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WORTH FORM CHART CHARTWORTH WORTH ILL May 24 Twentieth day Worth Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track slow and dead Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Startor Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m V Q A F1R8T BACK78 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third AJtJtJOti 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St J4 V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 23675 LITTLE ELKIN 112 6 91 81 7i 32 IH See O J Ogles 6 7 31 65 21534 FORM 110 5H 3H 32 Hi IH 2 Gouin R Haley 20 30 30 15 25152 SCULPTRESS 105 7 5 9 3 21 3 C Booker J Griffin Co 4662 25267 HANS WORST 11510 4i IH 61 41 45 Dominick T Licalzi 1353 115910 24704 M L RTHSCHILDHO 2n Hi 4i 2i 52 51 Coburn J E Gushing 6 10 10 4 213S5 MARY MOORE 110 4i 71 5 5 71 6 JWinkfield P J Moss Co 7773 25227 PAY ME 112 8u 6 7i 85 62 71 Nutt J McDonald 30 30 20 8 24909 NIBBLER 105 9 81 6 9 9 8 R Jackson T J OHern 20 40 40 15 252633FLANEUR 112 1 22 2 4n 8i 92 I Lewis J Maiden 4 G G 2 25152 GH BILL HIGGIN8107 3 10 10 10 10 10 Cash J Maiden 4 6 6 21 Coupled 21Coupled in betting Time 12J 24 37 50 1 04 1 18 1 31 S Winner Ch g by Lamplighter Emma Pickwick w Went to post at 220 Off at tho first break to a good start The first three were driving to the limit Little Elkin is a slow beginner ana proved a better stayer than any of the others and after getting through on tho insido at the head of tho stretch finished gamely under a hard drive Ho was backed for a good thing and in the race proved to be one Form ran a good race and had Gouin not swung so wide with her on the last turn she undoubtedly would have won Sculptress also lost much ground by going to the outside on the stretch turn Considering this Little Elkin was lucky to win Sculptress was interfered with on the backetrotch M L Roth ¬ schild broke flying and showed early speed Ho is a good looker but seems to be a counterfeit Flaneur will not do at all Ho had all tho luck in the race but after going about three fnrlonge quit MoLittle badly Mary Moore ran a good race as did Pay Mo Little Elkin show 3 to S Fprm show 6 to 1 Sculptress show 4 to 5 Hanswurst show IJp 2 C K Q Q K SECOND RACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third jOOOO 2yearolde Soiling Ind Horses AWt St J4 Yi 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 252283HAYDON 118 3 It 12 11 121 Cay wood W Hedges Co 2 13513565 24979 ERNEST PARHAM108 6 35 21 22 2 J WinkfieldMrkleinWmhffe 10 10 4 25190 MIHASA 100 5 4 43 42 3s R Jackson W Gum Co 10 20 15 6 25123 TOM WALLACE 106 Is IsRED 2 35 33 43 Dominick J Arthur 6 10 7 2 RED TIP 10G 4i 4i25228ARIGATO 51 i Gl 5 52 See H T Griffin 6 20 20 8 8i 25228ARIGATO 95 8 i i 71 72 61 i Donnelly H B Durham 10 15 15 4 24567 COUNTESS TEKLA1031 2 225153GRACCHI 6 5 61 7ii Coburn K Stone 6 9 4 85 25153GRACCHI 95 9 9252622AHLEAN 72 Si 81 82 Birkonruth L H Ezell 5662 252622AHLEAN B 95 7 9999 Rice J E Gushing 15 15 15 G Apprentice allowance Timo j2 24 36 49 56 HaydonWent Winner Ch c by Hermence Lady Haydon Went to poet at 250 At post 3 minutes Start fair Won driven out second and third under keen pressure Haydon was the best got a good ride and did not run out as he usually does on the turn Caywood had the race won at the sixteenth post but to make sure he drove the colt to the very end Ernest Parham IB game Winkfiold started to work at him soon after flag fall and punished him all the way Mihasa on the outside finished very strongly He got up just in time to nip Tom VVallace The latter got a flying start and judging from this performance he does not call for much Mark Red Tip for early action He got away poorly had a rough jour ¬ ney but ran a good race raceScratched Scratched 24873 Minnie Copeland 100 100Overweights Overweights Countess Tekla 31 pounds Ernest Parham 2 Haydon 3 Haydon show 1 to 2 Ernest Parhan show 2 to 1 Mihasa show 3 to 1 Q O THIRD RACK 34 filile Purse 100 75 to second 25 to third O O O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 251912FEDEKAL 5 110 5 41 42 H 12 J Mathews L Marion Co 4 5 5 85 25191 FIRESIDE 7 107 4 321 3 2i 2i Coburn G C Bennett Co 4 4 31 75 25191 GOV SAYRES 3 91 3 It li 3 3 R Jackson A J Oglea 8 20 15 5 25227 L VIEW BELLE 3 89 7 7 7 42 4 Saaton M C Mooro 8 15 15 6 251922BOOMERACK 3 102 GH 62 5f 5i 5H Dominick J H Arthur 33365 25156 BLUE LICK 5118 2 51 61 GI 62 Caywood G W Poole 3 41 18575 2522721F 185752522721F YOU DARE 3 99 1 22i 23 7 7 J Uaker Bolich Sweet 4 8 8 21 Time 12 24 36 49 116 Winner 116Winner ForethoughtWent Br g by Burlington or Kingston Forethought Went to post at 320 At post 2 minutes Start good Won well in hand second mildly driven third fourth and fifth hard driven Federal ran a fine race He was skilfully ridden mot with no interference and from the head of the stretch had an easy time of it Fireside im ¬ proved wonderfully since her last raco She is inconsistent and a most treacherous betting proposition Governor Sayreb showed a lot of speed He is a quitter though and at the end was etaggoring Lake View Belle had bad racing luck Seaton riding her into every Docket avail ¬ able Boomerack did not nearly