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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowancesind ind Horses Aga Wt Hdop 25074 Harry Yochnm 4 112 660 7585 Immense 5 110 665 24995 Cardenas 4 107 660 660250G2 250G2 Colonel Strathy 4 107 670 670249623fcylvan 249623fcylvan Dell 4 107 685 24915 Major Bell 4 107 660 25130 Caloocan 4 105 685 25038 River Princess 4 105 680 68024feS9 24feS9 Hazel Noor 4 105 675 25066 Dick Hobson 3 100 660 25106 Young Henry 3 97 680 25107 The Tramp 3 97 675 25002 Old Phil 3 97 670 670250623Hayieed 250623Hayieed 3 97 700 25043 Margaret Hoffman 3 95 675 25065 Zenaide 3 95 690 690Second Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 25043 Antithesis 109 680 25106 Ruth Park 107 6TO 23529 LadyHayman 107 675 25128 Albert Edward 107 66 25106 Juniper 104 660 25038 Lillian Hoffman 102 661 25040 Fireplay 102 670 24501 The Bronze Demon 102 700 251093 Alls Well 102 690 690249183Eroma 249183Eroma 102 655 655Third Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 25066 Pillardist 4 107 715 23638 Faith Ward 5 105 700 70024993Unsightly 24993Unsightly 4 105 725 9115 Hermes 8 105 710 710250662J 250662J J T 5 105 720 24993 Robert Gray 4 105 710 25034 W G Welch 4 102 700 24604 Prosit 4 102 705 705Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Soiling 25042 Slasher 6 116 720 720251312passaic 251312passaic 5 114 715 24993 Castine 4 114 700 25131 Outburst 4 112 725 72524752Governor 24752Governor Boyd 6 109 710 71025064Getabout 25064Getabout 6 109 715 24920 Atlantns 7 104 710 25133 Charley Estes 4 100 705 25129 Sauce Boat 4 98 700 25042 Hiusdale 3 91 695 695Fifth Fifth Raco 12 Mils Mils2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 25075 Bcortic 105 700 25041 Lena A 102 719 24990 May Quick 102 720 25039 Ly nden Tiee 102 715 25112 Wedding March 102 725 725245623Baster 245623Baster Boy 100 705 24917 J Patrick 98 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances246862J 246862J H Sloan 4 110 720 24993 Peter Dnryea 4 110 710 23770 Colonel Cassidy 5 107 705 705249933Charley 249933Charley OBrien 4 107 725 725251333Little 251333Little Henry 3 95 715 23109 High Tone 3 92 700 7002510G2Fairy 2510G2Fairy Day 3 90 715 715Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile MileOver Over 4 Hurdles 4yearolds and upward Allowances 24995 BGFox 5 130 685 24857 Beidenbach 6 127 680 68024995Sauber 24995Sauber 6 127 675 67524995Mr 24995Mr Brookwood 5 127 700 700250643Charley 250643Charley Daniels 7 127 690 8139 Mrs Bradshaw 10 125 670