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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON BRIGHTON BEACH N T July 34 Sixteenth day Brighton Beach Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Bacing starts at 230 p m O Q K K FIBST BACE1 34 MUes Over 7 Hurdles 600 added 4yearolda and 4OtOO upward Weight for age Ind Horses A Wt Bt 1 3 5 7 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C F 26893 CHARAGRACE6 165 3 41041531 2H 23 12 Carson J R Beard 35 71035 out 26750 CEPHALGIA 4 161 2 22 23 13 13 H 212 Hueston J W Smyth 3 31 1512 26750 KUFA 4 149 1 30 3 4 4 4 32 Callahan J E Madden 50 100 100 20 20267503M 267503M DOCTRINES 168 5 12 HI 2 31 31 4 Barry Underwood Co 4 6 6 65 25739 SANDY HOOK 5 161 4 5 5 Befused Penn J Hope 50 100 100 20 Time 20Time 321 Winner 321Winner B g by Charaxus Young Grace GraceWent Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Chaia graco fenced poorly but outclassed the field ou the fiat Cephalalgia went well today under clever handling Kufa finished strongly running by the tiring Monroe Doctrine at tke end Cephalalgia show out Kufa show 2 to 1 QfiQPtft SECOND KACK68 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Allowances Horses A Wt Bt 34 K X StrFin Jockeyi Ownari O H 0 P 26888CAMEBON 110 1 11 H HI H OConnor FllansbseDavisfrS 65 46 35 26886 OTIS 110 3 31 31 23 28 Cochran B 9chreiber 31 4 31 1 26886 PENINSULA 110 4 41 4 4a 31 31 Shaw J E Madden 31 4 1851 26376 THE BIVAL 112 2 51 53 5104 Spencer TC McDowell 10 15 15 6 268233 BYR OF HO8CHEA110 5 2 2 41 515 T Burns L H Franchi 30 50 50 12 GBAND OPERA 110 9 72 71 7 61 Odom C H Mackay 20 30 SO 8 26001 FATHRR DEN 110 7 8 8 8 76 Miles VV C Daly 300 500 500 1 HAPPY CROSS 110 6 6 61 o t 81 Phelan CLRailey 100 500 500 1 HOT BIRD 10911 10 9 9 91 FLittleflcldH J Morris 10020020050 MAY 10020020050MAY HARRISON 107 8 9 10 10 10 Fraech W Lakeland 100 500 500 IQp 2S366 GREGORY 107 10 100Time 11 11 ifll Simms 3 Hope 100 300 300 100 Time 12 23 35 47J 100 LyleWent Winner B c by Meddler Annot Lyle Went to post at 300 At post 10 minutes Start straggling Won in a oanter second easily Cameron broke in front bnt nothing could extend him in the race Otis was as easily second best bnt the winner proved too much for Schreibirs colt at all stages Peninsula finished strongly right at the end bnt was lucky to boat The Rival who was pocketed on the turn and badly interfered with Byrne of Boscrea ran very well but was outclassed and is best in mud Grand stronglyScratched Opera is a bg colt that looks like Derby material and finished strongly Scratched 26626 Lnciline 119 26790 Fair Knight 110 Nightingale 107 26895Lady Rad ¬ nor 107 268973 Montana Pioneer 107 107Overweights Overweights The Rival 2 pounds Hot Bird 2 2Cameron Cameron show out Otis show 2 to 5 Peninsula show 1 to 2 OiQGPCT THIBD RACK 1 110 Miles 800 added 3yearolds and upward 5070 I Handicap tnd Horses A Wt 8t X V4 X StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H 0 P P268223COL 268223COL PADDEN 3 109 4 H IB H HI HI Shaw F Farrell 34485 26849 KAM ABA 4120 2 3 41 3 2 22 OConnor CHMackay 3 41 4 85 268852 75267893INTRUSfVE OAR BUNGLE 4122 1 41 8 SH 42 3H McCne T J Healey 4 41 31 75 267893INTRUSfVE 6122 3 62 211 2n 31 41 McGinn J D Crimmins Jr 6 762 26443 PRINCE BICHRD4 110 6 5s 5 6 61 52 Booker L Stuart 20 40 40 10 26898 BEDECK 3 90 7 7 3 41 5 6 Cochran G B Morris 12 15 6 2 26843 RATHINAPH4 92 5 21 6 8 8 7 Wilkerson H T Oxnard 30 40 40 12 26819 CYBANO 4 112 8 8 7 7 7 8 Spancer M Murphy 5 Time 23 49 1 14 1 40 1 46J Winner RnssellWent Blk c by Charaxne Meta Rnssell Went to post at 340 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Colonel Padden was very rank in the first half running out on the first turn but simply played with his field and outclassed the others on a speed basis and proved able to go any distance Kamara under a strong and vigorous ride ran an improved race and finished with a sensational rush Carbuncle badly interfered with on the first turn came very fast at theend Intrusive failed in the lasfrquarter after appearing a contender to the stretch Prince