Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-18


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND OAKLAND CAI May 17 Ninetyseventh day California Jockey Club Spring Mealing Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 2 05 p m Recall flag is used T HACE13 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances A Wt 8t 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P NONIE 115 2 alt 72 11 Sullivan M Kane 10 20 8 4 25047 LENTO 118 7 6 61 21 Greene J N Bnrk 8 8 6 2 23875 GYPSY BOY 118 3 11 H 31 Shields 8 F Capps 477 250SO SHELLMOUNT 115 8 7 5 4 Collis D Camero 10 20 20 8 25080 DAN COLLINS 115 6 31 2 55 Dugan W L Stan Stanfield 31 4 4 2 25009 CLEAR SKY SKYBIG 115 10 10 9 6 Tullet T Fox 30 50 30 12 BIG MA8SIE 118 9 9 41 7 Conley Papinta 4883 2aOS2 ST SEVER 115 4 4 8 8 Alexander Bnrlingame Farm6 10 10 4 2a009 WANDERING BOY 118 1 1SUE 22 3 9 Hennessey La SUsta Ranch 10 15 15 6 SUE ROBINSON 115 5 8 10 10 Bozeman A Ross 20 30 30 12 23580 CAYENNE PEPPER115 11 11 11 11 Ruiz Murphy Griffin 4 4t 4t 2 25047 KNOCKINGS 115 Left at the he post Armstrong C Earl Co 30 50 50 20 20Time Time 25 50 50Winn Winn r B f by Santiago Crap Game GameWent Went to poet at 210 At post 15 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Nonie was much the beit and was going away like a ahot in the last sixty yards Lento ran a good race under a poor ride Gypsy Boy showed the most early spied but quit in the stretch Shell mount is a good looker that made many long breakaways yet ran well Dan Collins was weakly ridden and a clever rider would probably have won on him himNonie Nonie show 2 to 1 Lento show 6 to 5 Gypsy Boy show 8 to 5 Dan Collins show evens 25147 O PC 1 A H SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M K 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25046 YELLOW TAIL 4 137 5 21 12 1 12 Ruiz J Hackett 35 35 920 out out245942ARTICULATE 245942ARTICULATE 3 125 1 42 45 31 2 J Ranch W C do B Lopiz 32 21 11512 251193MIKE STRAUSS 4 134 2 31 31 21 35 Hoar W E Cotton 6 15 12 85 85250443DAVID 250443DAVID S 3 122 3 1 2a 41 416 Armstrong L B McArthur 24 60 60 10 23753 AURORA B 8 135 4 5555 Dingley W P Dingley 60 100 50 8 8Time Time 121 24 491102 491102Winner Winner Ch c by Watercress Paioma PaiomaWent Went to post at 245 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Yellow Tail was beet and galloped away from the field when Ruiz was ready He was never bet ¬ ter than now Articulate finished gamely but is not nearly the colt ho wag earlier in the year Mike Strauss was badly ridden at the windup and should have been second handily David S showed great early speed but quit badly Aurora B belongs elsewhere elsewhereArticulate Articulate show out Mike Strauss show 1 to 3 tJ r l4O THIRD RACE 13 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ind Horses AWt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 250822CARLO 118 1 51 1 12 Conley W M Murry 95 3 3 45 45249343B 249343B C GREEN 118 3 1 22 2 BaBsinger B C Watkins 6993 24696 LADY CARLO 118 6 4H 41 32 Ruiz F J ORourke 5 7 7 21 25080 BOTANY 115 5 2 3 42 Fauntleroy E E Edwards 20 30 30 10 24833 ARMADO 115 4 31 51 5 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse 2 11511545 11511545250092REELE 250092REELE us 2 61 63 6 Alexander Smith Co 20 25 25 8 24332 YOU YOU 115 8 8 7 76 Hoar J Snllivan 20 20 20 7 72486S38ENATOR 2486S38ENATOR BRUCE 118 7 7 8 8 H Shields J L Clayton Co 3 4 3 65 65Time Time 12 24t 49 49Winner Winner Ch c by St Carlo Eliz ElizWent Went to post at 310 At post 15 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Carlo is a good colt and was going away fast in the last sixteenth being ridden out B C Green ran an exceedingly fast three furlongs but tired after that Lady Carlo finished stoutly and should win soon Botany showed more than his usual amount of speed Senator Bruce was prominent in all breakaways but the last where