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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR, ONT., AnguM 8.— Fifteenth day. Windsor Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear : track fast. PMsidiug Judge. M. N. Macfarlan. Starter, J. J. Holt man. - Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. "1 lS£f* _| FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 1250. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horsw A Wt St hi V4 X "StrFin Jockeys Owners Q~~H~ L C tMMQUIBO 103 l 44 3 I" U J Martin KPShipp 2 2 2 2 19764 PINK CHIP 103 6 214 1 1 81 Ink Nelson i W Innes and Co 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 19521 DR. iRACK 103 S SI 53 IS" H Wilson D V Grace and Co 8 10 8 10 19589 PRENTICE YOUNG 103 7 tji 6 6 4 J Hicks W L Hazelip 6 10 6 8 19i64 MATT1E BAIN Mi I 7 8 7 andl Rallentine C O Conner and Co 15 30 12 20 194t56 YJRiilE DOR 105 2 !■« 41 *»« and Vititoe MnionandConnell *5 7 5 6 19490 MADELINE G. 102 8 8 7 8 74 Folsom MnionandConnell *5 7 5 6 19656 CRESrENT QUEENIOO 1» V 5» 8 Post J Desha 4 4 4 4 •Coupled in betting. Time. 24. ..50. 1:034. Winner -Cli. c, by Riley— Agnetta. Weut to post at 2:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second the same. Martin - kept Qui bo well up to tlie head of the stretch, where he came through and won because best ridden. Nelson was not eual to the occasion with Pine Chip With a better rider up he should , have wen. Dr Jrace came ver strongly at the finish. Crescent yueen showed early speed, but stopped badly at the finish. Overweights- Mattie Bain, 3 pounds; Yirgie dOr, 5: Madeline G., 2. Quibo. place. 4 to 5: show, out Pine Chip, place. 3 to 5; show, out. Dr. Grace, show, 2 to 1. • Crescent Queen, place, 8 to 5 ; show. 4 to 5. 1QQTO SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C HOBtWATEBWLCK «•"» 1 I™ I4 I" 1" U" J Martin CarthrsandShield64-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 1983? MISS HUDSON 15 2 4- 3 2U 2 " 2, H Wilson F P Kidd 12 20 12 20 19833 BOUND O. 1C7 4 5 " 6 ■• 41 34 3 Miller W H Laird 8 15 8 15 19835 • J. V. HAYS 110 5 6* In V 4- 4 Giveus J N Miller and Co 4 6 4 5 19556 STRATHBROECK 110 3 31 4h 5- 5- 5" ERobertsonCrmwellandDodsn3 4 3 4 19421 ALLACOOC HEE 109 7 7 7 7 8* 61" NValentine F Malcolm 30 80 30 60 19801 EUCLA1RE 105 6 V 2» 6 7 7 Wilson E B Clancy 6 10 6 8 Time. 25.49?. 1:15;. 1:434. Winner— Ch. g, by Watercress— Sister Warwick. Went to post at 3:00. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won pulled up; second driving. Waterwick cut Miss Hudson and Strathbroeck off at the start. Martin kept his mount going and opened a big gap. winning as he pleased. Miss Hudson was hard ridden through the last iuarter And secured second place in a hard drive. Round O. swerved in the stretch which prevented him from securing second place. Euclaire quit at the three-eighths post as if she was shot. Overweights -Allacoochee, 2 pounde. Waterwick. place. 2 to 5: show, out. Miss Hudson, place, 6 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Round O., show, 7 to 5. Strathbroeck, place, 8 to 5; show. 4 to 5. 1AO"1 THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 3250. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St hi ij StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19834 Qlh EN VICTORIA 105 I V E* 2* •* silvers Miss N Brvant 3 3 2 2 19764 HORSA 105 2 1h H 14 2 Nelson J W Pangie 7-5 8-5 7-5 3-2 19656 WILLARD J. 100 5 4« t* 3- 314 H Wilson E H Hanna 15 30 15 30 18895 PRETONHS 108 7 64 6" 4- 4- J Lynch Wells and Co 15 40 12 30 19589 ERICSELL 108 1 I* 54 V l* J Kearn J L Smith 2 4 2 3i 1S548 BABE HEWITT 105 6 7 7 7 6* Post P Burke 10 30 10 30 19764 SIDELIGHT 102 4 21 34 64 Jl« Folsom Newman and Co 15 40 12 25 18963 ELLA STEWART 105 8 8 8 8 8 ERbertson Cromwell and Co 10 30 10 20 Time. 25. lOi, 1:034. Winner B. f. by Victory — Nettie B. Went to post at 3:30. At post 18 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second the same. Queen Victoria, well ri-lden by Silvers, had very little trouble in defeating the favorite who ran his race. Willard J was tiring at the end. Ella Stewart acted badly when going to the post and ran away a juarier of a mile in two false breaks. Pretonins. a good-looking colt, was slow at the start but finished strongly and ran as if he wants a distance. Ericsell ran a bad race and can io better. Scratched— 19"89 Tescoco. 