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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race Lust 78 Withers Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap fnd Horses Ago Wt Hdi Hdi249873Hammock 249873Hammock 4 118 250252A11 Gold 4 116 24774Roohampton 3 110 248SO Bombshell 4 las 21851 Tompleton 3 107 249S7 Ben Viking 5 106 24884 Alsike 5 102 248123Sailor King 6 100 24771 Fonsoleo Second Race Last 34 Withers Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 24672 Trillo 6108 715 17442 Mixer 3 108 690 21655 Goldilia 3 108 695 25021 Royal Sterling 4 107 715 24771 Fonsolee 4 107 710 24736 Bounteous 3 105 705 705250212Dolando 250212Dolando 8 105 720 24774 Judge Wardell 6 105 7CO 7CO246043Oliver 246043Oliver Me 5 105 715 22586 Innominatum 4 104 695 695247713Twig 247713Twig 3104 700 22034 Pleasant Sail 3 95 725 24879 Drogheda 3 93 710 24879 Sporting Duchess 3 84 700 700249862Balloon 249862Balloon 3 84 705 705244383Fennimore 244383Fennimore 3 84 710 710Third Third Race Last 58 Blile BlileEclipse Eclipse Course Course2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesThe The Laureate Stakes 1200 added addedInd Ind Horses color sex pedigrox Wt Udcc 24846 AprilShower 115 725 24846 Dolce Far Niente 115 740 24811 Major Daingerfield 110 750 750Alibort Alibort b c by Albert LedallO Bixieline b c by St Max ¬ im Mies Dixie 110 24984 Peninsula 110 730 2143630om 7302143630om Paul 107 735 735Fourth Fourth Race Last 58 Mile MileEclipse Eclipse Course 2yearolds Allowances Allowances24881Port 24881Port Royal 117 735 24193 Sister Juliet 114 725 24882 Miss Hastings 114 730 247372Hyphen 730247372Hyphen 112 750 24739 Flower 112 725 Smart 725Smart Set br c by Halmu Fashionable 112 John byKantaka Barleycorn b c by Kantaka Nattot 112 Byrne of Roscrea ch c by Ben Strome Queen of ofTrumps Trumps 112 247722Gold Seeker 112 740 740Goldsmith Goldsmith bc by Meddler Kildeer 112 24984 Dandy West 112 715 McDowell 715McDowell br c by Wagner Wisteria 112 24947 Juvenile 112 720 720Fifth Fifth Race Eclipse Course 3yearolds and upward Highweight Handicap 25025 Redpath 4 133 750 21280Cjrano 75021280Cjrano 4 128 740 250252A11 740250252A11 Gold 4 125 730 24950 Magic Light 4 120 715 22163 May W 7 120 735 24880 Bombshell 4 118 730 Magnetic 730Magnetic b g by Tenny Magnetism 3 118 248473Donna Henrietta 3 115 735 24946 Ezra 3 113 715 22167 Barbetto 3 110 7 7Sixth Sixth Race 1 34 Miles MilesOver Over 7 hurdles The Knickerbocker Hurdle 600 added added4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horns Axe Wt Hdcp Hdcp186792Governor 186792Governor Griggs 6 160 685 24843 Semper Ego 8 157 680 24843 Draughtsman 5 154 685 24950tMagic 68524950tMagic Light 4 150 680 24951 Passe Partont 5 148 700 15296Jessio 70015296Jessio S 6 145 665 24987fMatt 66524987fMatt Simpson 4 140 675 15882 Bermuda Hundred 4 140 670 21143Monroe 67021143Monroe Doctrine 6 136 675 24843 Charawind 4 135 690 24843 Islingtem 5 130 665 Underwood 665Underwood Co entry fW CDaly entry