Toronto Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-28


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TORONTO ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track alow alowFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind florooj Agt Wt Hd 20592 Martimas 5 110 750 75025385Cormorant 25385Cormorant 5 110 735 735253t2Pillaraist 253t2Pillaraist 4 109 730 24673 Althea 5 105 720 720253422King 253422King Joshua 4 101 725 25383 The Covenanter 3 97 735 21128 Hoo Hoo 5 96 710 21458 Magnus Troil 3 92 715 24635 Queen Carnival 3 92 740 740Second Second Knee 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances253842Illowaho 253842Illowaho Ill 720 253843 Pilaster Ill 715 25299 Sir Clifford Ill 710 25381 First Usher 108 705 25384 Laracor 108 1 715 25341 Circus Girl 103 700 700253412Effrontory 253412Effrontory 103 725 25341 Roddy 103 705 705Third Third Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesCanadian Canadian Bred Maidens ud Horses color BOX pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp253012BoUcourt 253012BoUcourt 5 121 725 18065 Bringloe 4 114 715 25385 Moral 4 114 695 25301 Kaslo 4 109 690 25301 Opnntia 4 109 705 25301 Silver Locks 4 107 695 25301 Euclairo 4 107 715 715Saucy Saucy Bailie ch f by Dorwentwater ScotchReel 3 96 25447 Sleepy Hollow 3 96 705 70525301tJnvencus 25301tJnvencus 3 93 710 710253S62tOneiros 253S62tOneiros 3 93 720 720254473Pando 254473Pando 3 91 700 70025301Maple 25301Maple Sugar 3 91 710 710W W Hendrio entry J E Seagram entry entryFourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horsea Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp22045Orontas 22045Orontas 4 119 715 71525388i2Flag 25388i2Flag of Truce 5 113 710 25345 J H Sloan 4 112 720 720253S7Handicapper 253S7Handicapper 4 109 725 25387 Trenct the Mere 3 91 705 705Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicapnd nd Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp25451Edinborough 25451Edinborough 4120 710 25340 Scorpio 4 114 715 21379 Pharoah 4 108 720 720253872Horsa 253872Horsa 3 108 715 715254453Flying 254453Flying Bess 6 105 725 25449 Bonckart 3 102 705 705Riviera Riviera b c by Riley Ada Glenn 3 100 23889 Antagone 4 98 710 21459 Magnus Troil 3 90 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horsci Age Wt Hdcp 25345 J H Sloan 4 115 725 22467 Tip Gallant 5108 720 253452 Highland Prince Prince25388iSpurs 5 103 715 25388iSpurs 5 103 710 253853Racebud 5 101 715 25345 Magog 4 100 700 25385 Omnibus 3 96 705 25345 Manilian 4 93 710 71025388i3Tenario 25388i3Tenario 3 87 700

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Local Identifier: drf1901052801_4_13
Library of Congress Record: