St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-29


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO May 28 Twentyfourth day St JLionis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Bruen Racing starts at 2 JO p m I fc K KQ FIBST HACK 4 18 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens SOttOO Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St J H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 25392 THE F HUNDRED 107 2 42 21 U HshbergerS Lazarus 21 3 21 1 30PRECISELY PRESSOVER 110 1 1PRECISELY H 11 21 Vancamp Stubbs Bros 80 100 80 30 PRECISELY 110 4 31 31 3 Bloss Adams Co 12 12 10 4 25069 TRISTRAM 110 3 3DR 21 41 41 T OBrien H Gerhardy 15 15 15 6 DR CROWLEY 110 6 53 5 52 Moody J D Lucas 30 30 15 6 COM FORSTER 110 7 61 62 63 J Miller J W Schorr 2 4 31 65 PHONOL1TE 65PHONOL1TE 12WILL 110 8 8WILL 71 71 7 Pluniett J R Lewis 40 40 30 12 WILL GASTON 109 12 10 81 82 Foucou H T Batcheler 60 60 60 20 25099 BILL FRITZ 107 11 11COLONEL 11 9 92 LRose J Huffman 10 10 10 4 4J COLONEL FLYNN 110 13 12 10 105 Page J H Boyd Co 40 100 8T 30 25317 CONFEDTE GREY 107 9 9 11 113 Kuhn P Tomlinson ColOO 100 100 30 JOHN STORM 108 15 13 13 12 McCann Talbot Bros 24350 FLOSSIES KING 110 10 15 12 13 Enos W F Schnlte 15 20 20 7 SCHWARZWALD 110 14 14 14 14 Houck B Schreiber 25 25 25 10 HARDCASTLE 10HARDCASTLE 110 5 81 15 15 Givens F Fawcett 60 100 80 30 Time 30Time 61 18 301 421 56 HopeWent Winner Ch g by De Beauvoir Lady Hope Went to post at 2 30 At post 8 minutes Start fair the lot considered The race was run at the start the horses getting away in two divisions The first bunci had it nil to themselves The first three wore driving The Four Hundred nailed Pressover at the head of the stretch and outran him home Precisely and Tristram showed speed the former finishing stronger Dr Crowley ran a fair race raceScratched Scratched 25069 Potheen 110 poundsThe Overweights Will Gaston 2 pounds The Four Hundred show 1 to 2 Pressover show 12 to 1 Precisely show 6 to 5 Commis ¬ sioner Forster show 3 to 5 6 K A K Q SECOND HACK 78 Mile Parse 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Y 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 23172LA DESIROUS 103 2 IB IB 2 23 H L Rose W W Darden 1 25393 MAXIMUS 109 1 51 5 4n 4H 21 Houck C J Cella 25389 MRS GHANNAN 1UO 4 31 3 IH 12 33 T OBrien J S Bratton 12 20 15 6 253162DUCASSA 108 5 41 4 52 51 4S WedstrandPerkins Co 4 4 31 6 5 25172 LAWTON 103 8 21 21 31 32 52 McCann P M Civill 8 15 15 5 25320 FRED HESSIG 114 3 61 61 63 66 61 Moody R R Rice 8 10 10 4 25395 COGSWELL 108 68 85 83 73 7 Kuhn P J Miles 8 10 8 3 BOIDLE 102 9 9 9 9 8 82 Givens J N Miller Co 40 100 100 40 253212QUITE 40253212QUITE RIGHT 100 7 7 75 75 9 9 Lalor REWatkins 10 20 20 8 28iWinner Barred in betting Time 131 251 371 50 1 02i 1 151 1 28i Winner KinneyWent B f by Esher Georgia Kinney Went to post at 303 At post 11 minutes Start good Won cleverly after an early drive La Desirous was much the best Maximus sulked as usual and came like a shot at the end Mrs Granuan quit badly She showed lots of speed but stopped when collared Ducassa ran right to her mark Lawtou showed his usual speed Fred Heesig disliked the route and seems less withScratched than himself Cogswell got an easy ride Quito Right off badly was not persevered with Scratched 25316 Land Shot 100 100Overweights Overweights Maximus 3 pounds poundsLa La Desirous show out Mrs Grannau show 2 to 1 Ducassa show 1 to 2 THIBD B ACE 12 Mile Purse J350 2yearoids Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25317 WAKITA 110 1 12 12 11 Vancamp Stubbs Bros Bros6n 3 3 115910 252322OKLA 100 7 6n 32 21 Morse Louis Sells 31 4 18532 253558 WISSENDINE 105 6 41 71 32 Enos H M Ziegler 10 20 20 8 25174 MlaS DORA 110 4 51 5 411 Moody R R Rice 6883 252683ROSY CROSS 103 5 32 41 52 McGann B C Bunbnry 15 15 12 5 24923 LUNA MINOR 114 2 73 6 611 Gibson Martin Patton 60 300 300 100 25232 ANNA ELLIOTT 103 3 2 2 72 F Miles 8 P Harlan IfO 200 200 80 25268 MY8TEE 103 8 88 83 Givons Turney Bros 30 40 40 12 25232 ALL MINE 100 11 9 9 95 T OBrien W H Jackson Jr 15 25 20 8 25135 WINTER BELL 103 10 10 10 10 L Rose W Gerst 15 30 30 10 25355 EVA BELLE llfl 9 925232TALPA 11 11 11 Bloss W Walker 60 100 100 40 25232TALPA 4025232TALPA 100 L Left at the he post Honck Talbot Bros 31 4 3 1 Time 121 241 361 49 ItinerantWent Winner 49Winner Ch f by Hermenco Itinerant Went to post at 342 At post 21 minutes