10". Overweights— Sidelight. 2 pounds. Queen. Victoria, place. 4 to 5; show. out. Horsa. place, 3 to 5; show, out. Ericsell, place, 7 to ." : show. % to "1. :11k rd J., show. 5 to 1. 110"", FOURTH RACE-1 1-K.Milos. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. ±00 i — Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St ~% % StrFin Jockeys Owners" O H L C 198382 PRINCE ZEN O 5 101 I SI *l 2 2- |h Vititoe T C Dolan 4 7 4 1 19837iKlNGF.LKWOOD7 103 2 2»* V 1- 14 2» EBobert.-onE F Smith 2 24 2 2 198031FANTAS 4 10,", 4 «»« 5 41 34 3 J Hick- WMfdandEverman 3 3 3 3 19693-FANME TAYLOR 4 107 1 5 *»« 5 5 4 Mason Hickey Bros 2 2 7-5 7-5 19*38 TONY HONING 6 104 5 1 1 3 «■■ 5 Kelson Mr- P M Civill 6 10 5 9 Time. 2r.;. 49. 1 :15. 1 :42. 1 :484. Winner— and h, hy Governor Foraker— Lady Crook. Went t post at 4:15. At poet 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Prince Zeno ran well and through Yititoea good riding captured the race in the last struggle. King Elkwood ran ■ ood game race. He stood a hard drive for the last quarter of a mile. Fantasy iy got ip 1 I nne to get third money. Tony Honing s ■: a lively pace for the first six furlongs. Fannie Tayl tr hardly ran her race. Bcratched 19*83 Bequeath, M. Prince Zeno, place, 8 to?. King Elkwood, place, 7 to 10. Fantasy, place, 4 to 5. Fannie Taylor, place No si ow bett i ig. lCiWT* FIFTH RACE— S-4 Mile. Purse 50. ::-year-olds and upward. JL»*0 I O Allowances. lad H A Wt sTu 4 Owners O H L C 1965831 N NOV ATOH 3 102 5 51 4" 1- 1+ Miller L H Ezell I i » 14 19W6EXPELLED 3 105 4 :;. 21 34 2 Nelson M J Malonev 7 5 9-5 7-5 9-5 19T98*TRICNE 1MB 3 IU 11 21 o- Williams S White 3 44 3 4- 19766* BUMMER ft 113 ! 24 M-r 4- Fav J F Holt 8-5 9-5 3-2 8 5 1908OBONNIE MAID 3 M0 1 ft»« H Wilson H Chappell 20 100 20 "0 19756 H CO HOO - 8 81 • 62* 6 « 6i« S Brown G Ovingtou .".0 100 30 100 18319 VOY ». ; FUR 5 109 8 s 7 7 7 Mason Porsy the A Lion 20 100 20 100 15065 NEW WOMAN 4 107 7 7 8 8ft A Hall A Cruise 20 80 20 40 Time 24.. 491, 1:15. Winner— Ch. g, by Riley- Innovation. Went to post at 4 :40. At post lb minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Innovator trailed along well placed to the stretch where Expelled rmcl Triune, who had been racing eacti other hur-i tired, and then came on and won as he pleased. Bummer had a bad rider who was of no iseistance to him whatever. The last four were beaten off. Scratched 19799*8, «,». Ban, 112. Innovator, place, evens ; show, out. Expelled, place. 7 to 10: show, out. Triune, show. I to 5. Bummer, place 4 t«. 5; show. out. TOO"* j SIXTH RACE -7-8 AliTeTTurse 50." 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horset A Wt St H ~U % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L~CT~ " 19768*N"CMBEBLAND 4 110 6 ft* 1»« II 1« In Miller W H Laird 7-5 8-5 7-5 3-2 19799 FLOP 5 102 2 Si? 3- 21 21 2» H Wilson F A Pope IS IS 10 10 19836 ICUSHLA 4 102 4 2 2 M J» Silvers Mrs F Simons andC06 7 6 7 19768 MARG. HA6EMAN4 1M 5 V 444 4 J Hicks H Talbot 7-5857532 1-172-1 OLD FOX 4 102 3 6* 6 W 5« 51 ERobertsonC A Johnson 15 33 12 20 19801 PETER DIRYEA 3 16 8 8 7 5»« 6 V Winkfield F iering 12 20 10 15 19728 SLASHER 5 105 7 7 8 7 7 7 Wilson John Smith 30 60 30 40 19-53 r-HARLKY ESTE9 3 97 9 9 9 9 9 8 Post J Josephson 100 100 60 100 | i 19798 CREFNER 4 109 1 1« 54 8 8 9 Valentine J H Valentine 100 100 60 100 Time, 254, 494,1:16, 1:29. W i:iuer B. g, by Cheviot— Brindisi. Wen to post at 5:15. At post 30 minutes. Start good Won driving, second the same. Northumberland ran his race, stood a hard drive at the finish and only lasted long enough to Etall off Flop, who ran a good race and was finishing strongly. Acushla ran a much improved race. Marguerite Hageman quit in the stretch. Peter Duryea, Old Fox and Charley Estes acted very badly at the post causing a long dela . The latter ran away an eighth of a mile three times. Scratched— 19655 Joe Martin. 106; 19803 The Dauphin, 105; 19838 Sister Alice. 102; 19798 Full Dress, 100. Overweights— Peter Duryea, 4 pounds; Charley Estes, 2: Crefner, 3. Northumberland, place, 1 to 2; show. out. Flop, place, 3 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Acushla, show. evens. Marguerite Hageman, place, 1 to 2; show, out. I