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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTTSfEWPORT TSfEWPORT KY May t Thirtyfourth day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge W O Farmer Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 D m O K O Q FIRST RACE 1 Mile Parse 250 3yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Horses A Vt St M U 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O 11 U 1 25061 QUEEN QUALITY 105 3 7 61 at 22 1 Lindsay Chambers Co 6 6 6 2 24184 MICOU 110 2 22 IH in is 2 Cunngham W Duffy 3336 333624SS5 24SS5 ROWDY Q 110 4 51 51 61 42 31 Forehand J 8 Wallace 10 15 15 6 6MUDGE MUDGE 105 5 4a 31 31 3i 41 May W Weir Co 6 10 10 4 24419 AMERICAN PRIDE 107 1 31 41 41 51 51 JHothersllR Gallagher 10 20 20 8 24885 LADY IDA 105 6 61 8 8 8 61 L Jackson J J McAleeter 7 7 7 2i 24790 DURRELL 25043 MARG HOFFMAN 105 8 9 10 10 10 82 Aker A H Hoffman 8883 24959 TANGIBLE 105 14 10 9 9 9 92 Troxlor C F Schleith Schleith250433ALBERT 10 10 8 3 250433ALBERT EDWARD 110 11 11 11 11 11 102 Brophy C 8 Eadford 2 3 2t 1 21885 CONCHA 105 9 11 22 2 61 112 BeanchampK P Shipp 15 15 15 6 4752 HIJA 105 10 12 12 12 12 1210 C Wilson M Simon 10 20 20 8 24325 DARK LYNE 110 12 13 13 13 13 135 Watson D M Wallace 20 50 50 20 24885 BELLE NUTTER 1051314 14 14 14 14 Patton Hickey Bros Co 10 12 12 a Tim 121 241 36J 49K 1021 1161 130 144 144Winner Winner Ch f by Pirate of Penzance Alma T TWent Went to post at 235 Off at the first break to a good start The first three were driving hard It was a tight fit at the finish The field ran in a close bunch all the way Queen Quality stumbled at the threoquarter post causing her to lose many lengths Micon was raced to pieces in front and was staggering at the end Rowdy G hugged the rail all the way and was in a bad pocket hut ran Troll after getting clear The first half was rnn very fast after which the speed tailed off badly The last half was run in 54 seconds Belle Nutter was pulled up in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 25109 High Tone 107 24989 Roberta Lee 105 105OverweiBhts OverweiBhts Belle Nutter 1 pound poundQueen Queen Quality show evens Micoa show 1 to 2 Rowdy G show 3 to 1 Albert Edward show 3 to 5 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Puree 5250 3yearolds and upward Selling 25129 Ind Horses A Wt 8t li StrFin Jockeys O H C P 24920 MEGGS 6 106 5 6 51 42 IB C Wilson G H Marimann 20 20 20 8 24855 FRANK FELLWBS 107t 1 21 21 21 23 W Narvaez H Mack 8 12 12 5 5li 25104 FLYING BIRD 5 104 4 li H H 3 L Jackson J J McAlester 8852 25038 KINGS PET 4 106 3 7 4i 5 45 Lindsay Chambers Co 4 5 5 2 24989 PRUDENT 9 105 6 8 7 61 52 Mosier E Bedenbeck 20 60 60 20 14991 TONY LICALZI 6 106 2 51 8 7 6 Troxler Torroyson Bros 8883 25066 SAUCE BOAT 4 107 7 9 9 3 72 BeauchampA Brown Co 32 2 2 1 25065 GEORGE LA BAR 6 106U2 11 11 9 8io A Moore L Chanmette 15 20 20 8 25064 BETTIE R 4 106 8 31 31 3t 92 Patton F Baumheckel 4 7 7 21 24177 MUDDER 3 90 9 10 10 10 10 Cogswell AEForaythCoS 552 24989 AL LONE 7 104110 4 6 Fell C Moore J Dowd 3 10 10 4 4Fell 25062 TALARICK 5 106 11 Fell Berman Brown Bros 8 12 12 5 Time 121 24 361 491 