Hawthorne Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-28


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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO Ilili May 87 First day Chicago Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track good but dull Presiding Judge Capt J H Bees Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 215 p m O PC A 1 K FIRST BACE34 Mile Puree 500 75 to second 25 to third lJ tt 1 tJ 3yearolds and upward Allowances ind Horses A Wt St M K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 24557 HERUOSO 6 109 4 31 32 36 H T Meade S C Hildreth 30 50 50 20 248952 BESSIE MACKEN4 4 102 IH IH253732MONEY IH lu u 23 Dominick O Q Parke 45 1 71025 253732MONEY MUSS 3 102 22 23 21 22 3i Coburn F T Wood 3 165 1651 24779 WILD PIRATE 3 105 71 7122158ALGARETA 8 8 c 4 J Woods J 8 OBrien 12 12 10 2 22158ALGARETA 6 6112 112 3 63 66 52 5 See R Smith 30 30 20 5 23736 RATHQAR 3 100 62 53 42 4 611 J Ranch C H Williams 100 200 200 80 25336 IF YOU DARE 3 95 52 4n 52 6 7 Davieeon Bolich Sweet 40 60 60 20 252932JOE MARTIN 4 110 8 75 71 8 8 Nutt MannionConnelll2 20 20 5 Time 12 23 48 1 01J 1 14h FidelityWent Winner 14hWinner Ch h by Sir Modred Fidelity Went to post at 230 At post 4 minutes Start good for all but Joe Martin who was all tan ¬ gled up at barrier rieo Bessie Macken could not get her nose in front of Money Muss until the last eighth where she got clear ana looked to be winning but Meade brought Hermqso up on on the end Rathgar had a turn of speed for a little orer fiveeighths of a mile and then retired All things considered Algareta ran a fair race and was closing on the end Wild Pirate after trailing his field hopelessly out of it picked it up one by one and closing almost fifteen lengths ran an impressive race Money MUEE ran to his mark Scratched250S7The Rush 115 115Overweights Overweights Wild Pirate 2 pounds Money Muss 2 2Hermoso Hermoso show 6 to 1 Bessie Macken show 1 to 5 Money Muss show 2 to 5 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 252313IMPHOMPTU 104 1 = 1 12 12 13 14 See F W Miner 1 75 75 25 24379UNCLE 2524379UNCLE TOM 108 4 4n 31 22 21 21 J WinkfleldT J McHale 5983 24876 MONOS 110 31 2U 2a 32 3 35 Coburn G C Bennett Co 3 165145910 25156SPLEAD 16514591025156SPLEAD 91 6 6 6 6 5 45 Timms J S Rothert 45585 21365 BUGABOO 99 21 3 4H 42 4 52 J Walsh F J Kelly 8 10 10 3 24909 GETA BLACKBURN99 51 52 52 5 6 6 R Jackson G O Sproul 30 150 100 40 Apprentice 40Apprentice allowance Time 251 50i 1 16i 1 42 Winner 42Winner B c by Crescendo Amida AmidaWent Went to post at 305 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily second third driving Impromptu was far the best and had the best of the field all the way Monos stopped badly after leaving the half as did Bugaboo It was the latters first start hereabouts and she should improve on the race Plead was cut off at the first turn and Timms had to pull to the outside His ride was ragged throughout the midget finding many pockets Geta Blackburn showed well for five furlongs and then gave it up Monos ran about his race Scratched raceScratched 25337Azim 107 25295 Hampshire 107 249S7Economic 99 25376 Zack Phelps 96 25375 Joe Collins 96 96Overweights Overweights Uncle Tom 1 pound poundImpromptu Impromptu show out Uncle Tom show 11 to 10 Monos show 2 to 5 O K I 1 T THIRD RACK Short Course Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third yOttJL 9 3yearolds and upward Handicap Steeplechase Ind Horses AWtSt 4 6 9 11 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H OP 21670BKY ROLFE7 153 2 32 3 2 21 3i H Slater J D Hooe 75 75 9101 21719FROND 910121719FROND 5 146 11 28 13 11 12 is 21 Houlihan J D Hooe 75 75 910710 24570 SALLUST 6 156 6 4 42 42 31 21 35 Ellison M J Maloney 21 3 31 65 24303 L CHFIELD 7 152 3 5 5 3a 43 48 410 R Taylor J Carroll 7 7 6 2i 24402 ALICE B 5 130 51 1 21 5 5 5 5 Bartley J Brenock 10 15 13 5 24423 SAM HOWRD4 135 4 Refused Gaddy C H Williams 10 25 25 6 Coupled in betting Time 3211 Winner 3211Winner Ch m by Tristan Pocahontae PocahontaeWent Went to post at 335 At post 2 minutes Start good Frond could have won off by herself but was pulled up tho last sixteenth to allow Becky Rolfe to win It was a driving finish down the stretch between Becky Rolfe and Sallust but in nearing the wire the latter gave it up Lord Chesterfield jumped well and was within hailing distance all the way He will probably do next time Sam Howard bolted at the second hurdle but was afterward galloped over the course Alice B jumped well and was close up to near the final obstacle where she cracked The race should askingScratched do her a lot of good and she may be looked upon to perform better at her next asking Scratched 24359 Isen 148 148Becky Becky Rolfe show 1 to 2 Frond show 1 