untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-29


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PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colors, .ruled and arranged for six generations of sireB and dams of individuals and their ancestor. Tan centB each, .00 per dozen, .50 per hundred. No owner of a stallion should be without a supply. DAILY RACING FORM, c 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. c at c 31 31 0 b j 9 OCTOBER AND OTHER TORSI BOOKS. The October books of Form Charts in paper covers will be on sale Wednesday, November 1. noon. They will contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from October 1 to October inclusive. Price . The soft morocco covered books will be on sale Friday, November 3. Price .50. The editions of both are limited. There are a few term-book sheets on hand andflve morocco-covered volumes of charts from January 1 to June SO inclusive on sale at S10. "ATTENTION," TURF SPECULATORS I DO YOU KNOW A GOOD THING WHEN YOU fcEEIC? No advance charge. You pay after oar information wins AND IT WINS. If you have paid for unreliable information and loat money write to us for particulars. We only send you ONE, sometimes TWO GOOD TBING3. each week. So if you are satisfied with that, send ns your address. ABSOLUTELY NO AD-VANCE C BARGE. The Trans-Continental, 401, 363 Dearborn St.. Chicago. SAFE, PRACTICAL TURF SPECULATION I ! EXPLANATION of the FACTS as they ARE, NOT as they generally APPEAR. Strictly con-fidential correspondence regarding a NEW IDEA METHOD. . L. C. WOODS. Urbana, 111. WHY LOSE MONEY When you can win every day. Our clients are the big winners on th9 local tracks. Try us and you will find this exactly as we represent. .00 PER DAY. .00 PER WEEK. American Horsemens Agency, 516, 167 Dearborn Street. FREE! INFORMATION ABSOLUTELY FREE!. For the asking. This week full explanation of eleven months operations on all rpgnlation trfeks without loss by "MY SYSTEM," the NEW IDEA METHOD. Correspondence strictly confidential L. C. WOODS, Urbana, 111. Lakeside flonday We have ONE GOOD THING at 6 to 1 or better. FRIDAY we sent INUENDO and CANACE both winners. Our good thiDgs go-through six times out of eight. One trill WILL CONVINCE YOU tbt. what we ADVERTISE is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. AT AQUEDUCT the choicest; one that was ever bet on as good os 10 or 20 to 1. We send information on all races run at AQUEDUCT, OAKLAND, NEWPORT AND LAKESIDE Racetracks. Ready at 9 a.m. Wired daily. .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. .50 for three days pointers. Race Track Information Bureau, Suite 500, 263 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Til. ..CORRECT INFORMATION.. Was furnished to our clients Inst week and profits were 85 on bets. Wf ek before they cleared 20. It requires people on the inside, to gat information to produce the above RESULTS. We have the people and get the information. IF YOU DO speculata on the races you SHOULD NOT FAIL to secure oar private information, as it will net yon big win-nor every week. AT LAKESIDE TUESDAY we have word that we will have somethio? very fine. The odds will ba 10 to 1 at least. Thia is A ROYAL CHANCE. Doat fail to eetour two spec als at LAKESIDE and AQUEDUCT for Monday; both will be at Rood odds. Telegraphed early Term3, for six days selections; per day. Chicago Turf Advisory Co. ROOM 707, 325 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL.. I OCT A FIELD GLAS6. LEFT ON fcaWW I Lake Street "L" Saturday evening. Return for suitable reward to M. D MILLER. Room 516, 167 Dearborn St. WINNERS! WINNERS I We have something at Lakeside and Oakland: also the eas-t for Monday and alt three WILL GO THROUGH. Our information combined with our handicapping is always nsed in sending oat tnese selections. That is tha reason WE ARE SO-SUCCESSFUL. We guarantee you 60 per cent wieners and our percentage is never less on. the weeks selections. A TRIAL OF ONB WEEK WILL CONVINCE YOU.. . Send 2 cent stamp for our book Golden Gain.. It will tell yon all about making money on the turf without a failore Messages and telegrams ready by 11 a.m. ..0.00 FOR SJX DAYS SELECTIONS... National Turf Investment Co,, SUITE 605, 167 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. 01 When ship your horses, ai Express Company to stall your car- ,AfSAv3yJK I with "LeighB Patent Portable Stall," 3P-f adjustable to any car, thus securing . -i TTfT? iSv?" H absolute safety to your horses while rapSSSslSl j3 ifnPliil iji! jl P5 P5. J in transit without additional cost to VStSI ihtlUraa B S the shippers, as express companies J-3Jis55w Ma !!" lli!-llli.f M W furnish them free of cost to you. .SllTfes mand5MJ Mul:B3SS ml . They dont deface the car when ad- . ;0jxz 3d4Kand-pMilji PcSSJfei-iS Jnsted and can bo eet up in thirty tandialjL..... ..-gY-riand- minutes for any number of horses to X - ft fj .,. Lj ti 1 24 in double door baggage car. Ex- Hg5y tessandgSfP e55a gsa5SPand5V i jvess companies oan procure them y Hff fS "tfi" 62881.653 S Front Street, IjfMS g

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899102901/drf1899102901_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1899102901_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800