Start fair for all but Talpa Won cleverly Wakita on the rail was away well at every break and had no trouble Okla and Wissendine had the speed of the lot but were off badly Luna Minor was weakly handled handledScratched Scratched 25353 Satchel 110 24562San Pareil II 110 25134 Irosuta 100 Overweights 100Overweights Wissendine 5 pounds Rosy Cross 3 Luna Minor 4 Anna Elliott 3 Mystee 3 Winter Bell 3 3Wakita Wakita show 2 to 5 Okla show 7 to 10 WisEendine show 3 to 1 Talpa show 3 to 5 V PC A f I FOURTH RACE1 11 G allies Purse 600 3yearolds and upward O fcOJL Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St M ft 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 253563 WAX TAPER 4115 7 68 65 51 41 13 Combs H R Rico 13516516565 25270ETHEL 1351651656525270ETHEL WHEAT 3 101 1 1 21 41 3 2 ONeil Haley Bros 12 20 20 7 253562HOTTENTOT 4 103 4 3 3 21 11 SB R Murphy F W floltgrewe 20 20 15 6 2539121DA LEDFORD 4 90 5 52 51 6io 610 412 J T Woods Fizer Co 7752 25394WALL 775225394WALL 3 104 3 7 7 7 7 5 L Rose W W Darden 8862 886225175AMPERE 25175AMPERE 3112 2 2n U II 52 63 Hshberger A Cahn 23245 22751MINT 2324522751MINT SAUCE 5 114 6 4H 41 3 22 7 McKinnio A R Cowser 12 12 6 2 Time 12241 361 49 1 02 1 15 1 271 1 40i 1 47i 47iWinner Winner UtilityWent B c by Candlemas Utility Went to post at 425 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Wax Taper was far the best and well ridden and rated When called on he went to tho front and was going away at the end Ethel Wheat set a hot pace with Ampere and ran a capital race under a little boy Hottentot in the early pacing weakened a bit at the finish Wall was allowed to drop out of it but finished strong Ampere quit at the stretchs head with his mouth wide open Ethel Wheat settled him Mint Sauce was short Wax shortWax Taper show 3 to 5 Ethel Wheat show 3 to 1 Hottentot show 21 to 1 Ampere ehow 1 to 2 25462 FIFTH RACE 1 316 allies Pnrse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St St J4 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 251383MI8S PATRONS 108 4 4 41 21 la Hill Bloss Finn Co 1 1 4513 253893CHICKMUGA4 4513253893CHICKMUGA4 107 6 61 61 61 4 33 21 Givtna Sinclare Co 8 12 10 4 25273 STUTTGART 5 108 7 72 73 71 53 4 32 Houck B Schreiber 666 85 25354 SWORDSMAN 7 111 3 31 3 32 32 2 43 T OBrien Fizer Co 4883 25273 BERT DAVIS 5 108 9 9 9 9 9 6 515 Plunkett J 8 OBrien 8 8 7 21 25100 FR PEARCE 4 104 5 11 12 HI 22 5 6 Enos M A Stevenson 40 80 80 20 25318 SIR P SIDNEYS 111 8 81 33 88 8 73 7 McCann C P Kennedy 40 80 80 20 25433 RYLAND 4 104 2 51 51 4 7u 8 82 J Houck W Clark 60 100 100 40 24957 PLANTAIN 6 108 1 21 2 51 61 9 9 Corbley J E Hittick Co 15 15 12 4 Time 51 1 10 1 231 1 13 1 56i 2 03l Winner 03lWinner Ch m by Patron Glenleyen GlenleyenWent Went to post at 454 At post 2 minutes Start good Won after a hard drive of three Miss Patron ran to the mark was well ridden and finished strong Chickamauga showed great speed when he started to come but could not hold it weakening at the end Stuttgart was al ¬ lowed to swerys at the end He might have won with a good ride The weight stopped Swords ¬ man Plantain ran a wretched race raceScratched Scratched 25103 Little Tommy Tucker 91 91Overweights Overweights poundsMiss Miss Patron 2 pounds Miss Patron show out Chickamauga show 8 to 5 Stuttgart show 7 to 10 O T O SIXTH HACK34 Mile Purse 400 Syearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St 54 K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 25316 REDUCER 6 104 61 42 21 IB McCann C Tucker 15 20 15 6 6T 25390 0 L 7 108 1 11 11 22 Barringer T A Gay 3 18518565 18518565A 263952 VERIFY 6101 52 6n 5 3a Hshbargar A Cahn 32326512 32326512G 25139 FRIDOLIN 3 94 94253958MEDDLESOME 4 51 45 41 A Weber G W Scott 6 12 12 4 4J 253958MEDDLESOME 5103 31 22 31 5 LRose J 8 Bratton 10 10 7 21 21W 24517 ALLEVIATE 6 100 7 7 71 6 Enos W F Schnlte 15 30 30 10 10Kiley 25237 ECHO DALE 3 100 10024S843QRANTOR 21 31 62 73 T OBrien Kiley Crist 20 40 40 12 12MartinHamilton6 24S843QRANTOR 5 103 103251S9 8 83 810 gi Kuhn MartinHam MartinHamilton6 883 883Rogers 251S9 BAM1VEL 6 106 9 9 9 9 F Miles Rogers Dor Dort Doris 20 40 40 20 20C 23124 OLD FOX 5 105 105Winner Left at t the post Plunkett C A Johnson 80 300 300 80 1111101312436491021141 Winner B h by Register Solitaire

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Local Identifier: drf1901052901_4_1
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