run his race Blue Lick seamed stiff and sore going to the post and was never dangerous If You Dare showed his usual speed and also his faintheartedness faintheartednessScratched Scratched 249103Mark Miles 112 25051 Canova 113 25267 Avatar 103 252663Donman Thompson 102 25191 Ranco 110 25191 Lucille Bramble 109 25192 Zaza 98 Overweights 98Overweights Boomerack 2 pounds If You Dare 2 Blue Lick 2 2Federal Federal show 7 to 10 Fireside show 7 to 10 Governor Sayres show 2 to 1 Boomerack show 1 to 2 Blue Lick show 7 to 10 6 T O r7 FOURTH RACE 1 13 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third xa O O O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt 8t St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 252673AZ1M 3 88 4 31 31 32 22 2 Hi Daviseon R M Westerfleld 576 32 25127 EXCELSIS 5 114 2 21 2i 21 11 IH 28 Dominick Mrs L Griffin 65 95 95 25 25296 SUNRO 3 1031 H 4 4 4 4 3H 31 Cobnrn F T Wood 8 15 13 2 2252652FRANGIBLE 252652FRANGIBLE 4 111 31 IH H 11 3i 4 4 JWinkfleld Hold Bros 65 65 1 13 Apprentice 13Apprentice allowanceTime allowance Time 14J6 27 40 53 1 06 1 20 1 33 1 47 2 15 2 27 2 41 Winner 41Winner B c by Lazzarone Tne Jewess JewessWent Went to post at 345 Off at the second break to a poor start Won handily the others were driving Azim ran a much different race than his last Ho seemed to like the track was as nim ¬ ble as a twoyearold had plenty of speed and won most impressively Perhaps the weight off was accountable for this improvement Excolsis did his very best He was nicely handled but found the route a trifle too far and at the end was very tired Sunro has had a lot of it lately and acted as if stale Frangible could not handle the weight He led on sufferance for about seven furlongs Ho is good and over a distance of ground will be a hard horse to beat under light weight weightOverweights Overweights Sunro 31 pounds poundsAzim Azim show 2 to 5 Excelsis ohow out Snnro show 1 to 2 Frangible show out Q K Q Q Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 75 to second S25 to third J O O O O 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horsoa AWt St M Vz 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 250533MEH1TO 4 lOli 3 41 4 3 31 m J Mathewe H B Durham 21 3 125710 125710248iO 248iO BRANCH 6109 1 32 3ii 5 42 2 JWinkfield M C Moore 2i 21 12545 251933 ANDES 5 log 2n IB IKK 22 IH 3 Cob am J Arthur 588 115 25229 CHAR MOORE 4 105 4n 2H 23 IH 2 4 Dominick T F Coles 85 85 85 12 25195 MD RESERVE 5 103 5 5 5 4n 5 5 Dibblo G B Havill 60 100 60 15 15Time Time 12 25 37 49 1 03 1 16 1 44 44Winner Winner B f by Wadsworth Modjeska ModjeskaWent Went to post at 4 20 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily at the end after an oarly drive the next three finished on about equal terms and each was driving to the limit Merito was much the best and had to be to win She was sharply interfered with being almost thrown over the fence on the turn by Branch The interference was of the sharpest kind but Morito overcame it gamely and slowly but surely worked her way to the front winning going away Branch ran a good game raco He was hard driven the last three furlongs Andes showed a lot of speed and hung on more gamely than usual At about the sixteenth post Andes was ready to give It npbnt came again at the very end Charley Moore was ridden to the best advantage andran to his notch Mark Maryland Reserve for lower company Ho got a bad ride was promi ¬ nent on the outside on the far turn and ran a better race than the figures show showOverweights Overweights Merito 11 pounds 1 nut Branch show 1 to 3 Andes show 3 to 5 Charley Moore s SIXTH HACiS 1 110 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 4yearolde and upward Selling IBS AWt St K StrFin Jockeys Ownora O H 0 P 251932MYTH 7108 2n Hi Hi ID 25 23 Rice E Trotter Co 2 2 14545 14545251562TREBOR 251562TREBOR 6 113 GH 62 52 50 56 31 Otis K J Murphy 3 18518545 1851854525195DAGMAR 25195DAGMAR 6118 4i 3i 35 33 32 42 J Mathews R T Wright Co 10 16 16 5 25267 HO8I 6 113 1 46 43 42 43 50 Dominick I M Fries 10 30 SO 8 8252952QXNAHD 252952QXNAHD 6 113 7 7 7 7 63 65 I Lewis E Harding Co 20 40 40 12 25195 OBSIDIAN 5 116 51 52 61 61 7 7 C Booker E F Miller 20 40 40 15 Apprentice Allowance AllowanceTime Time 12J 24 36 49 1 02 1 16J 1 30 1 43 1 50 50Winner Winner Bile h byDochart Pearl Street StreetWent Went to poet at 450 Off at first break to a good start Won eased up the next three were doing their best Walkenshaw is in excellent form and simply breezed under a stout pull all the way The track was made to order for him and he was ridden to perfection Myth showed his usual amount of speed had no mischances and ran to his best mark Trebor is most consistent He was sharply interfered with at the start and never really cot into his stride until the stretch was reached Then he closed an enormous gap and possibly would have been second had he not been interfered with at tho start Dagmar was out of his class He was well ridden and ran an honest contentionScratched race The others cut no figure in the real contention Scratched 252962Refugee 113 25195 Phidias 113 Walkonshaw 113Walkonshaw show out Myth show 1 to 2 Trebor show 1 to 3