Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-25


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Sellinglad lad Horsas Ago Wi Hdcp 252203 Phil Archibald 122 680 25220 Pareifal 119 685 24795 Eldred 119 665 665249031Catherine 249031Catherine Bravo 117 700 700247953Companion 247953Companion 117 690 24831 Count Hubert 114 670 24903 Aphrodis 112 680 25331 Matilda O 112 665 23372 Spindle Ill 685 685250442Rasp 250442Rasp Ill 675 675Contlary Contlary 109 Glening 109 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yoarolds Selling Selling25150Escalante 25150Escalante 106 720 720252583Qlondenning 252583Qlondenning 105 725 25330 Huachuca 102 715 25186 Divina 101 710 710251503Porous 251503Porous 100 715 715Discovery Discovery br c by Trentola Mystery 100 232S4 Alice Josephine 97 700 25150 Irma A 97 705 705Third Third Race 1 12 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling2518S 2518S Stromo 5 114 725 725249742Dr 249742Dr Marks 6 110 720 24242 Tom Calvert 6 110 715 25329 The Buffoon 4 109 700 70025328SExpedient 25328SExpedient 4 104 705 25149 Faunotto 7 103 715 25225 Sylvan Lass 5 102 710 710Fourth Fourth Race 31 Kile 3y oarolds and upward Selling 25261 Castake 6111 710 25309 KcAlbert 6 Ill 705 25224 Donator 6 Ill 715 25328 Glissando 4 109 705 705253323Valescienne 253323Valescienne 6 109 725 253322Mocorito 725253322Mocorito 6 109 715 25187 Duokoy 4 109 710 23562 Beau Monde 6 109 695 25256 Mike Rice 8 106 709 25015 Casdale 5 105 695 695251852Alas 251852Alas 4 102 705 251172Princess 705251172Princess Titania 3 95 720 720Fifth Fifth Kae 84 Wile 3yaarolds Handicap 25222 Meahanus 5 117 713 713247G3St 247G3St Cnthbsrt 6 114 725 25119Donblet 72525119Donblet 4 110 720 25329Miko 72025329Miko Strauss 4 102 710 24933Tho 71024933Tho Miller 5 95 715 25259 Jack Richelieu Jr 3 80 700 700Sixtli Sixtli Race 1 Mile and CO Yards 4yearolds and npward Selling 25013 Merops 5 109 715 715253292ElMido 253292ElMido 5 109 720 25260 Ostler Joe 8 106 715 252253Bnrdcck 715252253Bnrdcck 4 105 710 25189 Ping 6 103 705 25261Montallade 70525261Montallade 8 103 725

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052501/drf1901052501_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1901052501_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800