Shields succeeded in keeping him out of it He is a grand looker and can beat good ones onesScratched Scratched 25080 Hon Peter Sterling 118 118Carlo Carlo show 2 to 5 B C Green show 7 to 5 Lady Carlo show 4 to 5 Armado show 2 to 5 Senator Bruce show 3 to a fc fcK K A Q FOURTH RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses A Wt St St M H V StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 250132GAUNTLET 5 108 3 31 45 1 12 1 u J Ranch W D Randall 1 11101 15 250483MALAY 5 105 4 42 32 31 21 21 23 Bassinger H E Rowell 65 75 75 310 24974 STROMO 5 99 2 1 1 23 32 3 3 Fauntleroy D C McCarty 15 20 15 3 24541 VOHICER 4 98 1 21 2i 41041545 46 Hoar J K Patton 6 10 10 3 249743 FAUNETTE 7 97 5555555 Dyer H BensingerCoSO 10080 20 20Time Time 251 51 1 16 1 42 2 OS OSWinnerCh WinnerCh h by Cavalier Herschel HerschelWent Went to post at 345 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily second easily Gaunt ¬ let was clearly best and was well handled although making his run rather early Malay failed to finish as stoutly as usual Stromo flattered his backers for about six furlongs and then dropped out of serious contention The others were outclassed outclassedGauntlet Gauntlet show out Malay show out Stromo show 7 to 10 FIFTH HACE 4 13 ITurlongs Purse 350 2yearolds Selling 2515O Ind Horses A Wt St M 1A 3A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24833ESCALANTE 106 4 13 13 li Alexander E J Baldwin 8 10 10 4 4246243ROYALTY 246243ROYALTY 105 3 21 21 22 Bassinger W B Sink Jr 4 4 a 65 24797 POROUS 106 2 31 32 33 Hoar L A Blasingame 10 25 20 8 24973 VASSALO 103 1 51 41 42 J Ranch BnrnBWaterhse32 21 2 910 24624 HUACHUCA 106 7 77 55 Collis Doble Campbell 5 852 24761 TORSO MAID 107 5 61 5 63 Bozeman J Weber Co 6 9 9 31 3125009DANDY 25009DANDY 114 6 8 82 75 Ruiz Murphy Griffin 10 15 15 6 24973 EVEA G 103 10 41 6 81 Fauntleroy J Coffey 15 20 20 8 8ATNIPAP ATNIPAP 106 8 9 9 92 Russell Papinta 10 50 50 20 24905 1RMA A 109 9 10 10 10 Hafley J Sullivan 10 20 20 7 7Time Time 12 24 481 55 55Winner Winner Ch c by Amigo Colonis ColonisWent Went to post at 405 At post 9 minutes Start bad Won easily second the same Esca lante got off flying ran a fast race and Alexander took no chances Royalty well backed ran an excellent race Porous turned another form flipflop and ran hia race today Vassalo got off flatfooted and had a stormy journey fluachuca really ran a good race under difficulties and would probably have won if off on even terms with the winner winnerScratched Scratched 2504738ol 106 106Overweights Overweights Dandy 2 pounds Atnipap 3 Irma A 4 4Escalante Escalante show 2 to 1 Royalty show 3 to 5 Porous show 4 to 1 Vassalo show 2 to 5 25151 O CT 1 pr 1 SIXTH RACE O l Ifurlongs Puree 350 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H 3i StrFm Jockeys Owners O H C P 250842JIM HALE 107 4 12 U 12 12 Alexander W L Btanfleld 3 3 115710 115710250102WARDMAN 250102WARDMAN 103 a 5 41 4 2 Bassinger P C Dornleche 65 85 85 12 12250103DUNFREE 250103DUNFREE 105 1 32 2 2n 3 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse6 10 10 115 25117 FLATTERER 108 2 41 31 31 412 Hoar F D Weir 2 31 1651 25010 MARESA 109 3 21 5 5 5 Russell J Dolan 8 10 8 3 Time 11 24 48 114 121 121Winner Winner B g by Piccolo Rillito RillitoWent Went to post at 430 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Jim Hale was not taken back today and ran a grand race going the shortest way around after going the first quarter Wardman finished very strongly after dropping out of it very suspiciously early Dnnfree ran well and has improved considerably Flatterer did not rnn his race Maresa Jim Hale show out Wardman show out Dnnfree show 4 to 5 Flatterer show 1 to 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901051801/drf1901051801_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1901051801_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800