Richard is in good form and ran a fine race Bedeck ran well for three quarters McGrathiana Prince belong elsewhere and should be kept in view Cyrano ran a bad race raceCol Col nnl Padden show 4 to 5 Kamara show 4 to 5 Carbuncle show 7 to 10 26958 FOURTH KACJS34 Mile 700 added 4yearolds and upward Selling ncJ Horse A Wt Bt V4 M StrFin Jockeys Own ra O H 0 21888 SMOKE 4 106 3 21 211 Hi 13 OConnor W Showalter 65 86 1 23 26887 GOEBEL 5103 2 H 11 21 21 Cochran JCahnCo 588 2ill 26887 P267553BYAL BASTILE 5 100 6 SH 31 31 3i Booker A E Reynolds 16 SO 20 6 P 267553BYAL 8TERLING4 103 4 5 42 43 48 Brennan J Hynes 21 3 136710 24104 8TATEN ISLAND 4 100 5 66 52 51 51 BeauchampL Mendall 100 300 100 30 ANGELURE 30ANGELURE 4 98 7 41 65 65 6 Smith Lord Clonmel 8 10 6 86 26510 FEDERALIST 4 100 1 7777 McGinn F H Milden Jr 10 20 15 5 114Winner Time 12 236 35 48 114 Winner Ch f by Order Alfalfa AlfalfaWent Went to post at 410 At post 4 mintutes Start good Won in a canter second driving Smoke appeared a certain winner throughout waited on the pacemaker under a strong pull to the stretch where she drew to the front easing up She seems an improved mare this year and can beat much bettor horses Goebel showed a good turn of speed and stuck to his work well at the end Bastile just lasted long enough to get third place from the fast coming Boyal Sterling who todayScratched appeared deficient in early speed today Scratched 24113 Island Prince 103 266363Dolando 100 Smoke show out Goebel show evens Bastile show 2 to 1 Royal Sterling show 1 to 3 SQPIQ FIFTH BACE1 Mile and 70 Yards S600 added 3yearolds and upward tJiJ9J Maidens Allowances nd Horses A Wt 8t M Yt 2 StrFin Jockeva Owners O H C P 267982ABDEN 3 105 1 42 31 12 13 16 Tochran C W Baird 12 35 920out 26798 CAPT JANUARY 4 109 2 1 2 23 23 2H OConnor J R Beard 78765 26798 PHOSPHOR 3 105 7 6 51 52 41 31 L Smith DC Johnson 4541 26884 BRAHMIN 5112 4 2 1 32 33 41 Simma FLowe 20 40 40 8 2688 ANNA DARLING 8 100 8 7 78 63 51 58 Miles W C Daly 30 50 49 7 2688t DACTYL 3 100 5 31 43 41 62 68 Black C Simms Co 15 30 30 4 26798 J OF NAVARRE 3 107 3 5 61 71078 76 Donnelly J H Harbeck 100500500100 100500500100I 26826 TIMOTHY FOLEY3 105 6 8 8 8 8 8 McGovern P H Sullivan 100500500100 I Time2448l14 l41l45 I Winner B c by Fabulous or Charade Faith Went to post af 440 At post 6 minutes Start good Won in a caatsr seeoii easily Ardon could hardly be restrained behind the pacemakers to tha bickitratch where hs cantered to the front Captain January eased at the end ran a fiae rica Phosphor off badly carried wide on the first turn and very badly handled closed like a flash and can da much batter The others are very ordinary ordinaryOverweights Overweights Johnny of Navarre 5 pounds Captain poundsCaptain January show out Phosphor show 1 to 4 2696O 700added 4yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt 8t X 3 StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P 267913GODFREY 5 108 8 33 33 3i la Hhaw J H Steimer 45 45 35 out 26887 T CfIAiIBRL4IN4 107 4 42 41 4i 2 T Burns W Oliver 8 20 15 5 22591 HARRY MCOUN 4 103 2 8 6t 51 31 Booker E A Naidig 10 30 30 8 17195 ARATOU 6 100 1 12GS99 11 H li 41 McGinn P R Labontsss 10 10 8 2i 3I 2GS99 ROOT MEUCALF4 105 3 22 21 2 510 Simms P 8 P Randolph 67685 I EALiff 4 100 6 61 Cochran H 67685H J Morris 10 30 30 8 24348 DR KOR8ER 5 100 9 7 Lslaad W 8W Lawis 100 200 200 60 26146 YEVTOSO 5 93 7 8 Miles W 60W C Daly 45485 25860 2a860DOSAF DO RAF 5 102 5 100Time 5 8 9 9 Garrisan FrickanCosgrvalOO 300 300 100 Time 12 233 35 48 1 14 Winner 14Winner B g by Eingaton Ella Blackburn BlackburnWent Went to post at 505 At post 8 minutes Start fair Won driving second the sams God ¬ frey perf 3Ctly handled was lucky to win from Tha Chamberlain which finished with a rash and is bacomintr very good Harry HcConn closed a big gap and was going fast in the last furlong Aratoma displayed a good order of spaed was short and has worked well Ventoro did not run his race j a Overweights Robert Metcalf 2 pounds Ventoro 4 Dora F 41 Tho Chamberlain show 2 to 1 Harry McCoun show 3 to 1 Ventoro show 4 to 5