Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-15


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 14 Thirtyfirst day Qaeen City Jockey Clnb Spring Meeting Weathsr clear track fast Preeiding Judge W O Farmer Starter Mara Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m 25038 Q Q FIRST RACE 5 12 JTurlongs Pnrse J250 3yearolde and upward Selling Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 48902OCONEE 4 107 3 1 li I2 I4 L Jackson L Smitha Sa 2 2 4a 1890 FLOP 6112 8 d 61 2i 21 Berman F A Pope 6883 474S2BROTHER FRED 7 112 9 8 51 42 3 Patton John Smith 5662 5662499t 499t LILL HOFFMAN 3 105 1 7 7 52 42 C Wilson A H Hoffman 15 30 30 10 4915 KINGS PET 4 102 11 31 41 3i 52 Forehand Chambers Co 8 12 12 5 4915 SNOW STORM 4 104 4 2i 2i 7 62 BeauchampA Brown Co 6 10 10 4 449152RIVER 49152RIVER PRINCESS4 102 2 41 3a Gi 71 W Narvaez Torreyson Bros 2 21 21 1 4475 ORRIE GOAN 3 100 5 5u 8 8 8 J HothersllW S Laird 2 3 21 1 4885 LIZETTA S 3907 999 9 A Hall H Dodgson 10 15 15 6 4505 LORETTO 4 105 6 11 10 10 10 Grantland J S Wallace 15 30 30 12 4747 GEORGE LA BAR6 112 10 10 11 11 11 WOConnorL Chanmetto 10 20 20 8 8Time Time 12 24 36i 48 1 01J 1 08 08Winner Winner B f by Jnlien Jolly Nun Went to post at 237 At poet 10 minutes Start good Won easily next seven driving Oconee had all the speed When she got clear on the backstretch she was never in trouble Flop was pocketed to the last eighth pole but came strong at the finish Brother Fred hung a bit in the last hundred yards Snow Storm River Princess and Kings Pet ran well the early par t of the journey but were all out at tho finish George La Bar was pulled up in the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights Loretto li pounds Oconee show out Flop show 6 to 5 c Brother Fred show evens River Princess D show 1 to 3 Orrie Goan show 2 to 5 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Soiling 25O39 Ind Horses A Wt Bt 1A X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 4917 LYNDEN TREE 104 3 li li 12 12 BeauchampT 8 Crabb 3 3 3 1 4961 DR WORTH 106 1 21 21 21 22 Aker DonahueWatsonlO 20 20 8 8249612DEBENTURE 249612DEBENTURE 107 4 3 51 31 31 C Wilson N Baker 2i 4 4 32 24858 HA JD RAIL 103 7 61 61 6 42 L Jackson Graves Innes 4 8 7 21 21496DKING 496DKING FORD 112 2 42 4 51 5 McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 21 3 2 710 4 LATON1A 101 5 51 31 41 6 Lindsay F A Pope 12 15 15 6 4889 iooj ILOE i vx 100 6 7777 Troxler Torreyson Bros 20 40 40 15 Time 12 3J 1 02h 02hWinner Winner Gr c by St Jnlien Sema S Went to post at 310 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Lynden r Tree went to the front on call and won as he pleased Dr Worth ran a greatly improved race Work hot weather or a good jockey helped him considerably Debenture was jostled and bumped the entire route Hand Rail closed a big gap in the last furlong furlongBcratched24990 Bcratched24990 Lady Alza 98 98Corrected Corrected Weights Debenture 107 107Overwoiehts Overwoiehts Dr Worth 1 pound Iloe 4 4Lynden Lynden Tree show out Dr Worth show 4 to 1 Debenture show 3 to 5 King Ford show out THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward 2504O Selling A Wt St M Vt StrFin Jockeys O H C P 4887 BILLY MASON 6125 1 1 li I2 1 Cunngham J A Smith 2 3 2i 1 4962 LEETKA 8 112 4 4i 51 3i 22 L Jackson D B Freeman 5662 49193 ROLTAIRE 7112 2 35 23 22 Si Lindsay Bryan Ellard 2 3 2i 1 4890 QUAVER 7 115 5 7 61 42 42 W Narvaez J Brinkman 5552 4634 BY GEORGE 5 112 8 8885 Hinsen J K Garnett 4662 24794 FIREPuAY 3 105 3 21 31 51 6i Meidling C O Ray Co 20 20 20 8 4S59 DENNY DUFFY 4 122 7 62 7 7 7 McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 25 30 30 10 T4855CANROBERT 1 4 119 6 51 4i 61 8 J Moody W A Rinehart 20 30 30 10 Time 12 28i36 481 102 1085 1085Winner Winner Br h by Oliver Twist Miss Rhodes RhodesWent Went to post at 340 Off at the first breafc to a good start Won hard ridden next two driving Billy Mason lasted just long enough to win Leetka would have beaten him in a few more strides Roltaire was stopping to a walk He has a world of spaed but does not fancy a long route By George closed a big gap from the head of the stretch to the wire wireScratched Scratched 24994 Chemisette 120 120Billy Billy Mason show 1 to 2 Leetka show evens Roltaire