to 3 Sallust show 1 to 3 ft K A t Q FOURTH RACE C8 Mile 2yoarolde Colts and Geldings Allowances 4 O 4t JL O The Vernal Stakes 1250 added 2100 to second 50 to third Ind Horses A Wt St M H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25018ABE FRANK 124 1 21 1 H 12 Cobnrn G C Bennett Co35 71071045 25372ED 7107104525372ED AUSTIN 118 2u INK 2 21 2 Dominick G C Bennett Co35 7107101 24816JKDD1E 710710124816JKDD1E BU8CH 121 41 31 51 3 = 3 J Woods J W Schorr 21 31 31 1110 24266JJ 111024266JJ V K1HBY 115 5 6 SH 41 41 J WinkfieldP Dunne 10 10 8 3 2501838OUTH ELKHRN 118 6 5 4 51 5 Caywood W H McCorkle 10 15 15 5 2i372SBRANNiGAN 118 SH 4 6 6 6 Ellis W L Lansing 15 20 15 4 Coupled in betting Time 12 24i 491 1 01i 01iWinner Winner Ch c by Hanover Cheesestraw CheesestrawWent Went to ppst 4 10 At post 2 minutes Start good Abe Frank won running well within himself and with little or no urging Ed Austin was pressed hard by Eddie Busch and J V Kirby at the end but stood to his work gamely South Elkborn was right there all the way The entire field ran well bunched to the last sixteenth where the winner easily showed his superiority Brannigan is undoubtedly short and should be seen to better advantage at bis next outing J V Kirbya race was impressive impressiveScratched Scratched I249278tuyve 110 251533Bridge 118 Charles Grainger 113 Corrected 113Corrected weights Abe Frank 124 124Abe Abe Frank show 2 to 5 Ed Austin show 2 to 5 Eddie Bnsch show 1 to 2 Qpr O FIFTH HACE1 Mile Purse 500 75 to second 25 to third 4 J tt JL t 4yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St M Vt SA StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 25229 LOUISVILLE 4 103 11 4 53 52 41 li Coburn C E Mahone Co 21 21 115710 25265BTBANE3T 11571025265BTBANE3T 5103 2 7 7 61 52 21 Davisson CKBnrdeau 15 25 25 8 824725JTHE 24725JTHE UNKNOWN4 116 7 51 41 3 21 3 J WinkfieldC R Ellison 21 31 1451 253383ANDES 1451253383ANDES 5 94 41 21 IH IH 43 R Jackson J Arthur 10 12 12 4 4253733BONEY 253733BONEY BOY 5 106 3 1 IH 21 32 52 Dominick Mrs R Bradley 6652 252292OHNET 4 107 61 62 61 7 7 61 Robertson M J Maloney 6983 6983252662MAGGIE 252662MAGGIE DAVIS 5 95 51 33 31 41 65 7 J Ranch W M Sloan 10 20 20 8 Time 13 25 361 491 1 16 1 29 1 41i 41iWinner Winner B f by Loantaka Virulent VirulentWent Went to post at 4 45 At post 5 minutes Start good Won ridden out second and third hard Louisvilles victory was impressive Cobnrn got in a bad pocket on the inside rail at tho last eighth post and had to pull out and around The Unknown and Boney Boy Louis ¬ ville finished witti a determined rush Strangest probably ran the best race of his career He was full of run at the finish but little Davisson was unable to help him much The Unknown only stopped in tho last six or eight strides Andes went to pieces in the last eighth Maggie Davis ran her race and was right there for six furlongs Boney Boy cracked at the last eighth He was meant but could not deliver Throw out Ohnets racs as he can do better betterScratched Scratched 25374 Laureate 105 25333 Merito 103 25375 Vincennes 90 90Louisville Louisville show 1 to 4 Strangest show 4 to 1 The Unknown show 1 to 2 O K A Cyf SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third itt ± lJ 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St St K K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 25294 KTBNERET4 108 5 41 42 43 4 11 HI See R M Weaterfleld 2 3 3 910 910253372EXCEL3IS 253372EXCEL3IS 5 109 41 5 5 5 3 32 22 J WinkfieldMrs L Griffin 21 21 2 35 24931VLEE KING 4107 3 Hill H 12 21 31 J Woods J S OBrien 5 5 1351 25337 FRANGIBLE 4 103 1 32 32 31 21 41 42 Davisson Hold Bros 5 7 51 95 95T808 T808 H PAXTON 5 103 2 2a 2 2 5 5 5 R Jackson A J Ogles 30 100 100 30 30Time Time 25 1151 1411 2081 2081Winner Winner Ch c by Knight of Ellerslie Banana BananaWent Went to post at 5 20 At post 3 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second handily Knightbanneret was much the best and always lay within easy call of the leader He was pock ¬ eted badly at the first six furlongs but Sue bided his time and swinging wide at the turn simply run over his field down the stretch Loo King was rank for about a mile and an eighth bnt in the final strides hung palpably allowing Excelsis to grab the place easily Helen Paxton was right there for a mile Frangible despite his dislike for a fast track ran a good race and is ready to win in the mud mudScratched253742 Scratched253742 WaJkenshaw 112 25295 Little Singer 103 Corrected weights Knightbanneret 108 Overweights Excelsis 2 pounds No show betting on first three

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052801/drf1901052801_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1901052801_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800