1 02 1 151 151Winner Winner Ch g by Deceiver Mamie Cole ColeWent Went to post at 305 At post 12 minutes Start good Won driving second driving Meggs came out of the bunch in the stretch with a rush and was going away at finish Frank Follows showed an unusual amount of speed Filing Bird quit in the same old way Kings Pet and Prudent came stoutly at the finish Bettie R had plenty of early speed died away in the stretch and was eased up When Al Lone fell she was coming fast to her horses trying to get to the front Al udder ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched 2503S Lizetta 8 90 90Overweights Overweights Frank Fellows 11 pounds Prudent 1 George La Bar i Bottie R 4 Al Lone i iMeggs Meggs show 4 to 1 Frank Fellows show 2 to 1 Flying Bird show evens Sauce Boat show 1 to 2 6K l Q THIRD HACK 34 Mile Puree 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St V4 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24962 8AGUENAY 4 101 1 H 12 H li H Head W Cos 10 20 20 8 249622RARE PERFUME 5 109 4 3 2 21 2i CunnghamR F Brown 25042 BANQUO II 7 104 5 7 7 61 31 Lindsay C J Fob 20 25 25 10 250622CALOOCAN 4 102 2 61 61 35 41 BeanchampR C Cooper 6883 250432PINE CHIP 3 100 6 52 41 41 51 Aker G W Innes Co 3 5 5 2 2D 25107 LEETKA 8 106 3 41 5 51 6i C Wilson D B Freeman 5883 5883W 250663 CUSTODIAN 3 92 9 8 9 7 72 Baptiste W Hunt Co 25485 25485J 25040 QUAVER 7 104 10 10 8 8 8s Troxler J Brinkman Brinkman250653NANOY 3662 250653NANOY SEITZ 5 103 7 9 10 10 95 May H L Johnson 25065 SACKHEN 4 102 8 21 31 9 10 JHothersll Bell Co 15 25 25 50 50Time Time 12 24i 361 49 1011 1142 1142Winner Winner B g by Potomac Marguerite MargueriteWent Went to post at 3 35 Off at the first break to a good start Won handily next three driv ¬ ing Saguenay went to the front and had the spend of the party Rare Perfume labored all the way and could not get to the leader Banquo II finished gamely and would have won had the race been a sixteenth of a mile farther Caloocan was jostled nearly all the way Pine Chip ran an improving race raceScratched Scratched 25065 Arrogant 95 25062 Old Phil 92 92Sagnenay Sagnenay show 3 to 1 Rare Perfume show out Banquo II show 4 to 1 Custodian show 4 to 5 FOURTH HACE 1 Mile Purse 250 4yearoide and upward Selling 25131 lad Horses A Wt St 54 StrFin Jockeys O H O P 250673 MISS REDWOOD 8 110 3 41 45 35 21 H Watson E W Baxter 24920 PASSAIC 5115 1 H 13 IS 13 22 Richards W Garth Co 1 757512 757512250672EOU8 250672EOU8 4 112 2 23 23 21 33 32 Beanchamp J Smith Co 5662 25108 ABE FUR8T 7 115 7 73 61 61 51 41 Troxler F Goring 12 15 15 6 25067 LA SPARA 4 110 8 61 7 7 7 51 Lindsay R W Marks 30 60 60 20 2025042EITHOLIN 25042EITHOLIN 6 115 5 8 8 8 8 62 W Webster W C Smith 5662 25067 DR BLACK 6112 6 51 5 51 62 78 W Narvaoz J M Thornton Jr 8884 8884250422OUTBURST 250422OUTBURST 4 115110 10 9 9 9 82 Knapp E T Graves 5 7 7 21 24404 TOLUCA 5 1111 4 31 31 41 41 910 CnnnghamW Duffy 34432 13546 LYLLIS 7 113 9 9 10 10 10 10 WCampbellGrater Co 20 40 40 15 15Time Time 12 241 48 1 141 1 411 411Winner Winner B m by Cedarwood Red Girl GirlWent Went to post at 415 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily second easily Miss Bedwood finished with a rush and stole a march on Passaic who was worn out in setting the pace at a fast rate Eons ran to his best form but was tired out in chasing Passaic Abe Furst jfinished strongly and was coming fast at the end La Spara outran herself and Eitholin did not Tun the mark Tolnca was probably short Outburst by no moans ran his race but got off badly badlyScratched Scratched 24995 B G Fox 115 24752Governor Boyd 112 250643Charley Daniels112 24994 24994Overweights Overweights Outburst i pound Toluca 11 Lyllis 3 3Miss Miss Redwood show evens Passaic show out Eons show evens Tolnca show evens FIFTH HACE 13 Mile Purse 5250 2yearolds Selling 25132 Ind Horses A Wt St X Vi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H J 105 3 32 32 12 Troxler Graves Innes 6 10 10 4 251053TOM CRABB 105 1 22 21 2 May T S Crabb 2 21 21 1 1250632DR 250632DR WORTH 105 4 42 42 31 Aker DonahueWatsn75 95 85 3 35 24290 HULLABALOO 107 7 13 12 41 W Narvaez Russell Jones 15 20 20 8 24858 KING REX 105 5 51 51 22 BeauchampR J Hiner 34485 23899 VENEER 110 6 62 65 62 L Jackson B P Harlan 15 15 15 6 24990 BRUSSELS 107 2 777 JHothersUH L House 10 12 12 5 5Time Time 12 24 36 481 481Winner Winner Ch c by Hanover Despenia DespeniaWent Went to post at 445 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily after a sharp drive sec ¬ ond driving It was a hard fight in the last eighth of a mile until near the finish between Tom Crabb and Hand Bail Tom Crabb did his best and hung on stoutly Dr Worth ran his race Hullabaloo broke two lengths behind her field and showed a marvelous burst of speed She should have been third but her rider eased her up upHand Hand Rail show 2 to 1 Tom Crabb show out Dr Worth show out King Rex show 3 to5 O K 1 t SIXTH HACK 7 13 Furlongs Purse 2jO 3yearolds and upward jf JLOO Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 24991 BEN OFALLON 6 1061 1 21 31 3 11 1 W Narvaez J A Smith 15 40 30 8 24654 OBSTINTE SIMNS 1031 6 61 42 2 31 23 Aker Mrs RF Myers 6 8 8 21 24993LITTLE HENRY 3 100 5 31 21 45 41 31 L Jackson E Sweeney 2 21 21 12 25042 CBARLEY E3TES4 1091 4 7 7 52 51 45 Henson JJosephson 8 25 25 8 8249913IMPEBIALIST 249913IMPEBIALIST 4 107 8 11 13 H 21 5 Richards J ELane 35 71035 out 24991 BAFFLED 4105 2 51 51 61 61 6 May E Fitzgerald 15 30 30 10 24886 BLENHEIM 5107 3 41 63 73 72 73 Lynch AEForsyth 50 75 75 25 25064 BEAN 3 991 7 8 8 8 8 8 JHothersll W S Laird 10 15 15 5 5TO Time 12 24 49 1 OU 1 15 1 28 1 34h TO Winner 34hWinner Cb g by Harry OFallon Emma C Cvn vnYient Yient toP ° st at 5io At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Ben O vn Fallon ran a cood race and his performance was quite an improvement Obstinate Simon also ran a good race and should be hard to beat from now on in the same company Little Henry ran his raca Imperialist was rushed too much in the first six furlongs and was tired and stag goring at the finish finishScratched Scratched 25042 Frank McConnell 107 21915 Major Bell 102 Overweights 102Overweights 4KBen Ben OFallon 4i pounds Obstinate Simon 11 Charley Estes 21 Bean 4K Ben O Fallon show 4 to 1 Obstinate Simon show 6 to 5 Little Henry show out