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MASTER liUlti8 UIN AND XOSES. Jockry T romy Bams cut a keen figure in ThnrfdeyV Harb m recing. In tbe first race he got himself disliked by tbrowirg sway first pac on tbe heavily played favoii o, Bet Davis Tlten th wily Tommy twoke and by desperate ndina landed Bonnivard second in the sect no event, won by a note with Jimp in tbe thiid. nd in the fourth and fifth events act red with May Bench ai.d Moroni. The bryt ride on Jimp was by far the feature oftbedfy. He elMnned the rails evrry inch of tbe jonrney, saving i-.ll tbe cronnd poibla atd through the stretch rodn a most powerful fini-b Infandcthis work on Jimp in tbe Inst twen y yards was the nr- neost bit of ridu g eeu lo a long time at the Harlem track. Viucennes bad Jimp beten. Bum tusi ecol it nd waitd until the laBt second before he made bis move. Then he went at the colt furiontly v.i h whip and spur ana by his leenLess at theery end, got up in time to land the tace by a nose. Brnneville is a bone of I li nomoual speed. Bnt if ibe track is the leest b t wet or slippery be cannot do himself full ju-tico. This accounted for biB defeat by Moroni. Benneville showed plenly of .speed during tbe early part of the race but the cnopy giin? settled him at tbe .end and whoa challenged he gave it up badly. Z za. May Bpach and Ailanto, the other win-no s. all cme hrm by themselves. Albert Simons rpnAilanto up from $"00 to SSG0. bnt he was retained by E. C. Brown and Co. for 05 P. M. Civiil will sell his entire stable Tbnrs-dy next in the paddeck at Hrlm. Bishop R ed end Damocles go with the others. Thirteen yearlirgs. the property of the Glen-elg and Kf nesaw farms will be sold in tbe pad-deck at Hnrlf m. SRtnrdny, October 21. at 1 p m. Catalogues cn be had fr m Hart Dernbam at secretarys office.