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HARLEM FORM CHART. ! HIOAQO, ILL., August 8.— Third day. Harlem Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. - Weather clear; track fast. al _ _ ■ • — s Preriding Judge. A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing begins at 2:15 p. m. , j 1. I |i* rf FIRST RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. l»Ou« 2-year-olds. Maideus. Fillies. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St K K § StrFin Jockeys" Owners O H L C 19773 NATURAL GAS 102 74 **it* 1" L Rose Mrs G H Miller 15 20 15 20 REIN DEL CELIA106 8vt l»l l4 2* Bassinger Chinn and Forsythe 12 12 10 10 S 1%98 TOOTSIE GREEN 115 1* V 6- I- W Dean H T Griffin 8 12 8 12 19563 ESTHER R1GGS 115 9" Mi 7f 4 4 Kuhn Ward A; whitman 8 H 8 15 L FORT TELLER 106 6" 6- t* 51 J WiukfieldW S Barnes 6 8 6 8 19471 RUSTIC GIRL 106 1C» SI IH 6- Southard E R Rodgers k Col2 30 12 30 19773 IDA V 109 2" 8- 82 1* Herting J E Cushing 20 50 20 50 19698 ELLIS GLENN 106 11 4; 9- 82 Tally John Huffman 24 24 11-5115 _ 19698 M1NTVRA 115 12 11 5 1 91 Alexander James GriffinandCol2 20 12 20 19906 ELDRED 104 4« 9*10-10- PMDenut Charles Goetz 3 4 3 4 19661 VAN NE HI 106 13 12 11 113 Tully B B Burnett 20 30 20 30 PT96 I.AMINCO 106 5« 13 12 12+ Dupee H Ward 20 40 20 40 [ 18024 LAD SEABROOK 106 3h IN 13 13 T Knight J B ReBpass 6 10 6 10 1 Time. 12, 231.484,55. 1 Wiimer-Ch. f by Lamplight-r-Flyaway. Went to post at 2:15. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won driving to the limit. Thenextnve 1 were also under keen pressure. Natural Gas ran a game race, and standing a terrific drive all through the last quarter barely got up in time to win. Reina del Celia showed a fine turn of ■ 1 *peed and. considering it was her first appearance, she made a grand showing. Tootsie Green I 1 made up a lot of ground in the stretch. Esther Riggs ran a good race. Neither Ellis Glenn nor 1 Eldred was ever promiuent. Lady Fortune Teller will improve with racing. 1 Scratched— 19293 Wampago. 106. Overweights— Ida V . I pounds: Eldred. 2 Natural Gat- place. * to 1 : show. S io 1. Reina del Celia. place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Tootsie 1 Green, show, 24 to 1. Elli Glenu, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. Eldred. place. 8 to 5: show. 4 to 5. i 1 AQ 1 f SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. j At*0~r 3-ynar-olds and upward. Allowances. , Ind Horses A Wt St ht tt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1 19? 64 ROSA DIAH 3 100 84 1« 1* •* 1* Buchanan C B Campbell 12 12 10 10 t 1962L EMMA R. 3 96 2h 2*« 2n« 3- 2 4 T Knight J Brenock 5 5 44 44 1 569 MINYON 3 102 :» 3* 3 2 " 3* L Rose J F Newman 3 18-53 18-5 J 1%00 CARL C 4 107 74 64 85 tm 44 Dupee T G Calvert 8 8 8 8 1977U O CONNELL 9 105 14 124 1-4 14 B" W Jones J J Barron and Co 6 6 5 5 194551DUTY 4 99 34 IU 924 72 62 Bassinger HBowardandCo 30 30 30 30 19472 CORA HAYILL 114 99 64 5» M 64 71 Grimes G B Havill 50 80 50 80 19423 ALFRED C. 3 97 4--* Pi 724 92 814 J OConnor J Brennan 50 100 50 100 I 19697 TROUBALINE 3 92 104 •« 6« 8« 9i Tally Y H Raiuey 15 16 15 16 j 1969V A 8E TI 3 100 12 7"«11 103 105 Tully 8 B Burnett 20 30 20 30 19564 TREMBLE 3 92 114 12 102 112 Ho H Stuart C Volini 20 25 20 25 19016 DR. WALM8LEY6 111 94 102 12 12 12 J WinkfieldH Robinson 34 4 34 4 Time. 12, 231. 