A New Racing Stable., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-24


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A HEW RACING STABLE STABLEIt It is repotted that Mr William Hieaam Vanderbiit will maintain a racing stable in this country naxt year If the report proves to ba a fact it will ba of no mean importance to the American turf The more men like Mr Vander ¬ biit ran horses in their own colors and in their own name the better it will be for the sport of racing thoroughbreds It is welt for the turf of this or any other country that men who are able to indulge in the sport for the sports sane should become turf patrons Too many stables maintained aoleiy for the profit there is in rac ¬ ing do not tend to improve tne character of tiie port portMoreover Moreover the more men of Mr Vanderbilts kind go into racing the surer will bo the guar ¬ antee of the improvement of the American thoroughbred Unco men of this stamp nattier stables of horses it usually follows that before long they start breeding establishments of their own This was the case witn the late August belmont the late Dun ¬ ham Withers and the late Pierre Lor illard and is the caee with Mr Whitney wita that astute turfman John E Madden witu James K Keene and many others There is a satisfaction about racing and winning witii horsed of ones own breeuiug that never comes from victories won with horses raised by other men If may ba expected tnerefore that be ¬ fore many jears have come and gone one of tno finest breeding establishments m the United States will bo owned by William K Van ¬ derbiit Indeed it looks much as if that establishment were in process of for ¬ mation now Mr Vanderbiit recently bought Halma one of the best of the sons of Hanover for 25000 and it was said at the time of the purchase that the yonug stallion was to be shipped to France where Mr Yanderbilt al ¬ ready has a number of brood mares It would not be surprising however if Mr Vanderbiit had already concluded to keep Halma iu this country and to bring the mares of French breed ¬ ing over the ocean oceanMr Mr Vanderbiit will find a place already warmed and waiting for him when he makoa his appearance as a racer of running horses next year The fancy for fast horses is in tue Vandorbilt blood but William Kissam Vander ¬ biit is the nrst of his name to become a patron of the running turf His father and his grandfather had a healthy fondness for the American trotter and the perfection to which that particular type of thorough ¬ bred has been brought is largely due the patronage of Commodore Vanderbiit and his son William H Vanderbiit and to men like Bobert Bonner and Frank Work If William K Vanderbiit develops a running horse equal in merit to that great trotter Mountain Boy which Commodore Vanderbiit owned and drove or to Small Hopes and Lady Mac or Aldino and Early Hose or Maud S horses which made the stable of his father famous ha will prove a sound and commenda ¬ ble chip of the old block New York Sun

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901072401/drf1901072401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901072401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800