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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., August 8. -Seventy-second day. St. Lonis Fair Association. Summer t Meeting. Weather clear; track fasi. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Marphy. Starter, William Brnen. Racing: starts at 2:90 p. m. IQftlni FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St i4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19712 IRIS 4 105 S 3" 31 22 1- J Woods J A Martin 6 8 5 7 19689 DIGGS 8 110 11 10« 81 6 2" Hinkey James Arthur 34 44 24 4 19608 RUBY RILEY 4 105 2 5J 51 4 3" Dale H Thomas 7 8 4 4 19549 BRIGHT IE B* 5 105 7 61 64 5" 44 J T Woods W Hera rd 12 15 10 12 19610 ELNOR HOLMES5 105 4 P 9 7h 51 Corner L J Haas 5 8 5 6 19581 PERCY R. 5 107 5 7" 74 81 6* L Jackson E B Kinder E0 50 30 40 19608 AUNT MARY 6 105 1 1« U 1h 71 E Mathews OBrien AWernertlO 10 6 6 19741 REGATTA 5 105 10 94 10" 92 81 Morse FosterandBrumfieldlO 12 10 10 19545 WHISPER LOW 4 105 9 IP 11* 10« 9» Fallehey G W Curtis tO f.0 20 30 19220 BONAQUA 4 107 6 2« V 34 Id Gilmore P J Kelly 15 30 12 20 19821 VERY L.1GHT 4 105 8 42 4« 112 U» Dominick M S Hughes 12 20 10 15 19411 TITUS 4 107 12 12 12 12 12 McGinn George J Long 60 100 40 60 Time, 12i,24,,49i, 1:03, 1:16. Winner— Br. f, by Kingston— Flutter. Went to post at 2 :35. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Iris was the best of a poor lot and won without much trouble. Diggs closed up a lot of ground and could not get thiough in the first part of the race. Ruby Riley ran well and finished strongly. Brightie 1 B. wants a softer track. Percy R. stumbled at the far turn. Overweights— Diggs, 3 pounds. 1 ris, place, 24 to 1; show, 7 to 5. Diggs, place, 7 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Ruby Riley, show, 4 to 5. 1 Q|_ ± SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. md Horses A Wt St f-» and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 197402W1LD PlRATE 118 2 2» 43 3 1U J Woods J S OBrien 8-5 2 8-5 2 1979DOBIA 110 4 31 24 23 21 Dominick George J Long 13-107-51 6-5 197913 WALL 106 5 6 6 44 3* Gilmore W W Darden 5 54 4 5 19740 GEO. W.JENKINS 109 6 5" 54 5* 4* J T Woods J F Schorr 6 12 6 10 19578 BIRDIE bTONE 106 1 I* 31 1" 513 Corner Keith and Patton 30 60 30 50 REACHER 102 3 1U 114 6 6 Morse S N Lambertson 10 20 10 15 Time, 12, 244, 49i, 1 .-01s, 1 :08.. Winner— Br. c, by Pirate of Penzance— Right Wild. Went to post at 3:07. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Wild Pirate ran a fine race, was at his best today and finished strongly. Obia weakened in the last I sixteenth and hardly ran his race. Wall closed with a rush. George W. Jenkins is best on a soft t track, as also is Birdie Stone. Readier showed early speed. Overweights— Readier, 2 pounds. Wild Pirate, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Obia, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Wall, show, 2 to 5. 1QR17 THIRD RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind HorseT ~ A Wt St St %. H % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19713 BR1DGETON 7 103 4 4» 4« P 31 24 1U J Woods Thomas Hums 11-511-52 2 197«63 jRRl» 3 90 5 5* 1*1 11 1*4 1* 25 Dominick T H Stevens 6 8 6 8 19713 RANSOM 8 103 1 1" 1»* 34 53 43 3 H Dale O W Boardman 20 25 15 25 U9786CHORUSBOY4 103 2 21 53 2™ 2U 32 42 McGinn W Dickson 2 2 8-5 9-5 19739 FEARFUL 3 95 7 fti 6 73 6» 62 53 E Mathews J Schwartz 50 1C0 40 100 U9i45LEE KING 3 92 3 34 Z» 41 414 52 6" J T Woods J S OBrien 3 4 3 4 19?45 L.EONAG 5 102 6 *i« V 61 T 7* 7" Morse C J Kuhs and Co 15 30 12 25 19362 MISS PRSLY 6 105 8888888 Gilmore C A Lowe 100 200 80 100 Time, 12i, 25, 50, 1 : 154, 1 :423, i :02. Winner— Ch. g, by Panique— Lady Elizabeth. Went to poet at 3 :40. At post 10 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Bridgeton came like a wild horse in the run for home and was drawing away at the end. Orris ran well but was staggering at the finish. Ransom ran his race. Chorus Boy quit badly in the I stretch. Lee King was a disappointment. OverweiguLs— iuiss Pressley, 4 pounds. Bridgeton, place, 7 to 10; Bhow, out. Orris, place, 24 to 1 ; show, evens. Ransom, show, 24 to . 1 . Chorus Boy, place, 7 to 10; Bhow, 1 to 3. Lee King, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. 1 QOiO FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. ind """Morses ~ A Wt St jj ij StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L~C~ 19646MALA* 4 104 4 24 2« 22 114 1* J Woods H E Rowell 7 8 6 6 19a47LAUREATE 8 105 3 3»" 43 3" 21 2* Crowhurst G C Bennett 9-101 7-107-10 D 196462HAV1LAND 3 94 2 14 14 I" 3 I* E MathewsM Deatheridge 4 6 4 6 19646 BAN laH 4 104 5 4W 31 4* 4» 4r Dominick F M Arthur 6 8 6 7 195452RISME 6 102 1 5 5 5 I 5 J T Woods J Powers 7 15 6 12 Time, 124, 254, 49, 1 :15, 1 :41, 1 :47i. Winner— Br. g, by Pirate of Penzance — Miss Thomas. Went to post at 4: i9. At poet 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Malay f showed decided improvement and ran a grand race under a good ride. Laureate was well ridden and did his best. Haviland had clear going throughout, but weakened in the last sixteenth. The 9 others were not contenders. Malay, place, 8 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Laureate, place, out. Haviland, show, 3 to 5. : 1 OW1 O FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. JL «t/ O J: «t7 First Autumn Special. Purse 00. ind Horses A Wt St * % * StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 197442P1NOCHLE 5 115 3 33 3* * 1- 11 Vandusen F W Holtgrewe 8-5 11-58-5 11-5 . 5 19744 OH NET 3 101 1 1« V | 23 22 J T Woods James Arthur 5 6 4 5 U9686JGO TO BED 5 115 4 4 4 4 4 32 McGinn J F Fogg 1 1 7-103-4 U9790L. CALLAHAN 6 110 2 21 24 34 3" 4 Dominick M S Hughes 10 20 10 15 Time, 124, 25i, 491, 1 :15l, 1 :424, 1 :49. Winner— B. h, by Panique— Mamie S. Went to poet at 4:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second easily. Pinochle was much the best and finished strongly after a hard drive through the stretch. Ohnet ran a ! good race and wab all out at the finish. Go To Bed was outfooted in the first part of the contest * and could not get up in the stretch run. His race was not up to the mark. Lady Callahan sulked when going down the backst retch. Scratched— I98i8jimp, 115. Pinochle, place, 1 to 2, show, out. Ohnet, place, evens; show, out. Go To Bed, place, out. I QWPf I SIXTH RACE— 3-4~Miie. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. J Ind Horses A Wt St H % ij StrFin Jockeys Owner O H L C 196112APPLE JACK 5 102 1 2U 22 22 11 Dominick L Kavanagh 3 34 3 16-5 U9788GKaNTOR 4 100 2 42 V 3* 22 J Woods W A Martin 7-5 7-5 7-104-5 19789 HI KOLLAR 4 101 3 13 12 114 3 McGinn W Mulkey 34 5 34 5 19689 KINDRED I 94 I 34 •* i- i* Dale E and L Bohlman 15 30 12 B 19208 BERTHA NELL 5 92 6 6 C V V JI Woods Vestal and Co 8 10 7 8 19712 MltiS VERNE 6 88 4 S* 52 6 6 ONeill J H Gray 30 60 30 40 Time, 124, 24, 36i, 484, 1:14. Winner— Ch. h, by Spendthrift— Apple Blossom. Went to post at 5:20. At post 10 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out; second easily. Apple Jack was in prime form today and displayed great speed. Grantor made a desperate effort t iu the stretch, but could not overhaul him. Hi Kollar showed much speed early, hut tired and i quit in the last sixteenth. Scratched-19789The Light, 113. Overweights — Kindred, 2 pounds. Apple Jack, place, 9 to 10; show, 2 to 5. Grantor, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Hi Kollar, show, 1 to 2. 1 QW FM| bEVF.NTH~RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. . jnd "HorseT- A Wt St % X~ StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C . 197883 NECK LACE 6 107 1 514 34 Vi U Gilmore DockeryandRyan 5 7 5 6 19787 JOHN MELROY 6 107 10 9 !»- 74 2UR Smith E Morrison 6 15 6 15 1971220STRA 4 105 8 44 54 6- 34 J T Woods Middleton fc Co 10 15 10 12 19712 GRAVES 4 112 4 1» 1" V 4m Vandusen H T Batcheler 4 6 4 5 19431 ED L. 6 110 5 34 V 314 54 Hinkey T A Gay 15 15 12 13 195812H.OFTR STMRE5 107 3 10 10 94 •» F Kane J U Strode and Co 12 40 10 25 19412 W. B. GATES 4 107 6 8» 8 10 74 Crowhurst G C Bennett 6 8 6 6 197872FREE LADY 5 105 9 62 71 81 8 Dominick T Kiley 9-5 2 8-5 9-5 19581 LENA WILL1AM85 105 7 74 63 5" 9* Morse J W Fuller 10 30 10 10 19712 WIGGINS I 107 2 2»« 414 44 10 J Woods FosterandBrumfieldl2 60 10 30 Time. 121, 21i, 494,1 :02i, 1:15. Winner— Blk. m, by Vocalic— Brooklet. t Went to post at 5 :54. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second driving. Necklace was well rated and came with a fine rush through the stretch. John McElroy picked his way through the field and finished strongly. Ostra ran a good race. Free Lady acted badly at the post. Scratched -19787 Iron Chaueellor, 112; 197 11 Eight Bells, 105. Overweights— Ed L.. 3 pounds. Necklace, place, 24 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. John McElroy, place, 5 to 1: show, 24 to 1. Ostra, show. 24 to 1. Free Lady, place, 7 to 10; show, out.