Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-15


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast First Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yoarolds 2yoarolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses color sex it pedigree Wt Hdcp 25009 Hard Night 113 700 700Big Big Maesie ch c by Buck BuckMassie Massie Fusil 113 249342Hon Peter Sterling 113 T 24718 PopperSance 113 710 7102486S 2486S Estado 113 720 24934 Prostene 110 710 24934 Quadra 110 705 705250093Autumn 250093Autumn Time 110 715 71524S333Anna 24S333Anna B Snowberry 110 715 71524S68 24S68 LillieDalo 110 700 24718 Dan Collins 110 705 705Shellmount Shellmount ch g by Salva ¬ tion Plnmeria 110 Second Raco 1 Mile 4 yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Aga Wt Hdcp 24764 Hohonloho 6 106 710 71024717Rainier 24717Rainier 5 103 705 24933 McAlbert 6 103 710 25015 Casdale 5 103 705 70524972Frank 24972Frank Duffy 4 103 715 25046 Nilgar 5 103 720 24445 Mont Eagle 4 103 725 21835 Alaska 6 103 715 23892 Melkarth 6 103 700 24760 Ping 6 103 695 24513 Tizona 4 103 700 24904 Canejo 4 101 695 695Third Third Race 5 8 Mile The St Carlo Handicap Handicap2yearolds 2yearolds Ind Horsescolor sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp247972St 247972St Phillipina 112 725 725248G82Carlo 248G82Carlo 108 720 720244462Parizade 244462Parizade 107 715 24797 Achilles 106 705 70524514Hainault 24514Hainault 106 710 710St St Sevoy ch c by St Carlo Sunlit 90 E Lanigan entry entryFourtli Fourtli Race Futurity Course 170 foot short of 34 mile mile4yoarolds 4yoarolds and upward Selling Sellinglud lud Horses Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp242652Amasa 242652Amasa 6 110 715 715245172Montallade 245172Montallade 8 110 705 705249363Ralston 249363Ralston 9 110 720 7202483t 2483t Midlove 5 108 715 24869 Mellocole 4 107 725 24211 Nullah 4 105 710 710Fifth Fifth Race34 Mllo 3yearolds and upward Selling 249063Rinaldo II 6 114 720 24662 Flamaro 5 114 715 25012 Moringa 6 114 695 695249333Mike 249333Mike Kice 8 Ill 700 25012 Loconomo 6 112 715 24936 Duckoy 4 112 710 24660 Glissando 4 112 705 70524S343Dangerons 24S343Dangerons Maid 4 110 725 725250482Jim 250482Jim Hale 3 100 705 24971 Invictus 3 100 710 25010 Darlene 3 98 695 24907 Screenwell Lake 3 98 700 700Sixtli Sixtli Race 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 24595 Cromwell 9 114 715 21976 Dr Bernays 6 113 710 710249382E1 249382E1 Rio Shannon 4 112 720 72021975lmperious 21975lmperious 6 Ill 710 24976 Wyoming 7 Ill 725

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901051501/drf1901051501_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1901051501_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800