Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-15


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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCHESTEJR WESTCHESTEJR N Y May 14 Eighth day Westchoster Racing Association AssociationSpring Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Jndge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m PvlKlfc FIRST RACK Last G JL2 Furlongs Withers Mile 550 added U JJ 6JJ 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind Horses A Wt St V 3 SirFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24949 ALL GREEN 3 111 4 21 2 25 IH Shaw C T Patterson 2 2 85 out 24807 WATER COLOR 3 113 1 IH H 1 2io Littleflold C Littlefleld Jr 25112012 out 24946 SOMERSET 4 111 3 3 32 31 310 T Walsh L V Bell 60 200 150 10 20093 PRINCELING 4 108 2 4444 Landry HawthorneStablelOO 300 300 12 Time 12 24 36 102 114 12U Winner PickwickWent B c by Knight of Ellerelie Lizzie Pickwick Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start fair Won driving second easily All Green broke away slowly but ran a good race He was able to get on even terms with Water Color when turning into the stretch From there on it was simply a case of jockeyship and Shaw is easily the superior Littlefield beat the gate with Water Color but neglected to take advantage of it He could have won had he gone on with his mount but overconfldence and in ability to put up a good finish cost him the race Somerset will win among slower ones and Princeling ran a good quarter quarterScratched Scratched 24771 Fonsolee 124 21496 Colonel Padden 113 24879Isia 109 24774 Roehamp ton 98No 109 248483Lanceman 101 Magnetic 98 No show betting V PC fl O 1 BECOND BACK Last 78 Withers Mile 550 added 3yearolds and upward 4 O J4L Selling Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 248482ALARD 3100 7 3 21 22 IB IH Slack MnrphyRiordanS 4 3 65 24736 DOLANDO 8 105 1 4 4 3 31 21 OConnor F Farrell 3 4 1351 75248083SCURRY 248792MARGRAVIATE 1351248792MARGRAVIATE 3 108 2 H 1 IH 21 3 Landry F Brindle 4 54 75 248083SCURRY 3 89 8 52 SH 4 5 4n J Daly P 8 P Randolph 15 25 20 8 248802ANIMOSITY 3 98 6 2n 3 6 6 5 Brennan J A Bennett 4662 24884 85247743DEN ROYL STERLING4 107 5 72 63 51 4 61 Shaw S D Bruce 7 10 4 85 247743DEN THOMPSON 3 95 4 6 71 71 72 72 Wondorly H T Griffin 10 20 12 5 24950 BLUEAWAY 6 108 99 9 8 S 8 T Walsh F H Milden Jr 10 30 20 7 24631 GINKI 387388999D OConnorW C Daly 100 200 100 40 24880 THE CHMBRLN 4 112 10 10 10 10 10 10 Piggott W Oliver 10 20 20 8 29HWinner Time 122s 24 49 1 16 1 29H Winner WeatherWent B c by Deceiver Fair Weather Went to post at 300 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Alard cleverly handled stood a long drive at the end His race was a good one and he will prove more than useful Dolando was in great form today and when good is a superior class selling plater Margraviate carried his field along at a fast pace and seemed to be the winner when turning into the stretch Scurrys improvement is genuine He closed a big gap and was running fast at the finish Animosity was somewhat hampered in the first furlong of the stretch Royal Sterling carried wide on both turns made up ground throughout Blneaway sulked and The Chamber ¬ lain was outrun from the start startScratched Scratched 24774Roehampton 106 24577 In Shot 105 24986Petra II 95 249862Balloon 87 Overweights 87Overweights Animosity 1 pound The Chamberlain 1 Alard show 3 to 5 Dolando show 1 to 2 Margraviate show 7 to 10 Royal Sterling show 4 to 5 VB pT f k 1 THIRD RACK Withers Mile 3yearolds Allowances JJ A A The Baychester Stakes 1000 added Ind Horses A Wt St H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P out247733THE 24809SM1LE 118 2 2 2u 2 1 IH Turner A H D H Morrisl 65 45 out 247733THE 75248093NONES RHYMER 107 5 4 3 3 2 28 Shaw T Monahan 3 4 4 75 248093NONES 105 77 4u 42 4 3 T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 8 8 7 2 248483LANCEMAN 103 6 6 7 7 7 4 Dangman J E Madden 6 10 8 3 24040JGAUTAMA 1224879ISIA 108 4 3 61 61 6 52 Henry R C Hall 20 10050 12 24879ISIA 110 1 15 12 11 31 6n Slack Sullivan Harris 6 10 10 3 24809 BELVINO 103 3 5 52 51 51 7 Monnce J Galway 20 30 12 4 Time 12 24 36 48 1 01j 1 41 HolidayWent Winner Ch c by St Florian Holiday Went to post at 3 30 At post 6 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Smile was superbly handled but overanxiety to overhaul the fast but non staying Isia nearly caused his defeat He is a game highclass colt The Rhymer ran fully up to his best form and with jockeys reversed he would have won Nones ran well and was easily third best Lanceman finished well but was carried wide on the turns and received an incompetent ride Gautamas race was the best of his career Isia showed fine early speed but tired in the stretch run Bel vino failed to run up to expectations expectationsScratched Scratched 24986 Nitrate 107 24773 Glade Run 107 