untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-07-27


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AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1900 contains all racing records at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1899 ; four handicapping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the west ern and eastern scales of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1899 of any conse quence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2:15 trotters of 1899. Also a complete reoord of performances at all styles of billiards, together with scores of all the important matches and tournaments of 18V9 ALL THE TURF NEWS PERFECTLY EDITED.. Daily Racing Form. FORM SHEETS AND ENTRIES EXPERTLY INDEXED. TELEGRAPHIC, CORRECT, CONCISE, COMELY. TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY. ALL TRACKS ARE FULLY REPORTED Off Our Own Presses Before the Chicago Dailies, vo «x « Official Organ of the American Turf Congress. SUBSCRIPTION PRICKS : One Month Six Months - - .25 - • .50 One Year ■ - 4.00 SENT AS TIRST-CLASS HAIL— A LCTTCR— IN PLAIN CNVCLOPCS. 124-126 Pifth Avenue. Chicago, III. Woodlands Stud 15 MILES FROM SI. LOUIS ON THE WABASH. BARNEY SCHREIBERS MODEL FARM. THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. Foul Shot, By Musket-Slander. 2 Ithuriel Touchstone, by Camel. "J 2 f Longbow i Verbena, by Velociped. o _ sire of Pen de Join. Misb Bowe ] Catton, by Golumpus. _ f and TranbyB dam, by Orville. « S Pantaloon J Castrel. by Bnzzard. m O B I Legerdemain, Cearwitch . i Idalia, by Peruvian. S "_ ■* Decoy ; Filho-da-Puta,by Hphurd • i Sfj t Finesse, by Peruvian. Z f£ u « Melbourne Humphrey Clinker, byCmui £ 5"° fWest Australian Cervantes mare. _ _• ££ Derby and St. Leger .. Mowerina Touchstone, by Camel. _ S lm S ] Emma, by WhiBker. 3 2 2fl Camel Whalebone, by Waxy, n a ,5 -■ I Brown Bess i Belim mare. h «e Daughter of Brutandorf. by Blacklock.l tt i MrB.CrickshnkBjbyWlbck W - Canteen j Waxy Pope, by Waxy. - f Calendar Imported i J Castania, by Johanna. S a Hambletonia 1 Stamford, byPleniptentiary -Si Harmonica, byHmbletnian H f g Tros Imported Priam, by Emilias. O « .Cassandra Ally, by Partisan, 50 ,. U Alice Grey •RonsKmigrant, by Pioneer m • »Gulnare, byYoungGohanna J Lai . The Colonel Whisker, by Waxy. P « r fCap-a-pie Imported Delpini mare. O ■ p Sister to Caotui Sultan, by Selim. * _[ ] Duchess of York, by Waxy, ._ Dover Touchstone. £ .Pell Brand 1 Verbose. g Sophie Wlhinda. 1 Bailie Brail. •Importel. Barney SDhreiDer,1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900072701/drf1900072701_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1900072701_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800