Latonia Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-25


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IATONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Harass Ago Wt Hdop 25291 Piramo 5 108 71 24405 Back Talk 4103 71 22320 Lancehim 4 103 69 69252862Prince 252862Prince of Africa 3 103 70t 25325 Billy Botts 3 102 69 25243 Beauty Book 4 96 72 25325 Arriba 4 96 IK 24680 Vie Lament 5 93 72 25360 Sonex Gloria 3 89 71 252022 Farad ay jr 3 86 705 25179 Flora Bell 3 86 700 700Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 25180 Captain Gaines 4 ill 700 7002532333prung 2532333prung 4 107 715 21974 Ontello 3 100 710 25322 Opera Girl 5 96 705 70525327Uledi 25327Uledi 3 92 720 720253232Janowood 253232Janowood 3 91 725 725Third Third Race 34 Mile 3 yearolds and upward Selling Selling25361Chorns 25361Chorns Boy 5 113 725 25203 Farrell 6 109 705 70525360Dr 25360Dr J W Ramsey 5 108 710 710253633flarney 253633flarney 3 108 705 25322 Maydino 4 107 710 25323 Thorn Wild 3 105 700 700253632Onomastus 253632Onomastus 5 105 715 715251422Snave 251422Snave 4 104 700 70025204Bill 25204Bill Massie 3 102 715 71525238Troubaline 25238Troubaline 4 101 720 720253222Little 253222Little Rita 5 98 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Turf Congress Handicap 2000 added added222352Cambrian 222352Cambrian 5 110 750 75025113Isobel 25113Isobel 3 98 740 740219992Gaheris 219992Gaheris 3 96 735 735251813Judge 251813Judge Redwine 3 96 730 25113 His Lordship 5 95 735 735Fifth Fifth Race58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp253593Easter 253593Easter Boy 107 715 715252873Sabrine 252873Sabrine 106 710 710252423Janbert 252423Janbert 106 720 72025326Miss 25326Miss Charlie 103 725 725Emmet Emmet Orr br c by Wads worth Lady Virgil 103 25362 Sallie Green 101 705 70525281Scortic 25281Scortic 100 715 25287 GeorgoR 98 700 25326 Kilrneh 95 705 25326 Amirante 93 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 5 13 Furlong 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling25179Teucor 25179Teucor G110 715 23262 Indian 4 107 710 25322 Islip 6 105 700 25074 Jockey Joe 5 104 690 24244 Sad Sam 3 104 725 25238 Huffman 7102 705 25288 Fusion 5 102 700 700251102Elsio 251102Elsio Barnes 7 100 710 71025291Queen 25291Queen oDay 3 93 720

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Local Identifier: drf1901052501_3_5
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