untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-13


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AT WASHINGTON PARK TODAY ONE OF THEM WILL BE A LIKELY 10 TO I SHOT THAT WILL WIN OFF BY HIMSELF ALSO THREE ROYAL GOOD THINGS ATSST LOUIS LOUISS LOUISw w S Headwater Miss Bennett Leo Newell NewellThis This is the kind of information that is bound to gat tho money Wa hava not had a single lonu day at tho mooting and do not iqtand to hava oae Good information combined with axpart handicapping is a hard combination to biat Ramimiir no gtnss work goaj with us We are never shooting at the moon trying to maka a do at 100 to 1 but a gDod race horaa SVe employ anoxpartthat is at the track at daybreak ovary morning timing evary horsa that works and always know when tha good ones are oat f jr the cuin If you miss U3 to lay yon miaa Ids oppor ¬ tunity of the year Remember wa never misrepresent hava proof of our ability and ara wall known all ovar the country 1 150C 50C DAILY 30O WEEKLY WIRED AT 1O AM AMThe The American Handicappers Reynolds Co 72 119 Dearborn St StNOTE NOTE We are in no way conuactod with any handicap sheet issued outside of Chicago

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071301/drf1901071301_3_10
Local Identifier: drf1901071301_3_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800