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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO LLIi July S3 Fourteenth day Chicago Jockey Club Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Capt James H Rees Startar J J Holtman Racing starts at 2 30 p m f d 0 1 O FIRST HACK 34 Mile Pnrea 400 575 to second 25 to third aOtJLc 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St tf 51 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26768 MCHESNEY 105 131 91 li 13 15 Dominick J 8 Ward 6 7 6 21 26842 THE F HUNDRED110 U 2 6 6 21 C Mitchell A Simons 7 10 10 3 26842 LEGAL MAXIM 96 21 12 21 22 3 J Ranch P Dunne 12 20 20 6 26842 ALADDIN 108 9 7 5 31 4 Bullman G C Bennett Co 1654 3 65 6525566BLUE 25566BLUE RIDGE 91 4 4 4 51 5n TDean C E Mahone Co 50 60 50 15 26749 LAP1DUS 102 6 61 32 4 6 J Mathews WB Jennings Co20 20 20 8 8259S62HARGIS 259S62HARGIS 113111 8 135 7 71 T Knight 8 K Hughes Co 8 13 13 5 526458PAHNASSUB 26458PAHNASSUB 91 81 31121 81 81 BirkenruthEzsll Lazarus 30 60 12 5 26749 HAS GIFT 94 3 51 91 91 91 J T Woods J Huffman 40 50 50 15 1526749ARIQATO 26749ARIQATO 89 10 121 8H101 101 Gormley H B Durham 30 40 30 12 12268422RED 268422RED HOOK 110 71 131 loi IH HZ J f oods J Marston 4 41 5 5 2 267683W1NG DANCE 101 5 1H 113 121 121 R Sallivan 8 8 Browu 15 15 12 5 26515 THROSTLE 101112 101 7 135 13 Bee J D Smith 20 30 SO 12 12NAT NAT GOODWIN 10714 14 14 14 14 Dnpee W T Mnir 100 10010010040 10010010040Apprentice 100 100 40 Apprentice allowance Time 24 48i 1 01i 1 145 145V V inner Ch c by Macdnff Manqla Mason MasonWent Went to poet at 230 At post 6 minutes Start good Won in a canter second handily Me Chesnoy got out of an early entanglement after running the first three furlongs and then went to the front with a whirl After that he simply cantered home The Four Hundred finished with force and was easily the best of the others Legal Maxim was dying away at the end Alad ¬ din never got clear sailing until the stretch and then he cloend fast and would hava been third in another stride Blue Ridge stopped after running well for five furlongs The same may be said of Lapidus The winner entered for 700 was run up to 1300 by A Simons and bought in inEcratched Ecratched 26538 Harry Wilson 103 103Overweights Overweights Nat Goodwin 5 pounds Throstla 11 McChesney 2 2McCbesney McCbesney show 6 to 5 The Four Hundred show 8 to 5 Legal Maxim show 3 to 1 Alad ¬ din show 3 to 5 OO Tfc SECOND RACE 1 Mile Parse 400 75 to second 25 to third O J J 3yearoldB Allowances Ind Horeoa A Wt St M Vi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 266002TH1NITY BELL 110 11 2a 31 3ii 32 IH T Knight J Welch Co 75 75 75 1 FLY1NGTORPEDO10H 3 11 IH H H 26 JWinkfieldP Dunne 15 20 20 6 26819 JIM WINN 105 6 6 21 21 2 31 Dominick FBVanMeterBroSO 60 60 15 26600 AMUR 107 2 5 51 5 5 42 Dnpee G J Long 20 20 16 2 2268652CANMORE 268652CANMORE 110 53 41 41 42 4 56 J Mathews W B Jennings tCc45 910910310 26769 UNCLE TOM 110 41 3H 6 6 6 6 J Woods T J McHala 50 80 80 15 15Time Time 25i 51 1161 14H Winner B f by Hossington Famine Went to poet at 305 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second easily Trinity Trinityr r i i ii j nnn nnnt t ln4 v l nn nnj irir TI J rnu i ter had all the speed of his field and was simply beaten right at the line Jim Winn overraced himself and ran