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SERRANO SOLD. The horses composing the stable of Tomlinson and Co. were disposed of at auction at Washington Park yesterday, Woodard and Shanklin conducting the sale. Serrano was the star of the sale but did not by any means bring his value if he trains on soundly. Cherry Leaf was withdrawn because of lameness. The summary is: Serrano, ch. h, 6, by Fonso — Janet ; R. Respa8s ,100 Commander.!, c, 2. by Leonatus— Nettie Howell: T. H.Ryan 700 Bicor. ch. c. 3. by King Lee — Lady Trap- pist; C. R. Ellis 575 Quarter Back, h. c. 2. by Leonatus— Princess Limo; Mrs. M. J. Smitli 310 Auster. b. c, 3, by Candlemas — Alberta : H. P. Kane 200 American Pride, b. c. 2. by Spendthrift-Vanity Fair ; J. H. Smith 80 Walworth, b. c. 3, by Wadsworth — Wary; A. N. Martin 50 Total ,015 Average 30.71