Newport Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-11-12

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NEWPORT FORM CHART. NEWPORT, EY November 11. Twelfth day. Qneon City Jockojr Clnb. Fall Meeting. Weather wet; track good. j Presiding Judge, Jackeon Smith. Starter, J, Holtman. Eaoing Btarta at 2 :00 p. m. FIHST RACB-3"4 Mile Parse50 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 1 5655 lad Horses A Wfc St Vt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O K L O 15591 BEGUILTC 4 103 3 51 3 31 11 JThompsonJ Duggaa 8 10 6 10 15340 ABE FURST 5 107 2 H 12 11 2" T Knight T B Romass 1-3 2-5 1-3 2-5 15571 TOM COLLINS 4 103 4 2 2i 21 36 Southard C C Maffint 3 5 3 5 15524 FARM LIFE 4 100 1 3i 53 52 42 Forahand A BionJcCo 10 12 10 12 14970 CHEE1EMITE 3 99 5 41 43 4i 58 McKeand C. H Williams 15 40 15 40 14315 OPERA GIRL 3 99 7 6 65 62 62 Landry Peter Bitzer 50 100 50 100 14483 ISLAND PRINCE 4 107 6 7 7 7 7 Rxhirds I C McLaughlin 20 30 20 30 Time, 13. 25, 371, 501, 1:03, 1:16. Winner Br f, by Argyle Fannie Willoughby. Post 9 minutes. Start good. The first three finished in a hard drive. Abe Farst is hardly a 1 to 3 shot in any company. He weakened badly at the finieh and barfly baat Tom Collins for second place. The others wera baten off, Farm Life showing an early burst of spesd on sufferance. Beguiles improvement was sudden Scratched-i 15316 Azucana, 117; 155912Be True, 110; 15614 Soachon, 107; 11715 Banrica, 104; 15425 FerrolJ, 104. Beguile, place, 2 to 1; show, out. Abe Farst, place, out. Tom Collins, place, evens; show, out. T5056 8ED BACK 1 l-lGMiles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lud Horses A Wt St M bi X StrFin JockeyB Owners O B L C 15612JMONK WAYMAN 4 107 2 24 21 12 12 13 T Knight W A Cotton 2 21 9-5 9-5 156153LOYALTY 6 95 1 6 e 65 21 21 LThmpsnH Swegels 6 9 6 9 15593 FRIAR JOHN 4 100 4 3" 32 3 31 33 Winkfleld J Mareton 8 15 6 12 15525 HARRY PRE 3TON3 91 8 5 52 52 41 41 Forehand D M Lion 12 15 10 15 15454 CKOESUS 5 111 6 7 7 7 7 5 Overton S C Wagner 7 10 6 10 15593 FR. MCONN ELL 3 97 3 4 42 41 51 6 Wearstnd E Morrison 3 5 3 5 I 15567FR1ESLAND 3 102 5 11 12 2H 63 7o J Boland AM Atkins 3 3 3 3 14201 DONATION 6 102 7 8 8 8 8 80 Dupee J T 8towart 15 30 12 30 I ..15141 EINER 4 105 9 9 9 9 9 9 Richards P H Hume 15 40 15 40 ! Time. 12, 24, 361, 491. 1 :03, 1 :16i, 1 :29, 1 :43, 1 :50. Winner B. c, by Major Richards Blue Bell. Post 11 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second tin sime. Monk Waymm his greatly improved since he changed hands. Loyalty ctme with a rnsh in the stretch. Harry Prpston, Donation and Einpr collided shortly aft r the start. Einer and Donation suffered most from it. Ei-ipr was out in sll the numerous breakaways. His jockey bed poor control i f him. Frank McConntll did not seemingly fancy the going. Frtesland shoved early speed, but quit badly. Scratched 15256 lulaue, 108; 153892Baib38, 97; 15525 Piccola, 93. . Overweights CroesuB, 3 pounds. Monk Wayman, place, 4 to 5; show. 2 to 5. Loyalty, place. 3 to 1; show, 8 to 5. Friar John, show, 2 to 1. Frank McConnell, piece, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Fiieslaad, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. : zzl ; ; ; j THIKD HACK-3 Miles. Purse 1250. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. j X 5 6 5 7 Ind Horses A w t tit A m Vt 1 Str Fin JockeyB Owners O H L i 155 693 FAT H BLAND 3. 92 5 5 5 52 31 2io Ink Silvers J Welch and Co 3 321i35 13590 KY.BAT 3 103 3 1 In Ih in la 2 WinkHeld J Marston 15 15 15 15 15615 VIRG1E O. 4 1021 7 7 7 61 61 32 310 McDowell J S Lancaster 3-2 9-5 3-2 9-5 15569 KODAK 7 112 8 8 8 8 7 5 410 Gilmore AG Williams 6 8 6 8 i 15615 BABE FIELDS 5 99 6 42 42 3 2 41 5 Wedrstrd H B Adair 20 30 20 30 15615 BETHM STAR4 102 1 61 61 7 5 1 62 J Boland and Co 3 3 13-513-5 15479 DERBY MAID 6 99 4 22 22 21 46 6 7 May Joplin and Grundy 30 50 30 CO 15546 D.CLRliNCI05 105 2 36 36 45 8 8 8 R Miller Kizqa Stone 30 60 30 60 Time, IS. 26i, S9 52. 