a surprisingly good race Amur tired badly in the last eighth Canmore ran fairly well for six furlongs and then quit quitOverweights Overweights Amur 2 pounds Flying Torpedo 21 21Trinity Trinity Bell show out Flying Torpedo show 8 to 5 Jim Winn show 31 to 1 Canmore show out ti Ofci 1 THIRD RACK 58 fttile Parse 5400 75 to second S23 to third SOt yJL 2yaarolds Maidens Allowances Ind fioreis AWtSt J4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26768 LORD QUEX 115 2 12 91 8 H C Mitchell A Simons 8 15 15 5 26029 COM FOR8TER 108 4 81 8 71 2a J Woods J W Schorr 10 30 30 12 26570 JANE OAKER 105 11 31 31 32 31 J Ranch WaltringYeagerlO 10 7 3 25778 PURYEAH 108 6 61 61 5 43 Dupee H B Dnrnam 20 30 30 12 26061 HAT MITCHELL 112 3 23 1 1 5 = H Morris J J Ogles 30 40 40 12 25362 ETHEL SIMPSON 105 71 IH 2 22 61 J Mathews 8 K Hushes Co 12 20 20 6 6268163EHATHION 268163EHATHION 107 5 4 41 4n 7 JWinkfield P Dunne 85851310710 25054 QDEEN W 105 81 10 Kll 10 g Dominick G C Bennett Co 10 15 15 6 26864 friar AR 11212 91 101 111 gii See APoniatowski 1354 4 32 26768 PYRRHO 110 91 SH 5 62 101 R Sullivan T Licalzi 30 40 40 12 12ALBEHONI ALBEHONI 115 101 71 71 9 113 T Knight Dots Bros 12 30 30 12 25292 ALMA GIRL 105 111 n 12 12 12 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 100 100 100 30 30Winner Winner Br c by Ingoldsby Sankara SankaraWent Went to post at 335 At post 3 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Lord Quex finished with a great burst of speed coming from far back in the middle of the track He was going away at the end Commissioner Forster closed with determination nipping Jane Oaker on the line for second place The last named tired badly in the closing strides Pnryear was moving fast in the last sixteenth and altogether ran a good race Hat Mitchell as usual had early speed but died away when the pinch came Ethel Simpson had quite a turn of speed but fell away a sixteenth out Emathion ran a dull race Ishtar never had a chance from where she got off offLord Lord Qnex show 2 to 1 Commissioner Forster show 6 to 1 Jane Oaker show 3 to 2 Emathion show 1 to 3 Ishtar show 4 to 5 t rO i FOURTH RACK 78 mile Purse 700 75 to second 25 to third O J 3yearolds and upward Free Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 680bCOTCH PLAID 6 101 4 21 2 21 23 IB J Ranch BurnsWaterhse 21 4 4 I 26747 MAGGIE DAVIS 5 9u 2 12 U 12 12 27 Gormley W M Sloan 8 12 12 4 426796JANDE3 26796JANDE3 5 91 6 31 41 4 32 31 J T Woods J Arthur 57695 6748 OB1A 3 90 31 51 5 6 6 42 Arvin George J Long 60 60 60 20 206690GONFALON 6690GONFALON 4 107 5 6 6 5 41 53 Bullman 8 C Hildreth 1 1 45 25 26868 ANNA BAIN 4 105 1 41 32 31 52 6 J WinkfieldBaker Gentry 8993 8993Time Time 24 48 1 OOI 1 13i 1 26 26Winner Winner B g by Midlothian Mottle MottleWent Went to post at 405 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Scotch Plaid came with a great rush at the end and nipped Maggie Davis on the post The latter was tiring in the last sixteenth after showing a great turn of speed Andes was all out by the time he had reached the last eighth He is inconsistent Obia was cut off badly in the first quarter Gonfalons race was a poor one and should be thrown out in future calculations Anna Bain ran well for a half and then tired and quit quitOverweights Overweights Andes 1 pound poundScotch