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oAY ! ! I DO YOU KNOW. SPITl SUITiniERFIELD IS PRESIDENT of the DEARBORN TAILORING CO., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From $ 1 5.00 Lip Trousers .00 Up WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB. Sam Summerfield, SJftSSSr:: C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. CARD FRIDAY, MAY 18 67TH CONTINUOUS WEEK. Hilly Kendall, Chicago, vs. Frank Brown, Chicago. 105. Martin Duffy, Chicago, vs. Adam Ryan, Philadelphia,133. Walter Nolan, Chicago, vs. Lew Mansfield, Chicago, 145. Jim Adams Omaha, vs. Tom Dixon The Iron Man, Marion. 111., Heavy weights. WIND-UP— Harry Harris, Chicago, vs. Morris Rauch, Chicago, 115. Catalogues Ready For Ril Sales Under management AMERICAN HORSE EXCHANGE LTD. "McGrathiana," "Runny-mede," "Oakwood," "Belle Meade," "Adelbert," "Avondale," "Ellerslie," "Spendthrift," "Bal-gowan," "Ashland," "Daytona," "Anuita," "Hartland," "Dixiana Farm." "Mere Hill," "Holmdel," "Kingston," and yearlings of Messrs. C. B. Hawkins. Jack Chinn, S. C. Lyne, G. H. Kidd. S. S. Brown, J. V. Shipp. A. H, fc D. H. Morris, T. H. Shannon, G. H. Miller, J. D. Carr, C. K. Harrison, J. B. Castleman, Wood Bros., Hughes and Co., J. B. Ewing, J. S. Stark and others. Address F. m. warp:, 1634 BROADWAY, - - NEW YORK. TODAV TODAV At Lakeside we will be able _ to furnish our clients with a long shot that will win sure barring accident. We will also be able to furnish two extra good ones on SATURDAY. Telegraphed to any part of United States by noon. .00 WEEKLY OR .00 DAILY. American Horsemens Agency, Suite 516. 167 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 10 TO 30 TO 1. This good thing has been in special training to win this particular race for five weeks. SI RE ONE AT 8 TO 1 FRIDAY. .00 daily. .00 for three days. TRY US ONCE and be con-vinced. ONLY AND OLDEST. Race Track br0SATI0N 500-503-504, 2«3 Dearborn Street, Tel. Harrison 158Q. CHICAGO. YELLOW TAIL. We do not advertise that we HAVE the winner of the Inaugural, but we do advertise HIS NAME, WHAT NO OTHER TURF BUREAU DARE DO. We gave the winner of the Kentucky Derby three days before the race. ALSO 20 to 1 SHOT TODAY. .00 DAILY. Turf Information Association 303, 185 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO. ; GET IN LINK. Ready TODAY. Our 15 to 1 shot ON TAP three weeks is ready and will be cut loose TODAY. Two other good things at GOOD ODDS. At ST. LOUIS FRIDAY a 20 to 1 chance. Sub-i scribe for it. A grand chance. Wired or ready 10 a.m. .00 DAILY. $: .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 1 i ■ i i I 3 to 1. .TODAV. .3 to 1 It will be 3 to 1 and will WIN SURE. We mean business. If it fails to win your money refunded or two days selections FREE. Our special in second Lakeside today. Two specials at St. Louis today, one the winner of the Inaugural Handicap. Speculators should get our 5 to 1 at Morris Park today. Terms .00 per day, .00 weekly. Special attention paid to mailorders. Wired daily at 10 a.m. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU, Room 506 Inter Ocean Building. N. W. Cor. Madison and Dearborn Sts. Chicago*