Lakeside Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-16


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] i i i LAKESIDE FORM CHART. RORY, 1M ., Kay 15.— Fifth day. Lakeside Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather cloudy; track fast. Presiding Jridge. A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing sj arts at 2:15 p. m. r7Q~-j rr FIRST EACE— 8-4 Mile. Purse 00. £75 to second; 5 to third. |_0 i i 3-year-olda. Selluwr. ■__ !nd AWt St H : S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 16277 Ml N UN 102 li 3" 32 2- 1" L Rose J F Newman 30 30 20 20 1579and3JOHN GRIGSBY 107 2» 6* 5«* Vi 2H T Knight J B Respass 4 4 4 4 17770 INNOVATOR 104 1 * 4. 4" 8" 31 M Bergen L H Ezell 8 8 8 8 17781 WATER WICK 101 101 7**62 4» 4+ J Martin Carther**Sbields5 6 5 6 17769 LOUISVILLE 102 71 M W 7" 5J McGann C E Mahone and Co 10 12 10 12 17750 IZNIK 104 4« 21 U 5" «3 E Ross H T Griffin 7 8 7 8 17770 LYDIA S. 102 H 1" 7 8 7 I Waterbury H A Cotton 100 100 100 100 17751 SOEI.EL ROSE 102 13 131 10- 102 8 Flick H Gwynn ct Co 30 40 30 40 17768 ODEA 104 12 81 8»«1» .»- W Lyons Morse and Patterson30 50 30 50 15627 DAISY O. 102 11 112 111 ill 101 Seaton James Curl 30 50 30 50 177692[NSURRECTlON 102 17 14 12112-11- Moody Mrs P M Civill 6 6 6 6 176392ROUND O. 10114 10- 14 13 121 W Jones W H Laird 15 20 15 20 16500 CHAMBERLATN 107 M 16 1". 19 13 Enos A Johnson 30 50 30 50 17770 SALLIE REGENT 102 16 17 16 16 14 Bradford J A Malo 150 150 150 150 17751 CHEESESTRAW 102 54 5! t** 6 15 Kulm G M Street and Co 8 10 8 10 17567 NULLAH 102 15 15 17 17 16 R Narvaez L D Frazee 6 6 6 6 17502 AL CASKEY 104 8 121 13- 14 17 Silvers Wood Hoffman 2 U SM 13-5 Time, 12, 241, 49i, 1 :02i, 1 :151. Winner— Ch. f, by Rancocas — Heeley. Went to post at 2:15. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won driving and out to the last ounce. There was a lot of action behind the winnes. Minyon was roughly ridden and won a lucky race. At the head of the stretch the filly seemed beaten, and when Rose began to drive her she darted to the inside and interfered with everything near her. John Grigsby was best and only carelessness on Knight s part cost him the race. At the eighth post Grigsby had everything beaten, but was evidently a trifle short and when Knight let up on him he stopped. Innovator was jns4 starting through at the head of the stretch when Minyon swerved and he was sharply interfered with. Bergen lodged a claim of foul, but it was not allowed. In the jam that Rose caused at the head of the stretch both Iznik and Cheesestraw came near going down. Kuhn had to pull the latter to a standstill to avoid an accident. Waterwick ran a good, game race. Lydia S. broke running and showed a flash of speed early. Al Caskey was jumped on going down the backstretch and Silvers pulled him up. Scratched— 17020 Tildee, 102. Minyon, place, 8 to 1 ; show. 4 to 1. John Grigsby. place. 8 to 5 : show. 3 to 5 Innovator, show, 3 to 2. AI Caskey. place, evens; show. 1 to 2. ITU 1 Q SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second : 5 to third.-I Q J O _ 2-year-olds. Allowances. Imd Horses AWt St 4 5., StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L G 17752THECUBANG1RL10S 11 12 15 13 ii* T Knight Robert Miller T-MT-KB-S 8-t 17755 LIL. PANTLAND 108 tn SUB 2+ b R Narvaez ST Gaines and Bro 8-5 2 8-5 2 17563-CINERA lu2 31 4~" 4- 4- **» Newcom H T Griffin 4 4 4 4 FR1DOLIN 102 5 3* 8* U 4s H Stuart G W Scott 20 50 20 50 DONNA BELLA 105 4- 5 5 5 5 E Ross W H Jackson Jr 10 20 10 20 Time. 115.24, 36, 49, 551. Winner— Br. f, by Strathmore— Lavina. Went to post at 2:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second, third and fourth were driving to the limit. The Cuban Girl outclassed her field and is a good filly. She took the shortest route, was never extended and made the others look cheap. Lillie Pantland ran her best race. She was fully extended trying to catch The Cuban Girl in the first half, and this naturally made her tire at the end. She hung on gamely under punishment, and just did last long enough to hold second place. Both Cinera and Fridolin ran well. The latter bore out at the head of the stretch and carried Cinera wide with her. The pair finished on the extreme outside underneath the judges* stand. Overweights— Donna Bella, 3 pounds. The Cuban Girl, place, out. Lillie Pantland, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Cinera. show. out. TTW 1 Ci THIRD RACE -1 1-10 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. I O J. fjf 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses AWtSt~and K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L~C~ 17783 MALAY 4 107 5h 3»* 32 2* 11 1" Enos H E Rowell 6 8 68 17753 EVA RIPE 5 106 6" *» 1« V- 2»« 2 PMDrmttC K Burdeau 5 5 5 5 17782 STRANGEST 4 107 3« 4» 4i 5- 4*- 32 J Miller J H Smith 21 3 21 3 17503 JIMP 4 107 21 521 5« 65 6r- 4" R Narvaez H Robinson 6 7 6 7 177822TOPMAST 7 111 «n •? 6» 4! 31 N J Martin CarthersandShields7-107-107-107-10 17801 HOLDUP 4 104 l" HI 21 3H 5- 6 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 30 50 30 50 17753 DONNA RITA 6 106 777777 Bradford T Licalzi 30 50 30 50 Time. 12i, 25, 501. 1:151, 1:415, 1:481. Winner— Br. g, by Pirate of Penzance— Miss Thomas. Went to post at 3 :25. Off at the first break to a good start. Won in a long, hard drive of two; third, fourth and fifth were driving also. Malay was well ridden and ran a cracking good race. He was tiring badly at the end and won through sheer gamencss. The gelding ran as if a trifle short and should improve from this race. Eva Rice is at her best now, and under a poorly judged ride ran a fine race. Had McDermott saved the filly during the early part of the journey and made his run through the stretch, he would have won. Strangest skinned the rails on the stretch turn, thereby saving much ground and finished with a tremendous rush. Jimp was right there and can be marked for early action. Martin was hardly strong enough to do Topmast justice. The boy took the longest route, too. In future form calculations Topmasts race can b*» thrown out. Holdup showed some speed. Donna Rita was pinched off on the first turn, but after that ran as if stale. Malay, place, 3 to 1 ; show. 6 to 5. Eva Rice, place, 2 to 1 ; show, 4 to 5. Strangest, show, out. 1rO»/ FOURTH RACE— 5 l-Z Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to thir L I O £iJ 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St "4 H~X~StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17785*ST. CUTHBERT 5 107 71 1" 124 12114 Enos H E Rowell 21 3 24 3 17780 PAULINE J. 4 99 11 21 2* 2H 25 Flick E C Brown and Co 6 6 6 6 17296ORION 6 104 41 105 82 62 3* E Ross A Simons 15 15 15 15 17750 RIVAL DARE 4 105 51 4*" 4» 3"" 4U J Cook Bolich and Co 15 15 10 10 13711 OLD SAUGUS 7 104 101 82 92 8*k 51 L Rose James Dunne 10 10 8 8 17785 FREE HAND 4 99 9" 71 5" SI 6U R Narvaez S S Bender 21 3 21 3 17236 TENOLE _ 6 109 3"" % $ 4 p W Dean John Kennedy 10 10 10 10 14114 LUC. BRAMBLE 4 99 6»* 6U 7i 71 81 T Knight John Brenock 3 3 3 8 17802 PAPA HARRY 5 104 8*« 9iilOM10i 95 Waterbury H A Cotton 30 100 30 100 15725 DUTY 4 108 2» 55 61 i 91 10- H Wilson H Howard and Co 30 30 SO 30 16942 TINKLER 5 104 111 1U 112 ID 111 J Miller A Willis 50 50 50 50 8603 MONEY BACK 4 99 14 13 12 121 12* Weir L H Johnson 100 100 100 100 17780 CHERRY ROSE 5 102 13 14 14 132 13* McCann J H Kintz 100 100 60 60 13360 CLINTON PARK 5 104 12 122 132 14 14 Hopkins P J Goebel and Co 100 100 108 100 i 17773 LA PRINCESSA 6 102 Left at the post. Kuhn Bryan and Burline 20 30 20 30 Time, 12. 24, 36i, 49, 1 :01i, 1 :08. Whinner— Ch. g, by St. Carlo— Santa Cruz. Went to post at 3 :55. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easing up. The next two were driving hard. St. Cuthbert was the be6t and in a soft spot. He got away well, had clear sailing and won like a good sprinter. Pauline J. ran her best but was out to the last ounce and tiring badly at the finish. Orion made up ground throughout and ran a fine race. Rival Dare was right there. Mark Old Saugus for early action, he was running over horses at the end and is ready. Free Hand got away in a tangle and was much used in getting up. She looked dangerous on the stretch turn but her early effort told on her and she hung in the run hone. Tenole showed speed but was probably short. La Princessa wheeled just as the barrier went up and was left. Scratched— 17495 Scottish Grit. 101; 17784 Nairete, 107; 15302 Menelek, 104; 11827 Leoncie 105-16192- Refugee, 104: 17801 Evelyn Byrd, 99. Overweights— Tenole, 5 pounds. St. Cuthbert. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Pauline J., place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Orion, show, 3 to 1. Free Hand, place. 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. Lucille Bramble, place. 6 to 5; show. 1 to 2. 1~~H 4J k 1 FIFTHRACELlFurloiijrs. Purse 00. 5 to seclmdTTothird I O jmJ X 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. fnd Horses A Wt St % V» % STrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17780--OCONNELL 9 113 2» 2" li 1** Hi Flick J J Baron* Co 3 3 7-5 7-5 17750 ABE FURST 6 116 8 5" 4*» 3* 2* T Kuight J B Respass 2 11-52 11-5 17785 KNG CARNIVAL4 113 54 Si 5i 41 3»* J Martin CVthersASbields 6 8 6 8 177S5-M AGGIE DAVIS 4 102 7» 7i 2» 2» 4 W Waldo W M Sloan 2 11-82 11-5 17784 BR CLARE 5 108 4« 6« 71" 61 5U E Ross A B Watts 4 7 4 7 17784 JIM GORE II. 5 107 U 15 6U 51 6- Silvers G W Poole and Co 10 15 10 12 16248SAN xMATEO 6 104 6" 4» 3i 7- 72 H Stuart G W Scott 20 20 0 " 0 17784-MISS ROSS 7 102 3" 8 8 8 8 Newcom W R Griffin 15 20 15 50 Time. 12, 24, 48i. 1 :01, 1 :075. Winner— Ch. g, by Harry OFallon— May Kennedy. Went to post at 4 :30. At post 17 minutes. Start good. Won with ease. The next three were driving to the limit. OConnell is at his best and he made his field look cheap. He 6imply ran unextended under a stout prill all the way and at the end was pricking his ears. Abe Fur-t was away poorly, had bad racing luck and barely got up in time to get second place. King Carnival feU in one of the breakaways at the post and ran away about a mile before he jumped the fence and wa6 caught. This considered, he ran a cracking good race. Maggie Davis was taken all around her field on the far turn and was worn out in trying to keep up with OConuell. Ro6s had bad luck with Brulare. He was cut off about a half dozen times and rode a poor race generally. Jim Gore 1 1. shot his bolt early. San Mateo showed speed but stopped as if short. Watch him. Ho is a shifty sprinter. Scratched— 17622 Racebud, 99; 17785 Braw Lad, 113; 17785Dr. Walmsley, 116; 17784Mid-light, °*,.±iu 108; 17464 Meddler, 110. OConnell, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Abe Furst. place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 2. King Carnival show, 3 to 2. Maggie Davis, place. 4 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. r7 Q 6 fc SlXTHRACE-1-2 Mile. Purse $.100." 5~to second ; 5 to third. " I O £ £ 2-year-olds. SeUing. lnd HorseB A Wt St 34 li U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17752 CORA GOETZ 105 li * Vi li li E Ross Goetz and Co 4 6 4 — 6 — KID COX 105 6i 3* » 2* L Rose G B Watkins 5 5 4 4 17772 GIBSON GIRL 105 34 4* 32 3* T Knight J J Marklein 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 17781 NANCY B. 105 2" 0 42 4 H Wilson R H Anderson 4 8 4 8 17772 THE BR. DEMON 105 5n Vi 5* M J Miller J H Smith 6 6 6 6 17772 JANOWOOD 105 74 5" 62 62 Newcom H T Grifiin vo M M o0 MM. BUTTERFLY 105 9-» 72 714 7* Silvers E Brown fc Co 6 10 6 10 17141 SKI PWITH 108 84 92 94 84 R Narvaez P J Miles 4 6 4 6 WATER ALONE 105 44 8$ 82 91 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 20 40 -0 40 17752 NETTIE B. 109 10 10 10 10 W Dean G W Poole and Co 5 15 5 S Time, 12, 24, 36i. 494. Winner— B. f, by Bend Or— Venue. Went to post at 5:20. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won driving to the limit ; second and third were doing their best. Cora Goetz is a rattle headed filly and won an extremely lucky race. Ross beat the barrier but after that had his own troubles. The filly tried her beat to run out and nearly succeeded in the stretch, where Ross had to whip her over the head to keep her in. Kid Cos has worked well and he made a good . bowing. Had he got the same kind of a send-off that Cora Goetz had he would have won. Gibson Girl does not amount to much. Nancy B ran a fair race. The Bronze Demon had bad racing luck. Scratched— 17799 Jungle, 105. Overweights— Nettie B.. 4 pounds. Cora Goetz. place. 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Kid Cox, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Gibson Girl place, out.

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