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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS BIO July 23 Twentieth day Delmar Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter A B Dada Racing starts at 230 pm 26987 O A Q t H FIRST RACE 12 Mile Purse J400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26538 CRIMEAN CRIMEANW 108 2 3 12 ONeil T P Hayes 85 951710710 W L GEORGE 108 3 4 21 W NarvaezJ W Medlin Co 30 40 40 20 26859 HARRY SHAFER 108 5 51 51 33 Irwin C E Jeffers Co 12 15 15 5 26774 BROODLERELIZA BROODLER 105 4 42 2a 4i Lindsay B Schreiber 10 10 10 ELIZA COOK 105 1 11 12 SH T OBrien Pratt Bros 10 15 15 i 26774 CROZIER 105 7 71 71 62 Enos T H Stevens 10 25 25 8 26564 DH LOVE JOY JOYPAMPLONA 108 6 6 61 62 71 D Hall S T Gainea Bro 30 30 30 15 15PAMPLONA PAMPLONA 105 8 9 91 81 Dale Hntchinson Co 4 5 4i 2 268593VIRGINIAN 108 10 8 8 92 Moody J J Dwyer 5 7 7 21 26618 LADY ALZA 105 9 10 10 101 Baptiste I E Clark 40 50 50 20 26859 JIGGER 105 11 11 11 IH Patton Wheeler Co 6 10 10 4 25992 WY AP PER 105 12 12 12 12 F Jones S B Burnett 30 75 75 20 20Time Time 13 23 37 50 50Winner Winner Ch c by Cayuga Chalice ChaliceWent Went to post at 231 At post 7 minutes Start fair Won easily second doing his best Crimean outclassed the field and won impressively W L George ran well for a new beginner was well ridden and taken the short way Harry Shafor finished with a rush Eliza Cook showed speed quarterCrimean for over a quarter Crimean show 2 to 5 W L George show 10 to 1 Harry Bhafer show 2 to 1 OQ OQO O SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 7O Yards Purse 5400 3yearolds and upward nd Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26871 SADIE LEVY 6 107 1 63 6 SH 23 1 Dale T A Davies Davies265683LAND 265683LAND HO 5 109 4 21 U 12 1 2 W Mooney Dillard Hill 26263 BS WALKAWAY 3 94 6 31 SH 2 33 3 ONeil S B Burnett 12 15 15 6 26680 OHLAND1NE 4 105 12 12 11101015 71 4 Lindsay Otto Hess 8 20 20 8 26858 TrtO ANNlEd 4105 3 In 2 45 41 51 B Johnson WoodmanFinleyS 883 18444 SCHNL LAUFER 4 110 5 92 9 71 61 63 Morse A Bellow 8852 26870 KAFTAN 4 105 7 4n 5 6 5 73 D Hall W K Cleveland 12 20 20 8 268582FUC1NO 6 109 11 102 IQS 9 83 83 T OBrien J Bchwarzandahl 3331 26832 SADIE BUR NAM 4 109 9 7 71 81 Id 5 9 F Jones O D Laird 15 20 20 8 20508 MORGENSTERN 4 105 10 11 43 5 91 1015 Earl J V Flint 15 25 25 12 26858 HOLUE ET NOIR 4 105 8 5112 12 10101125 Enos L Glenn Co 15 40 40 15 26775 JIM TURNER 4 107 2 8 8u 111 12 12 Finnerty J H Jones Co 15 30 30 12 Time 121 24i 491 116 1421 l47i Winner l47iWinner Br m by Bramble Paola PaolaWent Went to pott at 305 At post 8 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive of two second easily Sadie Levy finished strongly and was cleverly ridden Land Ho suffered from making the pace and a weak finish yet was barely beaten Burnetts Walkaway ran an improved race Fncipo had no chance from where she got off Orlandine ran an extra good race from a bad be ¬ ginning ginningOverweights poundsSadie Overweights Sadie Bnrnam 4 pounds Sadie Levy show 2 to 5 Land Ho show 3 to 1 Burnetts Walkaway show 3 to 1 Fncino show 1 to 2 26939 TBI THIRD KACK58 Mile Jf nrse 400 2yearolds Belling nd Horeea A Wt St Ji H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 268112MISd DORA 105 1 11 H 13 12 Dale R R Rice 45 1 35 out 268592LILLIAN M 105 2 22 21 2 22 Finnerty F M Connor 6 10 9 2 268113TABY TOSA 105 5 61 63 66 3 Lindsay 8 B Burnett 6772 26859 BAR LE DUG 108 4 41 42 32 4 Fauntleroy H M Ziegler 20 100 100 40 26774 LADY CLARIK 105 3 3 31 41 5 Morse A Gresnleve 10 15 15 6 25553 CALLED BACK 105 8 8 H 53 62 ONeil T P Hayes 12 15 15 5 26327 OION CLAY 10511 11 7 8 7i R Murphy Martin Patton 30 10010030 26618 BADGER 108 7 71 91 103 ga Patton 8 T Gaines Bro 20 50 50 20 26237 BABY DIXON 105 10 91 83 73 91 T OBrien O Quisenberry 8 15 15 5 26715 JIM SCANLAN 105 6 51 5 = 9 10 Irwin P