Highland Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-14


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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART. DETROIT, MICH.. August 13.— Sixteenth day. Summer Meeting. Highland Park Club. Weather clear; track slow. Presiding Judge. C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. -J QCVI FIRST RACE— 7-8 Mile.Purse 1250. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Ind JJorsos A Wt St fc H * "StrFin Jockeys Owner O H L C 19931 ROY AlTSTERLlNG 100 I 11 14 12 Hi U A Weber S W Street 3 3 3 3 198321ALF. YVRCRAVE 110 I 41 I* 3" 22- Ryan F Bruhns and Co 3 4 3 4 19892HERMEN !1 A 102 4 V 3h 41 3i 91 Landry J White 6 10 6 i0 19897 LEFT BOWER 110 5 2« 4i 2" ?- 4" J Daly S P Harlarj 1111 19671S1LLY FOX 90 6 6 6 6 6 V Wonderly F Reagan 10 30 10 30 19932 MOUND BllLDER 96 i 2 ►« » t* 4" 6 Hothersall E J ShipBey 15 30 12 20 Time. 24i. 494. 1:16;, l:30i. Winner— B. c. by Lord Esterling— Reve Royal Went to post at 2:"0. At post 7 minutes. Start fair. Won liandily; second easily. Royal Sterling wa- the best in the going and at the weights. He was doing his best all the way and Weber shook him up in the last sixteenth. Alfred Vargrave was under a drive through the last • luarter. Landry kept Hermencia in the good going while Daly raced Left Bower on the inside rail in the stickv going. This beat the latter. He wants a fast track. Scratched— 19927 Lottie Sheville. 109. Overweights — Mound Builder. 4s pounds. """" Royal Sterling, place, evens ; show, out. Alfred Vargrave, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 2 to 0. Her-mencia. show. 4 to 5. Left Bower, place, out. -| CfeOW* SECOND RACE— 4T-2 TTirlongs. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Allowances. " Ind Horses A Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19828 HAN D1T 100 5 1» 1W 14 Coburn L Elmore 8-5 2 8-5 2 19928 TEMPT 100 I 3* 8~ I* LThmpson F D Weir 8-5 2 8-5 2 19928-V1RGINIA T. 100 2 41 4- 3" Landry L Smitha 4 M 4 4 19894* PIERRE JR. 103 6 6 6 41 A Weber J E Brewer 6 6 3 3 19959 MlDDER 110? 4 2» 32 5* Kerwin B Cohen J r 6 12 6 10 19893 IDA QUICKLIME 107 1 51 5-« 6 Castro A Brown k Co 4 6 4 5 Time. 12;, 251. 50i, 57;. Winner— Ch. g. by Hanover— Tid Bit. Went to post at 3:25. At post 22 minutes. Start good. Won all out ; second easily. Handit showed the most early speed, and Coburn picked liis going and kept him from running out. He was tiring at the end and Tempt was wearing him down. She ran her race. Virginia T. was outrun in the first quarter but closed fast at the end. Mudder and Ida Quicklime cut up at the post and ruined their chances. Scratched— U9959Gray Dally, 110; 19928 Glesseg, 100; 19894 Lightning Flash, 100. Overweights — Mudder. 3* pounds. Handit. place. 4 to 5 : show, out. Tempt, place, 4 to 5; show. out. Virginia T., show, 4 to 5. Pierre, Jr.. place. 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. 1 QQli THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St 4 Vt %. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19779 COME QUICK 5 105 7 5 * 31 3» 1* Landry H L Johnson 2 2 8-5 9-5 19416 GOLD LACK 3 M0 5 3-" 2 21 24 Irven E Peters 15 15 15 15 19897 WINE PRESS 4 105 1 6 6™ 4i 3- McQuade H McCarren Jr 4 4 3 3 1986TORTUGAS 4 104 3 13 |l 1 4*- A Weber J C Ferris Jr 4 4 4 4 19963fCRlNKLE 4 1C0 4 Hi 4 5» r.« LThompsnW Kraft 8 12 8 10 19866 LIZ. MCASTHY 3 87 2 7 7 7 6* Wonderly Vince and Weir 20 30 20 30 19895-GLAD HAND 4 97 6 t 5" 6 " 7 J Daly C L Forsy the and Co2i 3 11-524 Time, 234, 49i. 1:164,1:234. Winner— B. m. by Tournament— Orchis. Went to post at 4 : 10. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Come Quick came strongly on the outside, where the going was good, and got up in the last stride. Gold Lack seemed like a winner at the stretch turn, but hung in the last sixteenth. He was probably a bit short and the race should improve him. Wine Press was cut off on the backstretch and finished strongly. Tortugas quit it when challenged. Come Quick, place, 4 to 5; show. out. Gold Lack, place, 6 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. Wine Press, show. 1 to 2. Tortugas. place. 