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LAKESIDE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather wet; track heavy. First Race 7-8 Mile. 4-year-oidB and upward. Selling. 15222 Walkenshaw 5.... 110 665 l4903King Bermuda 4. ...109 705 15330 Dog Town 4.... 108 665 14495 Simon D 4.. ..108 700 15330 Cabrillo 7.. ..108 630 153532 H. 8. Tobscco 5....108 710 15239 Pan Charm 4....1C8 640 12421 Bwordsman 5.. ..108 600 15131 Fied Earr 6. ...108 655 15326 Inverary II 4.... 105 625 1538"j2Plantain 4.... 105 690 15235 Dont Ship Me 5.. ..105 680 15240-Tillie W 4.. ..105 685 148422Newtgatherer 5.... 105 725 15326 Pitfall 7.. ..105 635 15260JimGoreII 4.. ..105 685 15221 Annie Oldfield 4.. ..105 660 15353 Her Favor 4 .... 105 670 153872David 7.. ..105 705 15285 Judge Steadman 1. ...105 640 15352 Iaen 4.. ..105 625 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 15327 Morris Volmer 100 640 15329 Lady Curzon 99 700 lf054ified Cros II 95 690 153502 Florinel II.. 95 890 15329 Inlook 95 665 15310 Innovator 92 675 15329 Emma M 92 680 15348 Niveina 92 625 May Gtiod 92 14333 Lovable 92 670 Third Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 15307 Jimp 113 695 15263 Latch Key 112 675 14771 Deering ..112 725 15240 Tobe Paine 107 700 14850 Lillian Reod 105 680 14791 Cuirassier 105 685 153822 Pat Garrett 104 gSO Main Guy, ch. g, by Van Lit- tieZo 101 15353 Brown Vail 103 680 15319 Princess Murphy 102 675 15330 Uhler ."...102 675 14769 Blenheim 102 665 Fourth Race 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances, nd Horses Age Wt. Hdcp. 15328Bnneville 4.. ..113 725 14771 John Baker 5....108 705 15387Tappan 5... .100 700 1588:Great Bend 4.... 96 750 Fifth Race 1 1-8 Miles. 3-yeer-olds and upward. Soiling. 153853Elidad 4.. ..107 655 15385George Lee 4.. ..106 700 153853Rollins 5.. ..104 660 152393Admetus 5.. ..104 675 15330 Dr. Marks 4.. ..104 .650 153492 Mr. Johnson 3. ...102 690 15805 Clifton B 4.. ..102 6C0 15285 Victorine 4.. ..102 665 1581 Tip Gallant 3.. ..101 655 15385 Hosi 4.... 99 635 15S86 Inuendo 4.... 99 645 15349 Bright Night 3.... 98 630 15330 Nailer 3.... 93 655 15382 Holdup 3.... 80 680 15382 Hub Prather 3.... 90 685 153493RamIet 3.... 90 ......675 151973Msryland Reserve 3.... 90 625 blxth Race 1 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. 15387 Jackanapes 4 107 695 152402Catastrophe 5.. ..107 685 15261 Dei Paso II 6.... 104 675 15353Canace 3.. ..101 725 15281 Jim McCleevy 3.... 95 705 152363The Monk 2.... 81 715 153503Mauof Honor 2.... 81 720