48i. 1:13V , Winner— Ch. f. by Belvidere— Rose. , , , Went to post at 2:55. At post 4 minutes. Start good. ,„.,,., Won cleverly at the end after an early drive; second and third were driving and staggering. Rosa Diah was best ridden and came away finely at the end. Emma R. was ridden with poor judgment. Had Knight saved her in the 1 first part of the race instead of chasing after OConnell he porhaps would have won. Minyon ran 1 one of her good races and was right there all the way. Mark Carl C. for early action. He finished with a tremendous rush after having all kinds of bad racing luck. O Connell acted like a 1 two-year-old. He ran a fast half, then gave it up. Dr. Walmsley was jammed into the fence by Alfred C. when going down the backstretch and had two of his ribs broken. Duty ran a fair race. • . Overweights— Carl C. 3 pounds. Rosa Diah, place. 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Emma R., place. 2 to 1 : show, evens. Minyon, show, • 3 to 5. Dr. Walmsley. place. 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. , -• f~VQ A "I THIRD RACE— Short Course. Purse700. 5 to second ; 5 to third. ± V/0"T X 4-year-olds and upward. Allowpces Steeplechase. Ind Horses A Wt St 2 5 7 9 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1 19771 IGLOBE 1 1~. 5 160 2" 4 32 3* 14 14 14 Eggerson John Brenock 6-5 3-2 1 7-5 19771 P PARTOUT4 138 1" C l1 1* IH V 2" Gallagher R J Laughlin 8-513-5 8-5 13-5 S 197343VIKING 6 130 4 S*« 4 4 4 3- 3- T Murphy A M Linnell 4 5 14-514-5 5 1977PLAST PAST 4 125 3" 224 21" 23 3+ 4 4 M Weber John A Malo 10 13 10 12 Time. 3:34. Winner— Br. g. by Little Minch— Gwendoline. . Went to post at 3:20. Off at the second break to a good start. Won handily: second driven a out. Globe il. is a rrackerjack at the jumping game, and under a good ride handled his 160 0 pounds finely, lasse Partout showed his usual amount of steed, fenced without making a mistake ,. and did his best. Viking also did his best. Last Past showed a lot of speed and improves , with every race. . Globe II, place, out. Passe Partout, place, out. Viking, place, evens : show, out. Last 1 Past, place, 3 to 1 : show out. __ = -1~?TLy | 4 FOURTH RACK— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to Becond ; 5 to third. ± y 0-J-jw 3-year-olds. Allowances. ind Horses A Wt St k V4 ii StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19733 THE~UN KNOWN 100 24 214 I" " 5 1" Tally T P Hayes 11-207-1011-207-10 197382MITTEN 95 V* f 21 21* 1"» t* T Knight W R Baker and Co 2 24 2 24 lfW DEPONAN 99 4 4 4 4 4 31 4 Tully Keene and Kelly 15 20 15 20 198291 BILL GARRETT 102 34 3" M 3" 3U 4 L Rose F Bellowes and Son 8 8 8 8 Time, 13, 26. C04, laTS1.-,, l:16i, l:41i5. Winner— Blk. c. by Pirate of Penzance— Romana. Went to post at .. :50. Off at the first break to a fair start. Won driving and out to the last it ounce. The other three were also driving. The Unknown was the best, but ran a very poor race e for h.m. Be poorly handled and thrcugh the stretch Tally was more of a hindrance than a a help. Mitten is in good form and ran gamely. Deponan was slipping and sliding about when n the barrier ascended. Bill Garrett sv rved badly under punishment in the stretch. Overweights— Deponan, 2 pounds ; Bill Garrett, 5. The Unknown, place, out. Mitten, place. 1 to 2; show, out. Deponan. place, 3 to 1. Bill Garrett, place. 8 to 5 : show, out. ____ _ I Q FIFTH RACE— 1 Mil«: and 20 Yards. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. r *• 1iU Yj £* -±: fj 3-year-oldB and upp ard. Allowances — lud Horsea A Wt St * V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18982 HANSFORD 3 96 3« 224 2*« 21 Ui 1- Tally H Oots and Co 20 30 20 30 19600 LITTLE LAND 7 106 1" 4* 3« 43 3« 214 Dupee H Yarwig 6 7 6 7 19806 LEAN DO 4 107 7 92 1* 6- 514 3 P McDrmtC E Mahone 4 5 4 5 1886" ;DANDY H. 4 107 8 52 |m 314 I* 4* Buchanan D P Rodgers and Co8 15 8 15 19701 HOSI 5 106 4« 6* 6" 7 7" 5 L Rose Fries and Co 15 25 15 25 19348 EUTERPE 4 102 5" 3*h £• 5i 6* 62 Bassinger Earnsh vBrosandCo8 10 8 10 1878 MARTHA FOX 4 102 91 8» 9, 82 82 72 Tully LewisandMcAllister20 40 20 40 18824 J J T. 4 107 2« | l* 1 2" 82 T Knight J B Respass I 24 I 2 19503 A1LENNA 3 9110 1» 8« W 92 N J Waldo D C Raggio 5 7 5 7 19701 ROSAVANNAH 4 102 11 10- 114 102 102 10U W Jones Mrs H Beinsohn 20 30 20 30 l%- 8 LITTLE BILLY 8 106 64 114 12 11« 11» 11* Southard O H Frank 10 20 10 20 19169 PITFALL 8 108 12 12 10- 12 12 12 Herting E Harding A Co 30 1C0 30 1C0 0 Time. 124, 25. 50, 1 :15, 1 :41. 1 :43-r,. Winner— B. c. by Hanover— Orlie. Went to post at 4 :20. At post 4 minutes Start poor. Won well ,,.■,„ in hand. Hansford * j ran a a surprisingly good race. He was always in a good position and came away without an effort in in the stretch. Little Land ran a good game race for him. Leando as usual came with a terrific Be rush through the stretch and nipped Dandy H. out for third place in the last stride. The latter or ran a creditable race. J. J. T was sent away fly ing and showed a lot of speed but stopped in a a btiide at the head of the stretch. It was a very ordinary lot. Scratched— 19101 Irish Jewel, 93; 19629 Frelinghuysen, 96. Overweights Pitfall, 2 pounds. Hansford, place. 10 to 1 ; show, 4 to 1. Little Laud, place. 24 to 1 : show, evens. Leando. !°- show, evens. J J. T . plbce. evens : show. 1 to 2. — 1 OU4 /i SIXTH TlACE—i 1-8 Miles. Purse . 5 ttTsecoud ; 5 to third. ± *70-r_r ■* year-olds and upward. Selling. — Ind Horaee~ A Wt St 8t fr % X StrFin Jockeys Ownere O H L U 19630-BEN CHANCE3~ 99 44 34 4j 64 7; 2; 1- J Waldo R M Westerfield 6 6 6 6 19738IMACY 6 114 54 V 3214 2. 1 21 Bergen S Lazarus 8-5 2 8-5 2 19701 BARTON 6 111 t» 64 6 7 3 » 3, Dupee Hold and. Schauer 30 30 JO 20 . 19.99 DONATION 7 107 74 72 U Si 4- 44 42 T Knight J T Stewart and Co 34 34 3 I 19738 L. HOFlER 7 112 1 1 1-4 1. 1 5- 5 L Rose J Brenock 6 7 6 7 19702 1C MEADER I 103 2» 8lf Vi S« 6 7- 6 Tull W Jordan and Co 10 12 10 12 8673 CAESAR 5 110 34 42 1* 4» 34 61 V Clay M Godfrey and Co 20 25 20 25 j, ur," KG S GUARD:. 110 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 W Joues J B Nichols and Co 30 100 30 100 Time. 124,25.491. 1:15.. 1:42, 1:554.-,. Winiiei Ch. c. by Chance Belgale. . . .... Went to post at 4:5. Off at the first break to a j,ooil start. Won driviug to the limit; second ud the shiiie. ben Chance it as fame as ■ pebble, and gained inch by inch on Maty all through the he ! - al s j 1. final furlong. Macy is ouly a wreck of his former self, but at that ran a mod race. Bergen hail him in a good position all the way and rode well until it came to a finish, then he was of little help to Macy. Barton was right there and should win soon when in with the same class of horses. Donation did not run his race. Lew Hopper showed a lot of early speed but quit after running about a mile. Clara Meader retired early. Julius Caesar seemed dangerous on the far turn but stopped in the stretch. Scratched— 19735 Clay Poynter. Ill ; 19697 Microscope, 97. Ben Chance, place, 2 to 1 : show, evens. Macy, place. 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. Barton, show, 34 to Donation, place. 6 to 5 ; show. 1 to 2.