untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-10


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Catalogues Heady For fill Sales Under management AMERICAN HORSE EXCHANGE LTD. "McGrathiana," "Runny-mede," "Oakwood," "Belle Meade," "Adelbert," "Avondale," "Ellerslie," "Spendthrift," "Bal-gowan," "Ashland," "Daytona," "Annita," "Hartland," "Dixiana Farm." "Mere Hill," "Holmdel," "Kingston," and yearlings of Messrs. C. B. Hawkins, Jack Chinn, S. C. Lyne, G. H. Kidd, S. S. Brown, J. V. Shipp. A. H. fe D. H. Morris, T. H. Shannon, G. H. Miller, J. D. Carr, C. K. Harrison, J. B. Castleman, Wood Bros., Hughes and Co., J. B. Ewing, J. S. Stark and others. Address F. M. WARE, 1634 BROADWAY, - - NEW YORK. LAKESIDE ! Today our advertised 15 to 1 shot starts and as ! it will GET ALL THE MONEY HOW CAN YOU i FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Remember the price 15 to 1. SATURDAY our two specials will be ready at our office at 9 a.m. Also the winner of the Calumet Stakes, one mile, for three-year-olds and upward. Tomorrow we will bo in a position to give our clients an 8 to I chance. SUBSCRIBE WITH Us AND BE A WINNER. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU, Roobq and06 Inter Ocean Bldg., Chicago, 111. TERMS: .00 PER DAY. .00 WEEKLY. Selections ready 9 a.m. Wired 10 a.m. 30 TO 1....PILGRIMS....30 TO 1 Journeying to Lakeside TODAY, you will find it to your advantage co call on us and secure our two SENSATIONAL good things that will be sprung on the unsuspecting public TODAY. One will be at 30 to 1 or better. Barring accidents, both will deliver the goods. .00 DAILY: .00 WEEKLY. CHICAGO TURF ADVISORY CO., Room 707, 225 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. 2-WINNERS GUARANTEED-2 BY THE AMERICAN HANDIC tlPERS. Two specials tomorrow at Lakeside. Selections given by our lato San Francisco expert, who sent us over half the winners there this winter. Records convince. Terms 50 cents daily, .00 weekly. Ready or wired at 10 a.m. REYNOLDS and CO., 78, 125 CLARK ST. Absolutely no connection with any other so-called American Handicapper Reynolds. ONLY AND OLDEST. RtfCE TRACK INTORMATION I5URC3U Rooms 500-502-504 Kovlxton Building, 263 Dearborn St. HANDICAP ON ALL RACES. .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY. READY AT 9 A.M. ! ! Race Track SEES*™0* 500-502-504, 263 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. WINNERS AT LAKESIDE. TOMORROW A PIPPIN AT LAKESIDE as good as 30 to 1 or better. If you get our information you will SURELY get the money. Also two good things at Morris Park and Louisville at big odds. "Remember its no guess with us." I Telegrams ready at 10 a.m. weekly, daily. I jTurf Information Association I Suite 303, 185 Dearborn St., Chicago. Tun Exchange at Romeo. Commissions on Morris Park and Louisville Races. Special trains on Santa Fe R. R. leavps Polk Street Depot at 12:20 p. m. and 1:35 stopping at Halsted Street and Ashland Avenue. p. m., Specials return at 5 p. m. and after last San Francisco race. Regular train at 1 p. m. stops at all stations, returning nt 3:" 3 p. m. Passengers can take 4 oclock train from Romeo, arriving in cit at 5 oclock sharp. ROUND TRIP 25 CENTS. IMPROVED ACCOMMODATIONS,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900051001/drf1900051001_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1900051001_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800