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f -ly-v 1 -ur S°ocl thing starts to-/ I I l day, the sweetest one of the Aqueduct meeting. Or Mnri Thursday KJl I IWI t AT LOUISVILLE A 15 TO 1 SHOT AND THE DERBY WINNER. .00 DAIL1 . .00 WEEKLY. Race Track SAriON 500-502-504, 203 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO. ILL. ! , 1 Precursor 6 to l Poste Haste 5 to 2 Were our good things at Aqueduct yesterday. TODAY we have two fine specials at Aqueduct and Nashville at 6 to 1 or better. THURSDAY at Louisville another 12 to 1 shot and an EASY WINNER, barring accident. Ready at ouroffice 10 a.m. Wired 10 a.m. .00 daily, .00 weekly. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago. i IT WAS 7 TO 1 Instead of 20 to 1 as we expected BUT IT WON JUST THE SAME AND ITS NAME WAS "PRECURSOR." The other selections we gave at Aqueduct were as follows: EDUCVTE. POST HASTE, THE CORINTHIAN, PRECURSOR, all won. Bannock scratched and Ondurdis who ran second. Price reduced from 0.00 to .00 weekly. HERE IS A TIP FREE; GIBSON WILL WIN THE LOUISVILLE DERBY. Turf Information Association Suite 303, 185 Dearborn St., Chicago. 2— Winners Guaranteed— 2 ....BY THE... THE HH1ERICPH HHNDIGHPPERS. At Oakland or Nashville or money refunded. This is the only guaranteed selection sheet in the city and half the horses given this spring won. Records convince. Ready or wired at 11 :30. Price 50 cents daily ; .00 weekly. REYNOLDS and Co., 125 CLARK STREET I | jr • rt i Turl Exchange at Romeo. Commissions on Aqueduct, Nashville and San Francisco Races. Special trains on Santa Fe R. R. leaves Polk Street Dapot at 12:20 p. m. and 1-35 p. m., stopping at Halsted Street and Ashland Avenue. Specials return at 5 p. m «nd after last San Francisco race. Regular train at 1 p. in. stops at all stations* .returning at 3:53 p. in. Passengers can take 4 oclock train from Romeo arriving in citj at 5 oclock sharp. e ROUND TRIP 25 CENTS. IMPROVED ACCOMMODATIONS.