Scotch Plaid show 1 to 2 Maggie Davis show 3 to 2 Andes show 3 to 5 Gonfalon show out 1 k fc j Q FIFTH HACK 1 116 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 2 O J O 3yearolds and upward Belling l d Horses A Wt Bt K X StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P 68203ODNOR 3 91 31 22 1 11 11 14 Gormley F Cook 75 75 65 13 6845 NET REGENT 4 104 51 43 42 42 32 22 Robertson P J Nolan 7983 25918 HERMENCIA 4 104 7 8 61 6 5 3 R Sullivan M Fay 25 40 40 12 26845 ZACATOSO 5 104 1 la 22 31 4i 41 J WinkfleldG B Grimes 10 30 30 8 6841 ILLILOUON 3 93 4 72 51 22 2 53 J Ranch C T Boots 65 21 21 1 16067LITTLE 6067LITTLE ELKIN 3 90 611 6 = 8 8 63 61 Hope J J Oglea 60 100 100 30 30f260 f260 7FRK IRELAND 5 107 2 3 3 52 71 71 C Mitchell J Clerico Co 15 20 20 7 26869 JOE COLLINS 3 91 8 5 7 71 8 8 J T Woods J Arthur 8 10 9 3 Apprentice allowance Time 251 50 1151 142 1481 1481Winner Winner Chc by Pirate of Penzanca Fertile FertileWent Went to post at 435 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second the same Odnor shook off Zacatoso after the first half had been run and was never afterward headed Nettie Regent ran well and was easily the best of the others Hermencia finished strongly and ran a much improved race Zacatoso ran well for six furlongs Illilouon off badly raced through his field and got dangerously close to the winner at the head of the stretch but the effort told on him and he had nothing to finish with Frank Ireland showed speed for five furlongs furlongsOverweights Overweights Frank Ireland 3 pounds Odnor show out Nettie Regent show evens Hermencia ahow 6 to 1 Illilouon show 1 to 2 Oi A SIXTH RACE O 13 urlongs Purse 400 75 to second 2o to third A thirdA 3 J Qz 3yearolde aud upward Selling oTses A Wt Bt K K S BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 267962HOFTRAMAHE6 111 81 92 61 53 11 Robertson J U Strode 2 7 5 5MAX MAX BENDIX 3 101 51 21 22 22 23 JWinkfieldP Dunne 3 5 4 L IU8 IF YOU DARE 3102 S 12 1 1 31 J Mathews Bohch Sweet 10 16 16 6 6865 DALKEITH 3105 2 71 73 63 42 Bassiuger Chinn Forsythe20 20 16 6 626WTHE 26WTHE ROGUE 3 95 IH 4 41 3 53 Gormley C Baiker 6 10 1858 259502AUTOMATON 3 105 62 51 SH 4 63 J Woods Herandeen Co 5 5 4 85 85URAL URAL 3 102 10 10 8 8 73 T Knight George J Long 6 25 2a 10 26796 LIGHT BALL 3 102 41 SH 51 74 85 Beaton J Curl 10 20 20 9 26724 GAWAINE 3 101 7 81 91 91 91 Dom nick WE Cotton 6 8 8 3 5564 CSIQUASABOG 4 109 9 61 10 10 10 R Sullivan B B Brown S 30 80 12 Apprentice allowance Time 24 48 1 14 121 Dinner Br g by FOUBO Keyeal Went to post at 5 IO At post 2 minutes Starr good Won aasHy second the gams ± tenry ofTrastamare cams from far back in the last quarter and finished like a whirlwIndHe was going away at the end Max Bendix ran a fine race considering it was the first time ha had ever faced the barrier He was easily the best of the others If Yon Dare as usual showed his turn of speed but tired badly when the pinch came Dalkeith showed speed and finished well The Rogue ran well for five furlongs and tben retired Light Ball showed early speed Scratched speedScratched 26602 Tom Embry 105 105Corrected Corrected weights Gawaine 102 102Overweights Overweights Max Bendix 21 pounds Gawaine 2 2Henry Henry of Trastamare show 4 to 5 Max Bendix show evens If You Dare show 3 to 1 The Rogue show 7 to 10