 15105Jim McClsevy, 116; 14791 Cuirassier, 108; 151583 Uhler,-105; 15156 Owyhee, 101. Overweghts Nailer, 31 pounds: RnsHvannab. 2. Jimp, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Vincennos, place, 3 to 1; alio-, 3 to 2. Tobe Paine, ehow, 1 to2 "I KOAA FOURTH RACE C 1-8 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to Becond; 5 to third. i.OUU All Aces. Allowances Ind Horses A t H M StrKin Jokevs Owners O H L C 15i0.3M vY EAUH 3 113 2 1 0 li U T Uaiut FT VVo-d 3 4 3 4 151P3 HTLEB 3 91 5 3 51 51 21 Parretto W rl B rrett 8 9 8 9 1510S1ALGARETA 4 1C4S 7a 4 6 3 3M Conley G B Hvill 8-5 2 8-5 2 150562GOEBEL "3 1C0 8" 6 4 4 4 Winhfleld E CJ Bum 7 10 7 10 J5t32iIDA LEDFORD 2 91 1 21 22 2 5 Newcom Brannon and Moore 8 8 7 7 1485 PKACE 3 104 4a 71 7 71 62 A Booker Foster and rJarkett 8 10 8 10 148573HERTHA NELL 4 96 8 8 8 8 7 McQaade D P Rndgers and Co4 6 4 6 15103 LIT. J. HORNER 3 97 6 5 3 62 8 Flick W H Richardson 20 30 20 30 Time. 12. 23, 47, 1 :0I. 1 :08. Winner Ch. f, by Bobby Beach FaiihloBs. Post 7 minutes Start gi od Won cleverly. The nxt four were doing their b9st. May Beech got awuy flyirg and aa nrver in tnuble She l ad clesr ssiing, the most speed and ran a high class race Hilee wa It cky to g t through on tbo inide. Ho is a fair soit t f a sprinter, but not good enough to bat the May Beath kind. As the race was rnn Algreta surely should have been secono and might have given May Beach a sharp argument had fhe n t b-en ehnt off on the far tutu. At this point Conley started through on the ini-ide with the fiily. but was badly impeden and in an instant, droi ped back to lest placo Gi-belran his rucp. Ida Ledforrt was killed ff chasing May Beach the first half. Peace was giving away too much weight. Little Jack Homer ano" Bertha Nell nere ontclatsed The former bed much speed. Ecratched 14939 Lady Osborne, 91; 15157 Mocorito, 102; H527 Farley, 96; 15103 Walkenshaw, 99. Overweights Algareta. 2 pounds. May Beach, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Hilee, "place, 4 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Algareta, place, 4 to 5; show, out 1 CrUA 1 FIFTH RACE l 1-10 ttiles Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLOvJJL 4-year-olds ana upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt 81 4 Vi X atrFiu Jockeys Owners O H L f 15135 UuuuM 4 107 1K 2it 23 2 25 a T Borns James Arthur 2 iTg-S 2 1513S3 men N r- VILLE 4 107 21 15 1 1 ! 20 Valentine J H Smith 6-5 6-5 1 1 15084 PLANTAIN 4 1C4 3i 4 4 4 4 31 Conley Mrs R Bradley 6 6 5 5 15136 HUGH PENNY 9 104 4 33 3 8S 33 4 MrQuade HBGoodnchRec10 12 10 12 Time. 11, 24. 38, 49. 1:02. 1:15, 1:29. 1:41, 1:48. Winner B. h, by Sey e Stenhenie, bj M conff. ... Off at first break. Stait good. Won driving, but with something in reserve. Moroni was i best r ddeu and the track was pipi-isely to bip ltkiug. Bums ueited on Bonueville to the stretch arjd tliei moved up rapidly v ith M roui. Bo got to Bennevillo at tho sixteenth post and after that ho d the race safe. BurnB mure a bluff at driving and had quite a bit left. Bennevillo Had I his UfUbl speed but Vallonttne UBed him loo much the first pait of it. plantain and Hcgh 1 Penny were always outrun. . A , , Mor ni, pl"co, 1 to 3. Benneville, place, out. Plantain, place, 6 to UViow, out. Hugh l Penpy, place, 3 to 1; ehow, 7 to 10. IfTOAO SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. PurBe00. 5 to second; 5 to third. yfJ 2-yeer-ods. 8elli-g ind Horses A Wt St X StrFin Jockeys , Owners O H L C 14881 AIL NIO 105 la l in 12, 12 Cnlev EOBronandUo 6 7 6 6 1469521ZNIK 106 3 5 3H 31 2a NTompkinsH T Griffin 8-5 2 8-5 2 1515320LTKMA 102 9a 7121 21 31 A Booker VHagres a 15 6 15 D4ISY O. 102 7b 102 81 42 41 R Narvaea Jams Curl 15 30 15 30 15083 INNOVATOR 1C5 10 3 7 5 51 Hamilton L H Ezell 8 10 6 10 18839 INDIN 110 14 4 62 72 62 Fli-k G Lanka 20 20 12 12 14116 TALMA 105 6 11 92 61 71 MrQuado Kene and Ryan 6 12 6 12 1513 GEO ALEXANDER 1C2 2a 2 41 8182 JWinkfleld W H 3Any and Son 10 20 10 20 15083 MISSION 105 11 12 12 112 gt Wilson JJEl swotth 6 10 6 10 15f83 AJTONIETTA 102 12 132 121 101 102 I Powell WCd3LopefeCo6 15 6 15 14750 FULLER 1C2 4 6a 10 121 1U T Burns Wm Kane 4 3 4 8 1465 ANN IS PALMER 102 5a 91 51 9 12 Phenpard JM-loneyandCo 8 15 8 15 14669 TRUE FIT 104 Si 82 132 133 132 RUby ABerryandCo 12 20 12 20 15153 MISS VALLERA 102 13a 14 14 It 14 W Jones SH Summers 12 15 12 15 Time, 121, 24. 38, 49, 1:02. Winner Ch. c, by Aintree Missive. Post 6 minutes. StaTt fair Won easily; second and third were nndev keen pressure. Ailanto got a running start and had the most speed. He timnh sauntered under a Btout pull all he way. The colt was enter d for 0 but was run up to 00 by Albort Simons aud retained. Iznk was sharply interfered with and also badly ridden. Olekmu ran a good race. So did Daisy O for a now beginnr. Watch the later. Innovator broke runniog, showed a sm irt turn of 8pe d e -rly find then he either got cut ff or Hamilton took him back. Indian made up a world of ground af er gtting away badly. Fuller wilt not do at all. Overweights True Fit, 2 pounds; Iznk, 4. Ailanto, place. 2 to 1; show, evens. Iznik. place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Olekma, show, 3 to 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899102001/drf1899102001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899102001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800