Hawthornes Handsome Start., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-28


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HAWTHORNES HANDSOME START STARTThe The Hawthorne track was opened yesterday in a glowing way A big crowd was out The rinif had twentyfive books within it and the racing was of high class and good to look upon Four favorites scored in Impromptu Becky Bolfe Abe rank and Louisville The other winners were Hermoso 50 to 1 and Knightbanneret 3 to 1 1Hermoso Hermoso fresh and good beat Bessie Macken and Money Muss as they were tiring after a long fight for the lead and had left an opening at the rails for him to come through His price was a falsa one oneImpromptu Impromptu won the second event because he outclassed his lot lotThe The Hooe pair Frond and Becky Rolfe ran onetwo in the short course handicap Frond being pulled to let the Tristan mare win after she had disposed of Sallust SallustThe The fourth race got together a choice band of twoyearolds the odds on favorites George C Bennetts pair Abe Frank and Ed Austin land ¬ ing one two The Schorr colt Eddie Busch and Pat Dunnes J V Kirby both ran impress ¬ ive races behind the Bennett cracks cracksLouisville Louisville landed the mile handicap fifth on the card Ohnet running a bad race The clos ¬ ing event a mile and a quarter selling fell to the third choice Knightbanneret the best horse as the race was run runMr Mr Holtmans starting was excellent and the handsome track looked its best

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052801/drf1901052801_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1901052801_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800