show 1 to 2 FOURTH RACE 12 Miio Purse 5250 2yearolds Allowances 25041 Ind Horses A Wt St M Vi Si StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 4966 FOUNDLING 112 4 4 4 11 McCann Forsyth Bros 35565 355652485SSILK 2485SSILK CORD 108 1 3i 12 23 BeauchampK P Shipp 12 12 12 out 44763 WEDDING MARCH 105 2 12 33 31 Pirrman R J Hiner Co 32 2 2 12 4992 LENA A 105 3 2i 22 4 E Austin B C Evans 15 20 20 5 5Time Time Hi 231 351 48 48Winner Winner Ch f by Lazzarone Bettie Prather PratherWent Went to post at 4 05 Oil at the first break to a good start Won ridden out second easily Foundling stole up on the rail and finishing fast snatched the race from Silk Cord The latter was best but poorly ridden Wedding March ran out at the head of the stretch But for this she would probably have won She is very fast fastScratched249922Myrtle Scratched249922Myrtle Dell 112 112No No show betting fKrf FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Pnrse J250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St St K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 4916 E1THOL1N 6 107 10 10 10 9 2 31 IH W Webster W C Smith 12 15 15 6 24793 OUTBURST 4 112 9 9 61 61 1 li 2 Aker E T Graves 5 15 12 4 447932V1RGIE 47932V1RGIE O 6 113 8 8 9 4i 41 4i 31 Patton J R Hand 3542 354249642ALLS 49642ALLS WELLS 89 4 4 51 SB 7 51 4 L Jackson C S Crow 2 4 31 65 65T4793SLASHER T4793SLASHER 6 114 7 71 31 71 51 JJ2 51 BeauchampJohn Smith 85 3 21 45 24960 BANQUO II 7 107 2 31 8 8 8 8 61 Lindsay C J Fob 15 15 10 4 24634 CHAH ESTES 4 106J11 11 11 11 11 11 71 Hinsen J Josepheon 8 15 15 6 49 0 HIN8DALE 3 91 3 22 7 10 10 10 8 A Hall C OConnor 15 30 30 10 24916 FMCON NELLS 104 1 li 1 1 9 9 91 Berman J C Davis 5 15 10 4 47933MADELINEG3 88 6 63 2 21 31 21 102 Baptiste JMaddox 6 15 10 4 484 mor RICE 5 115 a 52 4 51 61 61 11 Mosier Miller fc Co 15 20 20 8 T 12 l 1 1 42 l 56 Winner Br h by Eothen Mrs General Gilflora Went to post at 445 Off at the first break to a good start Won driving second and third thirdthe the same Tho field ran closely bunched all the way counting accidents and interferences Eitholin was the best Outburst and Virgie O finished on the outside Beauchamp made a mis j take in trying to place Slasher This was the most spectacular race ever run at Newport It was anybodys race all the way and to the end endScratched24824 Scratched24824 Getabont 109 24960 Al Caskey 102 102Overweights Overweights Charley Estas li pounds Eitholin show 3 to 1 Outburst show 2 to 1 Virgie O show evens Alls m Well show 1 to 2 Slasher show out K A SIXTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H l P 24675 FRANCES REI8 100 1 I1 13 13 15 L Jackson M Rodgers 4 7 7 3 1106 PINE CHIP 106 2 31 31 21 21 Aker G W Innes Co 10 15 la 6 24184 ALBERT EDWARD 105 10 81 51 41 33 Richards C S Radford 4 983 24886 PATCH WORK 100 4 22 21 3 41 Troxler C J Fob 3 31 31 85 24748 MMANUS 105 8 61 41 51 510 Cogswell J W Hall Co 2552 2552248852MABG 248852MABG HOFFMAN 105 6 71 8 7 65 H Wilson A H Hoffman 12 30 30 10 24685 ELSIE DELL 102 5 51 61 61 71 Forehand Wallace Terrett4 6 5 2 24964 RUTH PARK 105 9 9 9 8 82 Taulelle ATaulelle 10 12 12 5 45 ANTITHESIS 1061 3 41 71 9 92 Hinsen J K Garnett 8 15 15 6 24794 JUNIPER 1031 7 10 10 10 10 W Narvaez D Stephens 6662 24964 PASSION FLOWER 100 11 11 11 11 115 Lindsay JW Forsyth 5 20 20 8 24794 ANXIOUS 105 12 12 12 12 12 W Webster W C Smith Co 6 10 10 4 4Time Time 121 241 481 l14t l14tWinner Winner Gr f by Eaher Maria Lewis Went to post at 515 At post 13 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Fran COB Beis diaplayad surprising speed and won all the way Pine Chip for the first time out this oar ran a creditable race Albert Edward off poorly made up much ground and finished strongly Patchwork ran a disappointing race and can do much better Anxious was responsi ¬ ble postScratched for the long delar at tho post Scratched 248853Old Phil 102 24920 Scotch Bramble 102 24964 High Tone 102 N Qvorwei hts Pine Chip 1 pound Margaret Hoffman 5 Elsie Dell 2 Ruth Park 5 Anti ¬ thesis 41 Juniper 11 Anxious 5 5Frances Frances Reis show 3 to 2 Pine Chip show 3 to 1 Albert Edward show 8 to 5 Patch ¬ work show 7 to 10

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Local Identifier: drf1901051501_5_1
Library of Congress Record: