Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-13


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFOKT FOKT ERIE ONI July IS Eighth day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances 26695 Ind Horses A Wt St M W 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26101 LKL1A HARK 3 101 2 23 21 12 1 L Jackson H L Johnson 6883 20158 DELS1ARCH 3 106 8 41 36 35 22 J Miller G McGrady 6 10 10 4 25899 SAILOR KING 6 109 9 9 7 4 31 J Daly W Jennings 1 65 65 35 26611 ALZORA 3 101 1 11 H 21 42 LThmpsonF Midgley 8 15 15 6 26166 OAK MAID 5 112 4 61 61 53 51 Dugan G Hendrie 31 4 31 1 18698 MATOAKA 5 112 6 8 8 7 63 Henson Saunders Co 40 300 300 100 26235 MAGNETIC 3 98 10 10265812GRT 10 9 9 7 LDaly V Haller 10 30 SO 10 265812GRT AMERICAN 3 103 11 11 10 10 8 Cashin M Byrnes 21 5 41 85 26581 HUNTING 5 112 3 33 43 8 9 W Morris F J Kittleman 50 300 300 GO 25594 FREE PLAY 3 106 5 71111 10 Lendrum P Gorman 20 60 60 20 25851 VEKNA K 4 110 7 51 51 61 11 Bolandar G W Boss 30 100 100 40 40Time Time 23 47 1 14t Winner Ch f by Inspector B Ada B BWent Went to post at 248 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Lena Barr wont to the front when called on and won with plenty in reserve Delmurch ran a good race but lost ground by making a wide turn into the stretch Sailor King made up a lot of ground from a bad beginning and was coming strongly at the finish Alzora showed early speed but quit badly when challenged Great American never was a contender He has shown he can do better Oak Maid will improve from this race raceScratched Scratched 264G6 Aurous 106 26059 Lady Silver 101 26062 Flaneur 95 26651 Dominick 95 Lelia barr show 3 to 2 Delmarch show 2 to 1 Sailor King show 1 to 2 Oak Maid show 1 to 2 SECOND RACK 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Belling 26696 Ind Horses A Wt St M K fe StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26618 TOM OHAUB 111 2 41 42 11 13 flayaen T 8 Crabb 6 12 12 4 26558 J PATRICK 10S 5 2i 22 2 2 LThompsnW Weir Co 7511511535 7511511535268482TAX 268482TAX MAN 106 1 31 3 4 3 J Daly L Smitha Co 75 2 2 12 26650 LUCRUSTA 106 3 12 1 31 45 Pryce E Kelly 15 30 30 10 26518 ALL GRAY 106 4 5 52 6 53 J Miller G Strauss 6662 6662GARLAND GARLAND 103 6 65 66 51 6 Cashin W Jennings Jr 66432 26582 MISS LOBSTER 108 7 7777 Thnrman Moagher Bay 6 10 10 3 BEN COTTA 106 8 8 8 8 8 R Bander M Skiles 10 60 SO 20 20Time Time 23t 481 102K 102KWinner Winner B c by Resplendent Punchy PunchyWont Wont to post at 320 At post 28 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Tom Crabb skinned the rail when turning into the stretch thereby saving much ground He was eased up in the last seventy yard J Patrick had no mischances and ran his race Tax Man was in differently handled i ncrnota tired in the run home Garland can do better The long delay at post may have ruined his chances chancesOverweights Overweights Lucrusta 3 pounds poundsTom Tom Crabb show 8 to 5 J Patrick show out Tax Man show out Garland show 7 to 10 O T C T THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward A OO7 i Selling Jnd Horses A Wt Bt K Y 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 266493CHAPPAQUA 5 103 4 4 4 2n 12 13 J Miller P M Civill 1 1 45 25 26557ALL SAINTS i 95 1 5 51 52 3 21 L Daly J E Lane Co 45575 265S3DOL WAGNER 3 93 3 1 11 11 2 3 J Daly J H Brown 4662 26583 WOODTRICE 4 108 5 7 7 7 7 41 Minder R E L Rice 20 40 40 12 265251 BE LLCOURT 5 103 6 62 63 62 41 51 LThmpsonN Dyment 8 12 12 5 26583 FLAG OF TRUCE 5 100 8 8 8 8 8 6 May H McCarren Jr 8 10 10 4 42658tJ3tOFTER 2658tJ3tOFTER 4 100 7 3 31 41 51 7 Alarie E Reynolds 10 15 15 6 6265832TODDY 265832TODDY LADLE 5 98 2 22 21 31 61 8 Adams JSCWWdswrthS 883 883Time Time 241 481 1 15 1 41i 1 47j 47jWinner Winner Br h by Iroquois Hilda HildaWent Went to post at 410 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Chap paqna outclassed hie company He was content to rate along until the stretch turn was reached theu came away and won as ho plesed All Saints was interfered with on the first turn but came strongly at the end Dollie SVagner as usual showed early speed but tired after going seven eighths Toddy Ladle and Lof ter ceased to be contenders after going threequarters The former was eaeed up at the end Flag of Truce was badly outrun in the first part of the race Yoodtrice ran well under bad handling handlingScratched Scratched 2G617 Ida Quicklime 93 93Overweights Overweights All Saints 2 pounds poundsChappaqoa Chappaqoa show ont All Saints show 3 to 5 Dollie Wagner show 4 to 5 26698 FOURTH RACE4 13 Furlongs Purse f250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26582PAULUKKYTUN 112 1 44 3 H May PEgbart 4662 26220 XHE COMMON 102 2 2N J Daly L Bmitha Co 6882 26251DASH 109 3 326614THE 12 Hi 31 L Jackson R J Htner 55585 26614THE REFEREE 112 5 51 56 41 Cashin Charlea White 22235 26560 HENRY ZITT 112 1126 6 626364ORLA 63 61 52 J Miller J C Milam 332 910 26364ORLA 109 4 31 41 66 Pryce WFPresgraveagtlO 15 15 5 25384 RED CAR 99 7 777 Gannon J Dnggan 30 60 60 15 26274 PICOTEE 99 Left at the post Render H Bell Co 30 60 60 20 20Time Time 12 24 49 551 Winner B c by Quicklime Belle Baden BadenWent Went to post at 4 10 At post 3 minutes Start poor Won handily second driving Paul Creyton outrun in the first part of the race came strongly through the stretch and caught The Common in the last sixteenth The latter was prominent in a number of false breakaways and ran a good race Dash quit badly when challenged The Referee did not run as well as he did in his two previous efforts Henry Zitt was never a contender and can do better Jockey Handy on Red Car was kicked while at the post and Gannon was substituted substitutedScratched266143 Scratched266143 Wire ID 107 26612 Blazeband 99 99Paul Paul Creyton enow 7 to 10 The Common show evens Dash show 3 to 5 The Referee show ont Henry Zitt show ont O L ± i J O O FIFTH R AOK 3 Mile Purse 5300 3yearolds and upward O O J Owners Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St J4 K J StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25943 CAD HAZEL 8 90 3 11 H 11 li L Jackson E Moore 66465 26584SATIRE 3 85 1 31 31 2 2i Adams Charles Ray 21 21 11545 264873 FONED A 4 82 2 2 2u 33 31 J Daly L Smitha Co 85 11511535 2S4033TALALA 4 84 4 41 4a 41 4J C Murphy G Hendrie 21 3 31 1 26619 SNARK 3 85 5 5555 Gannon W Oliver 10 12 12 4 4Time Time 111 23i 47il13i 47il13iWinner Winner B g by Wandering Jew Lizzie Walton WaltonWent Went to post at 526 At post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second the same Cad Hazel went to the front soon after the start and raced his field into subjection in the first five eighths but the eff9rt told on him and he tired in the final eighth Satire saved ground in the stretch and was gaining at the end Foneda wanted to quit after going a half mile but Daly kept her to her taek and she hung on gamely under punishment Snark belongs in slower com ¬ pany Talala should improve from this race raceOverweights Overweights Talala 1 pound poundCad Cad Hazel show 1 to 2 Satire show out Foneda show out Talala show out O rTr BLXTH RACK 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St X W Ji StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 26581THE BOER 3 97 4 23 23 13 13 is j Daly W Weir 2 31 3 65 266523OCIE BROOKS 5 104 1 31 33 2 2 2 LThompsnE Moore Co 2331 26584 COGSWELL 3 105 7 4 51 31 41 32 J Miller P J Miles 45585 263073BEAU 3 105 2 8 7 41 55 43 Alarie F Reagan 4 5 8535 26652 HACEBUD 5 109 6 12 1 61 32 52 Dugan A Willis 6883 26522 THE BROTHER 3 100 5 9 8 7 7 63 Gannon MFSheedy 30 30 30 10 25499 WILLARD J 3 92 9 5i 4 5 63 7 L Jackson E H Hanna 8 15 15 6 26311 PUNCTUAL 3 97 87 9 9 8 8 Fitzgerald O L Richards 20 20 10 4 25S09 THE LAUREL 4 104 3 61 6 899 Zshn Baker Gibson 20 60 60 20 20Time Time 24 J 48 J 114 l27t l27tWinner Winner B c by Oddfellow Miss Coltson ColtsonWent Went to post at 555 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second the same The Boer had clear sailing and Daly took no chances Ocie Brooks wae well in motion when the Sag dropped but Thompson took her back and allowed himself to be caught in a jam soon after the start Cogswell finished stoutly after being badly interfered with Beau was also a sufferer from interference and pulled up lame Racebud quit badly after showing speed early earlyScratched Scratched 266513 By George 111 26087 Samivel 106 26583 Prince of Song 100 26683 Easter Lily 99 99The The Boer show 3 to 5 Qcie Brooks show 1 to 2 Cogswell show 3 to 5 Beau show out

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Local Identifier: drf1901071301_7_1
Library of Congress Record: