Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-28


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 37 Fortysecond day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judgn Henry Qneen Starter Thomas Riley Racing starts at 230 D m rT FIRST RACE G 13 Puree 250 and O K A O Iurlongs 4yearoldB upward O4b 5 d Selling Ind Horses A Wt St A 5 StrFm Jockeys Owners O H O P 25310 ROSY MORN 5 105 3 12 13 H H Aker J Brinkman 32 2 2 710 25199 DR FANNIE 4 107 2 45 45 3 2 H Watson R Little 7 15 15 6 25130 CALOOCAN 4 105 1 2 2 45 3 BeanchampR C Cooper 21 16516565 16516565253463BROWN 253463BROWN VAIL 5110 5 51 61053 41 May Mrs J C Tucker 2 3 3 65 25311 PRUDENT 9 110 4 3 31 2t 52 Mosier E Bedenbeck 8 12 12 5 5251963AHAMO 251963AHAMO 4 105 7 8 7 7 62 Troxler K P Shipp 6883 25101 PASCHAL 4 105 8 62 51 65 7 Lindsay F Goring 10 12 12 5 25062 NANNIE J 5 110 6 7 8 8 8 C Wilson J P Housley 10 15 15 6 25311 LUCY LEACH 5 110 Left at the post Meidling Chambers Co 7 12 12 5 5Time Time 12i 241 5H 1201 127 127Winner Winner Ch m by Prosper Peggy OMoora OMooraWent Went to post at 231 Oil at the first break to a bad start Won ridden out second driving Rosy Morn was one of the lucky ones to get away well and Aker never let upon her Dr Fannie was also lucky but had to do her best to stall off Caloocan The latter was cut off in the stretch Brown Vail ran her race Prudent tired at the finish The others had no chance at flag fall fallScratched Scratched 25065 Clipeetta 105 105Overweights Overweights Dr Fannie 2 pounds poundsRosy Rosy Morn show out Dr Fannie show 3 to 1 Caloocan show 3 to 5 Brown Vail show 3 to 5 SECOND RACE 13 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances 25428 Ind Horses A Wt Ht J4 K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25317 MARY GREENWAY 102 2 12 12 12 L Jackson Ware Cronin 3 31 3 65 65253473PEARL 253473PEARL BAN 102 6 51 52 2 WashingtnR E L Rice 31 5 5 2 25312 LADY FLORENCE 102 7 61 31 3 Troxler Hickey Bros 5772 25347 PIGEON TOP 102 3 21 2 410 Richards 8 8 Rhodes 2 11511545 25197 WINNORA 102 5 3 41 51 W Woods W H Sayre 10 10 10 4 24057 SEA PIRATE 102 4 7 62 62 May T 8 Crabb 23245 25281 ILOE 105 1 4 7 7 W Narvaez Torreyson Bros 15 20 20 8 8Time Time 121 251 38 51i 51iWinner Winner B f by St Saviour Mercedes MercedesWent Went to post at 255 At post 2 minutes Start good WOn easily second driving Mary Greanway was much the best and runs like a good filly She took the shortest route and was well handled Pearl Ban was interfered with shortly after the start and finished strongly Lady Florence was tardy at the start but also finished fast Pigeon Top tired at the end Sea Pirate xan a poor race nnd can do better betterScratched Scratched 25063 Georgiena 102 25312 Martha D 102 102Overweights Overweights Ilo 3 pounds poundsMary Mary Greenway show 1 to 2 Pearl Ban show evens Lady Florence show 6 to 5 Pigeon Top show out Sea Pirate show out THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse S250 4yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Horsea A Wt St 24 K J StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H O P 25398 PETER DURYEA 4 100 1 3 43 41 12 D DHall Hall F Geriug 6 15 15 5 25398 IMPERIALIST 4 99 5 41 31 31 2H Richards W Garth J Co 322 2 710 248872FONEDA 4 95 4 1 Hi 12 33 L Jackson L Smitha 85858535 24993 D COMEDIAN 6 100 6 6 6 51 41 C Murphy Massoy Fagin 10 15 15 6 253983EUTERPE 5 100 2 52 5 6 52 JHothersllW 8 Laird 6 10 10 3 3252532J 252532J J T 5 105 3 22 21 2i 6 W Narvaez Miller Co 2 16516565 25062 ASSASSIN 7 97 Left at the post Cogswell W F Taylor 25 50 50 20 20Time Time 12 24i50i 117 117Winner Winner B c by Fordham Free Silver SilverWent Went to post at 331 At post 41 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Peter Dnryea liked thn mud and ran a good raca but had to bo urged at the finish Imperialist was off poorly but made up ground and finished strongly He was bumped at the eighth post by J J T The early hot pace set by Foneda put her out of business and she had nothing left She fretted at the post also J J T was also affected by the early pace and stopped in the stretch Assassin ran away bafore the race The long delay at the post changed the whole complezion of the race raceScratched25282 Scratched25282 Lady Kent 99 99Overweights Overweights Imperialist 2 pounds Euterpe 5 J J T 5 5Peter Peter Duryea show 2 to 1 Imperialist show out Foneda show