untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-11-12


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Lakeside Jockey Club.. LAKESIDE RACETRACK, ROBY, INDIANA Fifteen Days Fall Meeting, October 30 to November 15. Five or More Races Daily, Beginning at 2:00 P.M. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago R. R. Illinois Central R. R. Special Train leave Union Depot, Adams and Canal Streets, at 12:30, 12:50 and 1:10 p.m., Special Trains leave Randolph Street at 12:45 and 1:10; Van Baron Street two minutes later, stopping at Archer Avenue, 41st Street and Englewood, to racetrack in 30 minutes. Return- stopping at Park Bow Central Station, 22nd Street, 39th S.troot and 63rd Street, to race ing immediately after last race. track in 30 minutes. Beturning trains leave the racetrack immediately af tar the races. Alley "L" to 63rd Street and Madison Avenue, Connecting with Electric Cars direct to track. FARE FOR ROUND TRIP ON ALL. ROADS 25 CENTS. ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND 78 CENTS. fl. NATHANSON, Secretary, Room 201, Lakeside B inding. ...CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB... Oakland Racetrack, Emeryville, California. FUTURITY STAKES With ,750 Added. Estimated Value 0,000. ,750 OF THE ADDED MONEY GOES TO THE BREEDERS. FOR THE DECEHBER MEETING OF 1902. ...ENTRIES TO CLOSE TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1900... By Bubcription of 0 each, money to accompany the entry, for mares covered in 1893, and om of ,510, 7 lbs. ; of foa- of ,500 or twmf ,503. or oie of ,03, 12 lbs extra. Th? pro lace further subscription of 25 eacb for the produce of Buch marea by Jnly 15, 1901, or such produce of maresor stallions which hav s not prsdaced a winasr orior ta January 1, 190. alio vsd 3 lbs will be struck out and a farther subscription of 5 by January 1, 1902, or such produse will bi of bath mires and stallion;, 5 lbs ; nit mosssary to claim thi said allowance at the timi of struck out and a further subacriotioa of 0 by July 15, 1902, or 8U3h proince will be stract out. entry. Maidens allowsd 10 ponnds. Mares mr bi en;erel bv person, not thiir owners the All starters to pay 50 additional, all of wnich shall sro to the second and tbirjl horses, a far- owner havin the prior right. If a mar ia this stance dros hir foal befon thi first of Jaauary ther provided. California Jockey Club to add Eight Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty or if she has a deadoi bih than on f jal, or is barfei, the entry of sn-.h mare in void, and the ,750 Dollars. The second to receive ,000 of the added money and two thirds of the start- sub3criptioa will ba returned. By filing at any tima with the California Jockey Club an ins money, the third 00 of the added money and one-third of the starting moasy. aoosptei transfer of thi prodaci, with its ea?aamea:s in this stako accompanied with receipts The breeders of the winner, of the second horse and of the third hose, nam sly, the owner of fir all former payments, ths original sabseribsr will bi released from any liability as to the en-the mare at the time of entry, to receive ,000, ,250 and 00 of the adiad money respectively, sri?emeats of the prodacs. S ioald a sunscrib3r or transfsre3 die bsfora the race, the entry whether they be the owner of the horse when the race takes place or not s lall net be void provide 1 it bj assumei b tn thei oxrair of the hirss, notin in wriaar to Colts 118 lbs., Fillies and Geldings 115 lb3. Winners of ,503, 3 lbs. ; of two races of ,500 or that effect biing given wltaia thr ja m laths af Mr sach demise. TO rjioJS JANUARY . 1900. To b ran in ths month of December, 19-13, at the Oakland Rice CJOMe, Emeryville, California, out of the Futurity chute, about glx and one-half furlongs Each. and every part f thi pnrne jo be paid iu cash There will be no forfeit Entry blanks can be obta ned upon application at the following: of lie as: Sally Racing Form, The Horseman, in Chicago; Goodwin Bros., Turf Field and Farm and Spirit of the Times In New York, and Thoroughbred Record, Lexington, Ky. R. B. M I LROY, SECRETARY, THOS. H. WILLIAMS JR., PRESIDENT.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899111201/drf1899111201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1899111201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800