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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Horsoa Age Wt Hdcp 25252 Lot Thomas 115 655 25280 Socapa 112 675 675251653Zonaido 251653Zonaido 110 700 25314 Micou 110 690 25280 Arrogant 110 660 660Lady Lady Wana 110 25128 Belle Nutter 110 675 25280 Hayseed 107 680 680253112Young 253112Young Henry 107 635 25350 Old Phil 107 670 25196 Dnrrell 107 665 25250 TheTramp 107 685 685252802Concha 252802Concha 105 680 25350 Roberta Lee 105 660 25062 Sister Sndio 105 670 670Second Second Race 1 13 Furlongo Furlongo2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses color ear pedigree Wt Hdcp HdcpThe The Common b c by The MiesMcLaughlin Commoner MiesMcLaugh lin 110 249922Myrtlo Dell 107 715 715251122Fonndling 251122Fonndling 107 725 725252812Ben 252812Ben Hnllnm 107 705 25251 Wedding March 107 720 720252513Hose 252513Hose of Bed 107 700 TlUrd Race34 Mile 4yearolds and npward Allowances Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 25285 Peter Duryea 4117 25253 Zanono 8 116 25170Charley OBrien 4 114 25314 Robert Gray 4 109 25315 Canrobart 4 106 25285Imperialist 4 106 25310Enterpe 5 106 25131 Toluca 5 106 25065Sweet Charity 4 104 Fourth Race 1 Mile Match Match24563Terminns 24563Terminns 3 105 25253Unsightly 4103 Fifth Race 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 252853Castine 4 113 705 25282 Locust Blossom 6 109 700 700252012Qovernor 252012Qovernor Boyd 6 108 710 710252S52Albertvale 252S52Albertvale 7 107 715 25200 Kirkwood 5 103 725 25254 Hinsdalo 3 100 720 252522 Alls Well 3 95 710 7102517S 2517S Polly Bixby 4 95 695 25201 Saragamp 3 86 705 705Sixth Sixth Race 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 21318 AbeFnrst 7 114 725 72525129Meggs 25129Meggs 6 Ill 710 24959 Jim Gore II 25311Gwynno 4 109 715 25062 Mrs Daniels 4 107 705 25107 Oconee 4 107 715 25i55 Sundown II 5 106 705 25311 Sir Blaze 5 106 690 249203Randy 4 104 710 25106 St Sidney 3 100 700 25201 Queen Quality 3 95 695 Seventh Race 1 Mile MileOver Over 4 Hurdles 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances23S572The 23S572The Planet 7 ISO 650 25165 Cardenas 4 127 670 25348 Charley Daniels 7 127 675 25315 Metoxen 5 127 655 25171 Mr Brookwood 5 127 665 25171 Seidenbach 6 127 660