out J JT show I to 2 25430 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 1urse 1250 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 52522ALLS WELL 103 3 5t 63 31 H IB L Jackson C 8 Crow 1 95 95 710 71053112YOUNG 53112YOUNG HENRY 100 1 31 21 21 2 2 Lindsay A Brown Co 34485 39453RUSSIAN 100 8 8 31 52 4i 32 MWilliams Graves Innes 2i 5 5 2 252832BEAN 52832BEAN 100 4 23 5 63 62 41 JHothersllW 8 Laird 3 3 2i 45 4551063ANXIOUS 51063ANXIOUS 106 6 6 7 7 7 52 W Webster W C Smith Co 8 8 6 2 5401 QUEEN QUALITY 106 7 41 4 4 5 62 Meidling Chambers Co 10 15 15 6 5166 J DNIPER 105 2 1 1 1 31 730 M Jordan D Stephens 5 15 15 6 5283 HIGH TONE 104 5 7 8 8 8 8 BeanchampR J Hiner 10 15 15 6 6Time Time 12i 251 511 1 191 1 47I Winner B f by Atlantic Farewell FarewellWent Went to post at 425 Off at the first break to a good start Won driving second easily Alls Well finished strongly and was best ridden when the test came Lindsay on Young Henry got in next to the rail and conld not get through His mount should have won Russian showed much speed in the first part of the race but hung and then came on again Bean finished strongly Juniper showed speed but tired after going seveneighths seveneighthsOverweights Overweights Bean 2 pounds Anxious 3 Queen Quality 3 High Tone 4 4Alls Alls Well show out Young Henry show 4 to 5 Russian show evens Bean show 1 to 2 61 pT f O l FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St K i StrFm Jockeys Owners O H O P 2501 TONY LICALZI 6 105 1 1 IB 12 13 H w Narvaez Torreyson Bros 15 20 10 4 254008ARAGAMP 3 93 2 7 7 61 42 21 Baptiste J McNaught 1 651 1 12 25350 OLD PHIL 3 87 7 8 8 8 62 31 W Watkins P Nock 8 12 12 5 25238 PHOSPHORUS 3 93 8 51 5 4 21 4S Cogswell W H Sayre 4883 25348 PATCHWORK 3 93 4 2a 21 2k 3 a C Murphy C J Fob 4662 254013SUNDOWN II 5 110 6 61 62 52 7 6 L Jackson J J McAlester 4 5 5 2 25398 CAN ROBERT 4 107 5 42 42 31 52 75 Biggins W A Hinahart 12 15 15 25400 POLLY BIXBY 4 99 3 3 = 31 7i 8 8 May Wells Co 5883 25196 BLENHEIM 5 101 9 9 9 9 9 9 Lynch A E Forsyth 15 20 20 8 8Time Time 13 2652119 133 K KWinner Winner B g by Hornpipe Mary Foster Went to post at 504 At post 14 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Tony Licalzi had all the best of the start and held his advantage but had to be hard ridden to o o = H HTr Tr n flo fanc cl ni 1 l lr r a f foT t h o of a rt 1 nui n tr mn Mi rrrnn n r n n H H straying her chances Old Phil closed a big gap in the stretch Phosphorus showed improve ¬ ment Patchwork tired at the finish Canrobert showed early speed Blenheim bolted at the start startScratched Scratched 253462 By George 104 249S9 Sondana 100 25350 Madeline G 97 97Overweights Overweights Tony Licalzi 1 pound Polly Bixby 2 2Tony Tony Licalzi show 2 to 1 Saragamp show out Old Phil show 2 to 1 4 f I k SIXTH RACK 78 Jttile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Helling Ind Horses AWt8t rn oceys wners 253133EVA vVILSON 5 103 5 42 3 32 2i 12 L Jackson J J McAlester 2t 3i 3 1 25349 ATLANTUS 7 1081 6 52 52 4 32 25 Patton 8 W Hopkins 5 10 6 2 2253132GRANDMA 253132GRANDMA II 5 103 1 2i 21 H 1 31 Wateon J P Honsley 6 10 10 4 25282 BTRATHBROECK4 108 4 62 6 7 4i 4 W Woods W H Sayre 15 20 20 8 82540DABE 2540DABE FURST 7 108 2 3 42 5i 51 5 Lindsay F Goring 35585 35585252822PASSAIC 252822PASSAIC 5 108 7 7 7 6 65 62 Richards W Garth Co 85 95 95 45 25282 WILSON 6 108 8 8 8 8 8 7i Finley Wells Co 8993 25315 LORD FRAZER 6 lOai 3 li 1 2 720 8 Aker Miller Co 4662 4662Time Time 12125501118 132 132Winner Winner B m by Loyalist Shadow ShadowWent Went to post at 532 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second tha same Eva Wilson under a vigorous ride came away in the stretch and finished strongly Atlantns boat Grandma II because the latter was all out and tiring in the last eighth Strathbroeck was in difficulties on the backstretch and conld not get through Lord Frazer quit badly Passaic ran a bad race and can do better I IScratched Scratched 25401 Sir Blaze 108 25349 George B Cor 108 25351 Jim Flood 108 25314 West Baden 105 25250Nancy Till 103 25350 Robert Morrison 100 100n n oIif Afl Aflnfna nfna Si nnnnrln Grandma II i Lord Frazar 1 Eva Wilson show 1 to 2 Atlantus show evens Grandma II show 2 to 1 Passaic show out

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Local Identifier: drf1901052801_6_1
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