untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-16


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REMEMBER Our Long Shot Starts Today. IT WILL BE 15 to 1 OR BETTER. Call and get our specials. They are the best and a trial wdl convince you. THURSDAY another one that will be a PIPPIN. Todays long shot will be stable information proven by handicap figures. .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Turf Information Association 303, 185 DEARBORN STREKT. Er-NOTB-WE MAKE A SPEC1VLTY OF TELEGRAPHING SELECTIONS OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO. TELEGRAMS WIRED 10 M 15 TO 1. 15 TO 1. ulcain. First Whip, lldrim. His Royal Highness, Maiden, Firearm, winners at Morris Park. Four out of six at Lakeside and Merry Day* Nam and Trelawny at Louisville. Thursday the winner of the Inaugural— 10 to 30 to 1 .00 FOR THREE DAYS. .00 miLV RACE TRACK INFORMATION lUiRKAU 500-50i-504, 2G3 Dearborn Slr.-.t. Tel. Harrison 1580. CHICAGO. For Sale-DorYt Care By IMP. GALORE-MINERVA: First dam Maudina, ,tw Imp. Australian; Second dam Imp. Maud, by Stockwell. DONT CARF ■"■•wy stallion Lwn I rlL, .. 5 KARS OLD. ,. Horse is 16 hands high and a stake winner. APPLY S. S. BENDER, ROBY, 1ND.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900051601/drf1900051601_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1900051601_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800