XomlinsonCo 20 20 8 26859 FERRENO 105 9 10 101 11 11 Baptiste Hill Peel 50 200 200 60 60Time Time 13 25 37 50 1 03 03Winner Winner Br f by Lamplighter Mamie Fonso FonsoWent Went to post at 342 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Miss Dora was best and won all the way Lillian M ran a good race under poor riding Taby Tosa also ran a fine race under a weak ride Bar Le Due showed improvement Baby Dixon off badly ran through the field in an impressive manner and was then eased up Scratchbd26532 upScratchbd26532 Hydrophobia 105 105Lillian Lillian M show 4 to 5 Taby Tosa show evens 5flQ4O FOUBTH KACK x i10 Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Ind Hoisas A Wt Bt 34 M BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 267603BEANA 5 108 1 3 3 3 2 12 T OBrien FizerCo 65858513 268142PEIER DUBYEA 4 113 3 12 12 12 u z Lindsay F Goring 344 710 267602MIS8 710267602MIS8 PATRON 5 106 2 2 2 2 3 3 Dale W W Finn 651310111014 Time 651310111014Time 12 24i 50 1 16 1 42 1 491 491Winner Winner B m by Macduff Lilith LilithWent Went to post at 412 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Theraca was run to suit Beana and OBrien got a lot mora out of her than Dale did the last time these three met Peter Duryea showed the most early speed but tired in the stretch run It was a bit farther than Miss Patron likes but she ran a fair race and hung on well FIFTHRACE 1 Mile and 7O ards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward ind Horses A Wt St M H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 268303 BULGARIAN 5 113 2 2 41 4 12 H F Jones J C Mitchell 6 7 268632LOMOND 4 110 7 7 3 3 23 2H Dale W P Magrano 3 3 I 26812 LA SPAR A 4 105 1 52 72 73 51 31 Lindsay H W Marke 6 7 26832 PR STONEMOTHS 96 5 61 6s 53 41 4 R Murphy Fizer Co 7 10 10 4 26833 ABE FUR8T 7 112 4 Is INK 22 SH 51 Frawley F Goring 7 15 15 6 26595BARBEE 6 109 3 4 SK 6 6 63 ONeil J N Miller Co 115 4 4 75 26862 ARBITRATOR 6 113 8 8 8 8 71 71 Bloss C J Meister 12 20 20 8 268622FBANK PEARCE 4 107 6 32 22 IB 8 8 Patton M A Stevenson 7883 47iWinner Time 7883Time 12i 251 50 1 15i 1 42 1 47i Winner JudyWent Br g by Plevna Judy Went to post at 445 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second thosamo Bul ¬ garian was best and tron with much in hand He was bid up and bought by W P Magrano for 600 Lomond did his best La tipara finished with determination Prince Stonemouth ran resolutely Aba Fnrst ran a good race under a weak ride Frank Pearce had a chance when ho was bumped to his knees by Bulgarian Barbee did not run his race raceScratched Scratched 25905 Prestome 107 107Bulgarian Bulgarian show evens Lomond show 3 to 5 La Spara show 3 to 2 Barbee show 3 to 5 26942 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse S400 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses A Wt Bt M H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26S633NEABEST 5 107 5 52 12 12 12 12 F Jones G Dierker 5 10 9 2687238UE JOHNSON 4105 2 IH 21 2 2 22 T OBrien Flzer Co 2 4 3 1 26833 BEN FROST 6 109 4 32 43 32 33 33 Dale E F Smith 1 1 91025 26566 BANQUO U 7 112 6 62 51 61 65 42 Enos T A Daviea 12 40 40 12 268602MRS 12268602MRS GBANNAN 3 96 8 8 7 53 5 52 Lindsay J 8 Bratton 6 15 15 5 26333 PERCY H 6 109 3 211 31 4n 4n 61 ONeil L Lewis 10 17 17 6 26870 MOUND CITY 6 109 1 4 6 73 7 75 Patton M E Grassmnck 7 10 10 81 19975 1RENA 4 105 7 7 8 8 8 8 Nelson John Watson 30 200 200 60 Time 60Time 1325491 128 Winner 128Winner DearestWent B m by Knight of Ellerslie Dearest Went to post at 515 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Nearest has improved was much the best and won as her rider pleased bue Johnson ran bar best race today Ben Frost did not run to his baat mark Mound City was crowded oat at thi first turn Banqno II can do much better Nearest betterNearest show 6 to 5 Sue Johnson show 1 to 2 Ban Frost show out