Hawthorne Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-29


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HAWTHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 78 Mllo Mllo4yearolda 4yearolda Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Boreas Ago Wfc Edcp 25338 Charley Moore 109 710 710254203Leo 254203Leo King 109 675 675254r 254r 6Merito 107 710 710250S73Isaline 250S73Isaline 100 715 715251133Scarlet 251133Scarlet Lily 97 725 725Second Second Knco 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Snd Horses color eexpsdigroc Wt Hdcp 25418 SouthElkhorn 112 690 250182 Red Hook 107 700 25153 John A Clarke 105 675 24091 Legal Maxim 101 670 670Blennenworth Blennenworth ch c by byPrince Prince of Monaco Peril 102 25287Harry Beck 102 660 660Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingud ud Horz s Apris Wt Hdet 25120 Knightbannerot 4 116 685 25419 Andes 5 Ill 695 21958 Senator Thompson 5 106 625 62524598Prestar 24598Prestar 6 106 680 680252942IdfiV 252942IdfiV 3 99 660 66025416Tmpromptn 25416Tmpromptn 3 98 715 715254162Uncle 254162Uncle Tom 3 94 680 25157 Moses 3 93 725 25416 Plead 3 89 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mllo Syearolds Handicap 21413 Jiminoz 112 675 23653 Silurian 106 715 715252tiaFancy 252tiaFancy Wood 102 720 72021802Dyxona 21802Dyxona 100 725 25142 Johnny McCartey 98 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 25374 Ben Chance 4 110 710 25156 Espionage 5 107 720 720253743Trebor 253743Trebor 6 104 725 25374 Little Elkin 3 95 650 25371 Red Apple 3 93 625 625Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp242782Nellie 242782Nellie Waddell 112 700 24576 Chaminade 107 680 680Wing Wing Dance b f by Blue BlueWing Wing Galop 107 Jennie Day ch f by Fores ¬ ter Miss Vic 107 25262 Herse 107 685 24097 EveningStar 107 690 690Appa Appa 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052901/drf1901052901_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1901052901_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800