3 to 2; show. 3 to 5. Glad Hand, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. TqQ O JT FOURTH RACE-1 1-16 Milts. Purse 50. 3-year-olde and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19960 ! K ITT E REGENT 4 104 1 5 i 41 14 1M 1* A Weber W H Ketchiman 1 1 3-5 4-5 19932 EMI LE ZOLA 4 99 6 1« U 2 3; 21 Coburn S W Street 8 12 8 12 19761 JESslE JARBOE 4 104 2 3" 3" 3» 4* i* McQuade H McCarren Jr 4 4 4 4 19932-GUN COTTON 3 90 5 21 2« «■ 24 ft* LThompsnT F Coles 15 30 12 20 19927M. AL FARROW 6 104 3 « 6 V V t« Castro Strobel and Miller 2 3 2 24 19932 ZA/.ANENE 3 88 4 6 5" 6 6 6 MLaughlnJ M Gallagher 15 15 7 8 Time, 2V 50;, 1 : 16;, 1:444. 1 :52i. Winner— Ch. f. by Montana Regent— Kittie C. Went to post at 4:43. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second all out. Kittie Regent was best and came away when ready and won as she pleased after an early drive. Emile Zola showed improvement. He had every advantage and picked his way. but tired badly in the last eighth. Jessie Jarboe swung wide into the stretch, came again at the finish and fought it out gamely with Gun Cotton for third place. The going was against Miss Al Farrow. Scratched— 19929Sir Florian. 106. Kittie Recent, place, out. Emile Zola, place, 4 to 1 ; show. 3 to 2. Jessie Jarboe. show, 2 to 5. Miss Al Farrow, place. 7 to 10; show. out. "I QQQ "C F1FTH~RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St M % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19927-SALYADO 6 107 11 91 24 24 1- Castro W H Ketchiman 2 2 8-5 8-5 19927 RE Y SALAZAR 0 104 1 1 V V 2« McQuade H McCarren Jr 24 24 8-5 8-5 19831SPALDV V 4 102 5 V 3* 64 3« Ryan Fox fc McDonnells 3 3 3 19371 L. W 6 104 6 3*« 54 54 V Coburn Somerville and Co 10 10 8 8 19831 LOTTIE HUXTER6 102 9 10 10 7 n Wonderly FitzgrldandThms 15 30 12 30 19896 Yi SCO INT 6 107 2 7 7 34 64 C Wilson A Brown and Co 15 40 12 30 19929 VIOLA K 4 102 4 4 4 41 7 Landrv Mrs M C LvlesandColO 15 10 12 19672 MARITANA II. r. 1C2 I 2» 6" 8 8 LThornpsnN Dyment 6 10 6 10 19868 LOG. LAUDEMAN4 1C4 10 6 9 10 9 McCann R Moore 1C0 200 SO 100 19775 CHARLY HEELS "» 104 8 8 9 10 McLa ghlinM J Lamme 100 200 80 100 19723 MOUNTAIN ROSE1 102 7 11 11 11 11 Postel C Scanlan 1C0 200 80 100 Time. 12. 24.50.1:02;. 1:16.. Winner— Ch. h. by Salvator— Oran. Went to poet at 5:12. At post 2 minute.-. Start good. Won in a drive; second the same. Salvado, after being bumped at the -tart, went through his field with a ruth when rounding the far turn but he barely succeeded in getting up in the last stride. Rey Salazar had every ad van-age. He got away fully in his si ride and picked his going. He was under a hard drive through the last sixteentn. Spaldy Y. and L. W. fought it out closely for third place. The latter was on the outside and in the be-t going. Scratched-1900 Trocha. 10; : 19927 Cavotte. 102; 19896 Annie Teuton. 102. Salvado. place. 7 to 1U: show, oat. Rey Salazar, place. 4 to 5 ; show. 2 to 5. Spaldy Y, show. 1 to 2. 1 QM SIXTH RACE3-4 MiTer~Purse 50. All ages. Allowances! Ind Horses A Wt St *% *4 *i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C~ 1 19B1*TKRM1NU3 2 83 3 is» -1» 34 H4 J Daly F Bruhns 2 2 2 2 1993l»FONEi»A 3 105 4 4 3* V V LThompsnL Smitha 2 2 8-5 2 19958*DOl BLET 3 9* 1 1« 1- 2m- 312 Coburn S W Street 1111 19895 SAGACITY 5 102 2 24 4 4 Landrv C B Latrerty 40 60 30 40 Time. 12. 24, 49*. 1:02. Id*!. W inner— B. e. b Blaze- — Miss Bishop. Weot to PMt at 5:3i. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Terminus was best aui ran a fine race and was drawing away at the end. He easily raced Foneda and Doublet into exhaustion. The latter tired badly. Scratched— 19931 Zauoue. lie. Overweights-Doublet 1; ponnd-; Sagacity. 5. Terminus, place. 1 to 2: show, out. Foneda, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Doublet, place, out.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900081401/drf1900081401_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1900081401_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800