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HAHTHOKNES STAKE DATES. Condition books were i-sued yesterday for the spring meeting at Hawthorne, which opens the regular racing 6easou in Chicago, beginning a week from tomorrow. There will be eleven days of racing, opening on May 28th and closing on June 8th. During this time seven stake events will be run. the dates for the various fixtures l eing as follows : Flight Stakes— Monday, May 28. Hawthorne Handicap— Wednesday. May 30. Test Stakes— Thursday, May 31. Speculation Stakes — Saturday, June 2. Juvenile Stakes — Monday, June 4. June Stake- Wednesday, June 6. Hawthorne Stakes— Friday, June 8. Six races will be given each day, the purse events being for 00 each. Steeplechases will be given three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A number of distance races are also carded, the longest being at a mile and three furlongs. This feature will be extended as t ho season advances and the horses become accustomed to going a route. , Earnshaw Brop." stable, including Einstein . . and Harry Thoburn. arrived at Hawthorne yesterday. A. M. Linnell also got in with a lot of jumpers, among which is the well-known fencer. Viking. W. K. Levering, a business man at Baltimore, has notified secretary Letcher that he has bought a ~trong string of jumpers and will be at Hawthorne with them in a few days. In a private letter to Manager McEvoy. "Hop.-" Laudeman writes that Goodrich and Medford. two of his best bread winners, have broken down and must be retired. Laudeman also states that W. H. May Ac Son have decided to give Chicago the go-by for a time and will ship all their horses, including Avenstoke. Ed Tipton. The Rush, Ep, Bob Baker, and Otis Harlan, to Brighton Beach. They think the influx of good horses to Chicago this summer will make the game too strong here, and they w ill try their fortunes in the east. Ed Bradley will ship Piccola and Brigade to Brighton in the same car a ith the May stable.