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HAKIil.Bl ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy : traok f ast. First Race 7-8 Mile. 2- year-olds. Allowances. End Horses Age Wt. Hd" 15198 Jeff 113 635 1554STekla 108 69" 14S202Fair American 108 7C0 15153 Fair Test 105 6?5 15175 Crnco 103 6T0 14750 Quick foot 103 00 132P Creation...- J03 650 149973Bicor.. 103 695 15153 Ben Chance 103 655 12575 Terr h 1 p ne 1 00 625 M-rceline 100 15153 Fannie Leland KO f80 15175 Aloha II 100 690 15175 Pink Jacket 100 665 151533Farrie 100 685 15175 La Carina . 1C0 .... ..645 i 15175 Kahler 100 6-0 14750 Lydi S 100 640 14223 Jim Turner 1C0 6?5 14856 Onandine 100 fOO 15175 ODax 100 690 15132 El Jay 100 600 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 3- v ear-olds. Allowances. 148172jpckadie 1C4 685 1M812 1C B 104 670 149?8 Rosolia 104 650 15156 Owyhee 102 6-15 1466 Andes 102 7C0 15104 Fliriation 99 6 0 15197 Brown Dick 99 685 15081 Vigorous 94 675 1 197 Sbothelt 94 640 ISC 90 Senator Thompson 94 625 14938 Frank Vogel 94 600 14197 Fscide 9i 685 14878 Bernard M 94 625 13662 O lie J 94 60 U158 Babn Bobertson 94 6T0 15053 Ovrami 94 60 Third Race 1 Mile and 100 Tarda. 4 -!r-r-idp and upward AuowanceB. If 084 Bitter Root 4.. ..116 690 151073 innie Oldfield 4.. ..Ill 6C0 14923 Tom Kingdey 4... .108 6J0 15155 Goobb Liver 5....1C5 60 14746Elidad 4. ...104 60 15107 ony Honing 5.. ..101 .... 675 151762Ynba Dam 5.... S9 7 0 15180 Intriguer 5.... 99 7P5 14968 Little Land 5.... 97 720 I51?4 Bsrateria 4.... 95 725 15176 Gl- bell 4 ... 95 685 14814 Pinard-lBio 4.... 93 695 14861 bauncey Fisher 4.... 93 710 Billy Eenney, ch g, by Ecuador Longing... 6.... 93 15084 Tiile 4.... 93 700 15131 Isen 4.... 93 ......675 13990Amtlia Fonso 6.... 93 705 1482 Bay H 5.... 93 690 14941 Libbie 4.... 93 65 15177 Ceil 6.... 93 670 .15131 Woodranger 4.... 93 665 l5l563Rusfcin.. 4.... 93 690 151763Jennie F 4.... 93 700 Fourth Race O 1-2 Furlongs. 3 .Hr-oldB and upward, tiaintig. 151P3 Georgia 3.. ..107 745 15158 H 8. Tobicco 5.. ..106 750 15103 Walkenthaw 5.. ..105 695 14731 Harry Tr oburn 5. ...104 7i0 14857 UinyDnke 7.. ..103 725 15157 Montgomery 6.. ..103 710 IM57 4.. ..102 715 15106 Rotterdam 5.. ..102 735 15158 Sm W 6 .. 101 720 15116 Little Reggie 3....1PI 690 15ll7Tillio W.; 4.... 99 715 f-1363Diggi 7.... 99 7?0 15104 D Blnis" 3.... 97 675 15158 Brown Vail 3.... 95 685 15166 Pay the Fiddler 3.... 94 700 Fifth Race-C -8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Sailing. 151753EmmaM 109 675 15175 taian 106 6E0 15132 Florence Anetia..... 108 690 15i:-2 Inlook .. 106 680 15179 Fioriuel II ...106 695 14170 Oaooeboro 106 ... . 675 15179 Pr-s-ome 103 660 11634 Ed Wagner 103 625 15175 Orletta 103 690 15030 Myrtle Gebaur 101 r81 14859 Ii Dht 103 6S0 14913 Clera Wooley 103 700 15027 Fidel Yonlin 103 690 Sixth Race 1 Mile. AllAgas. Allowances. 15135Periwig 5 .. Ill 725 15l3S3Kd Tipton 3... .108 7i0 lal75 Microicope 2.... 90 6J0 15154 Tommy OBrien 2 ... 90 700 14446 Kitie Regent 3.... 87 675 15175 Kittle G 2.... 87 665 15132 Maud Wallace 2.... 87 685