1 :06i, 1 :20l, 1 :3i, 1 i48, 2 :01i, 2 :15, 2 :28i, 2 :42, 2 :55i, 3 :09, 3 :22, 3 :35. Winner B. c, bj Falsetto Penumbria. Off at the first break. Start good. Won with the first two driving. Fatherland wa3 the best horse at the distance and in the going. It was virtually a two-horse race through the last half mile and they were driving all the way home. Kyrat showed much liking for a distance. Virgie O. did nob make her run early enough and the going was against her. Bjba Fields and Derby Maid went well as far as they could and Btopped. Kodak began to run after the first mile and a quarter and clo3ed a big gap but could net get up. Overweights Bethlehem Star, 3 pounds; Don Clarencio, 3; Kyrat, 3. Yirgie O. 3i. Fatherland, place, 4 to 5; show, oat. Kyrat, place, 3 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Virgie O., show, 3 to 5. Bethletem Star, place. 4 to 5; show, out. X5C358 FOUHTH tfACi-5-8 aUle. purse 50. 2-year-olds. Handicap. lod HorBBB A Wt St ii X StrFin JockeyB Owners U H L O 155362 A VENSIOKE 112 5 33 31 11 U Wiokflold W H My and Son 21 13-59-5 9-5 15592 FONEDA 103 2 la 14 21 2" J Boland L Srnitba 5 7 4 7 15592 CHARLEY OBRIENl08 3 7 7 52 3" Dupee 8 P Lancaster 10 10 5 6 155452TRODBALINE 98 1 2" 21 31 41 Wedrstnd S S Brown 5 7 4 7 156132 LARKSPUR no 7 8 8 41 53 E Ross RobinsonandLeach 21 4 21 4 155682TICKFUL 95 10 61 61 62 65 T Knight Fizer and Co 6 7 6 7 156113MABION LYNCH 92 8 42 42 8 71 Silvers J E Madden 10 15 10 12 JULIA ROSE 1C0 6 9 9 7 82 LThmpanSimpsonandMCannSO 60 50 60 15635 THE BOBBY 103 9 51 51 9 9 Rowden P H Hume 20 20 20 20 15475 LOUIS LISSAK 93 4 10 10 10 10 S Porter Morgan and Co 15 15 15 15 Time, 13, 25, 37. 50, 1:03. Winner B. c, by Bersan Mary Anna. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won cleverly. Avenstoke was bust. Foneda ran well. Trouba-line tired at the finish. Larkspur ran below the mark. Charley OBrien closed strongly as usual. Scratched 15591 Highland Lsd, 98; 15413 Wiedemann, 96. Overweights The Bobby, 5 pounds; Louis Liasak, 3. Avenstoke, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Foneda, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Charley OBrien show, evens. Larkspur, place, 3 to 2; show, 3 to 5. 3" ittile" PUr8e 525" 3year"olds and uPward- Selling. 1 5 0 5 FIFjrH tHCifc Ind Horses A Wt St 3 H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 155482ALBERTVALK 5 101 1 21 31 31 1" J Boland E T Graves 1 1 4-5 4-5 1557DNEKARNIS 4 98 8 8 61 1U 21 T Knight JBerlingandCo 6-5 3-2 6-5 3-2 15190 TENSION 4 97 3 7 41 21 33 Silvers J Desha 15 25 15 25 15567 LVILLE BELLE J 86 2 31 21 62 45 Forehand L J Haas 12 15 10 15 15476 ETHEL DAVIS 3 93 6 41 51 41 5 Hansom G W Hurst 30 60 30 60 15427 DOMOZETTA 4 99 5 in Ih 51 61 Landry Stout and Littrell 4 8 4 8 15272 ANNIE M. 7 01 4 61 7 7 7 S Porter Mrs A Cook 12 15 10 15 15589 IRIS 3 86 7 51 8 8 8 J OConnorC E Mahone 30 100 30 100 Time, 13, 25, 371, 50, 1 :03, 1 :161. Off at the first break to a good start. The first two finished in a hard drive. Nekarnis came with a rush in the stretch aud almost nipped Albertvale on the post. Tension was interfered with, but came again. Louisville Belle quit in the stretch. Aloertvale, place, out. Nekarnis, place. 3 to 5; show, out. Tension, show. 2 to 1. SEC0ND HBAT. X535 Ind Horses A Wt St U X H StrFin JockeyB Owners O H L C 155482 AL BE RT VA LE 5 101 2 1 J Boland E T Graves 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 U557DNEKARNIS 4 S8 7 2 T Knight JBerlingandCo 8-5 2 8-5 2 15567 LSVILLE BELLE3 86 5 33 Forehand L J Haas 20 30 20 30 15190 TENSION 4 97 6 41 Silvers J Desha 10 10 10 10 15476 ETHEL DAVIS 3 96 4 5 Kansom G W Hurst 60 1C0 60 100 15589 IRIS 3 88 3 6 J OConnorC E Mahone 100 150 100 150 15427 DOMOZETTA 4 99 8 7 Landry Stout and Littrell 12 23 10 20 15272 ANNIE M. 7 91 1 Fell. S Porter Mrs A Cook 30 40 30 30 Time. 13, 25, 38, 51, 1:04, 1:17. Wianer B. h, by Albert Montvale. Off at the fitst break to a good start for all but Domozstta. Won easily; second the same. It was too dark to distinguish positions or colors except that Albertvale was leading all the wey. Domozetta was practically left. scratched 15479 Hill Billy. 102; 15020 Elsie Barnes, 91: 15637 Gid Law, 91; 15167 Violout, 91. Albertvale, place, out. Nekarnis, place, out. Louisvillo Belle, show, 2 to 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1899111201_3_1
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