Overweights 107Overweights Nones 5 pounds Gautama 1 The Rhymer show 3 to 5 Nones show 4 to 5 J tZfty Q FOURTH RACK Last 78 Withers mile 3yearolds and upward J upwardJ O J A O The New Rochelle Handicap 1000 added Horses A Wt St K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P Si 0 103 4 m 2 la ll 12 HIT Burns W C Eustis 45 45 710 out SS SSGJSAMBLE outSS GJSAMBLE 4 109 3 4 4 3 31022 Bullman P H McCarren 3 5 41 oo5ySI T38 R 3 98 4 32 2a 2 2 310 OConnor A Featherstone 233 35 21123 PCESS PEPPER 3101 1 2 3 4 4 4 Butter Pepper Stable 15 40 20 8 TO Winner B c by Knight of Ellerslie Sister Louise Went to post at 402 At post 3 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Knight of Rhodes with everything in his favor showed the most spaed in the first part of the journey but he was brought to a drive in the stretch He came away gamely under punishment and his showing entitles him to consideration over any distance King Bramble ran to his bsst form nnd finished strongly Maltster was asked too mach aftar his race of the day pravioua Princess Pepper a fast filly when fit was short shortScratched Scratched 2473S2Cont stor 120 1925 ilesmerist 119 21731 Isidor 118 17693 Black For 101 21916 Contend 100 213693 Autolight 93 Overweights Maltster 1 pound Princess Pepper 5 5No No show betting Kff A FIFTH RACK Last 4 155 Furlong Eclipse Courss 350 added JtJ J l ± 2yearolds MaHon Filliea and geldings Allowancns tnd Horses A Wt 8t J4 ai ntrjpin jocteys Uwnore O H O P 24947 PROPHETIC 105 11 54 4a IH Henry J R If P Kaene 8 1 24918 PAR EXCELLENCE105 6 6248823CHAMPAGNE 3 2 2i Rutter Pepper Stable 15 20 20 7 248823CHAMPAGNE 105 3 6 63 32 Shaw C Littlefleld Jr 85 2 75 35 24846 CRISSCROSS 107 li 35li 1 4 Mitchell M Murphy 15 15 12 5 NOTLTMAH 105 i i247392EVELYN 4 K 51 gi Smith Arkall Elmore 30 60 50 12 247392EVELYN MAUD 105 4 4PURE 2 3 61 Dale J E McDonald 34465 PURE PEPPER 106 9 9PVLMETTE 8 8 72 T Walsh M J Cavinagh 10 20 20 6 PVLMETTE 103 1 1248S2 l 71 81 Bullman P H McCarren 6883 248S2 LINORA 106 10 10JOS 10 9 9 McQuade J Galway 100 100 100 40 JOS 1ONAGHAN 105 8 9 10 10 McOfinn RnoldsilonhanSO 60 50 20 24918 VELLEDA 105 12 12 12 11 Dangman J E Madden 5 10 6 2 249S4 SILVER CHIME3 105 7 11 11 12 OConnor W Oliver 15 30 20 8 Time 55 Winner Ch f by Kingston Seeress SeeressWent Went to post at 435 At post 12 minutes Start strrggliag Woo driving second the earns Prophetic improved her position from start to finish and displayed both spead and gameness after acting badly at the post Par Excellence is probably more than useful made a good show ¬ ing finishing strongly Champagne a grand looker got away tangled up in addition to baing a slow breaker He was probably the best as he finished strongly and ran like a stayer Criss ¬ cross displayed a brilliant burst of speed andaaemed to be thu winner nntil in the last hundred yards Nctlimah was used up in a half dozen long false breaks while at the noat and handi ¬ capped by a bad ride Evelyn Maud has speed in plenty but fails to stay Palmetta is a full sister to Herbert and ban bean highly tried triedOverweights Overweights Crisscross 2 pounds Pure Pepper 1 Palmatte 3 Linora 1 1Prophetic Prophetic show 8 to 5 Par Excellence show 3i to 1 Champagne show 1 to 3 Evelyn Maud show 7 to 10 CAf P SIXTH RACK Eclipse Course 600 added 3yearolds and upward tjj ltj Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St M 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 5 2 1 T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 2 3 1651 24738 ALL GOLD 4 109 2 41 41 IH 2a OConnor W Oliver 5762 21946PAOL 576221946PAOL CLIFFRDS 108 1 21 32 3 32 Shaw W C Whitney 2 2 2 45 24810 LADY UNCAS 4 105 4 IB 2 41 4 Landry Osceola Stable 10 15 6 2 21496JCOL PADDEN 3 111 5 3i 11 5 5 Bnllman T D Sullivan 3431 Time 3431Time l13 g gWinner Winner Ch g by Rayon dOr Red Girl GirlWent Went to post at 512 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second driving Redpath carefully saved in the first half flashed through on the rail in the last furlong and won through Barns strong and skilful ride All Gold also owes his position at the wire to his jockeys splendid horsemanship Paul Clifford was bast but waak handling in the last aixtoonth coat him the race He was running fastest of all at the end He was bought by W C Whitney before the race for a long price Lady Uncas is vary good and was a contender up to the last furlong Colonel Pa den appeared to be the winner a quarter out but failed through lack of condition He looks like a crackajack this ynar ynarScratched Scratched 25023 Knight of Rhodes 126 21S103UnmaBked 123 24SS3 Outlander 114 114Overweights Overweights Lady Uncas 1 pound Hedpath poundHedpath show 2 to 5 All Gold show 7 to 10 Paul Clifford show 1 to 3 Colonel Padden show 1 to 2

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Local Identifier: drf1901051501_1_2
Library of Congress Record: