Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-25


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTIPORT IPORT ERIE ONT July 24 Eighteenth day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE G 13 Furlongs Parse 250 4yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt St M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H G P 26762 VEBNA K 4 109 3 1 Hi H 11 Pryce G W Koss 4 10 8 3 26725 INNOMINATDM 4107 6 53 2 2 2 CnnnghamL Tilt 55485 26906 MINUTE GUN 4104 4 41 46 33 31 May NewmnAtchisn 2 41 31 65 65267622IMMEN8E 267622IMMEN8E 5 109 5 21 31 41 H C Wilson R F Myers 32 85 85 710 26906 ORANGE BLCB4 lOt 2 3 5 515 520 Blake F A Hart Co 10 10 6 2 26881 WHIRLIGIG 4 107 1 612 520 620 615 W Morris C Levering 12 12 10 4 4GALLIENNE GALLIENNE 5 109 7 7777A Moore L V Garner 20 20 20 8 8Timo Timo 23 49 116 123 123Winner Winner Ch f by King Eric Logwood LogwoodWent Went to post at 248 At post 18 minntes Start good Won driving second easily Verna K showed the most speed and outfooted her field all the way bat she was doing her best at the and to stall off Innominatnm The latter went aronnd his field and was wearing the winner down Minnte Gun was off well bat coald not live the pace Immense quit Whirligig is a bad actor and ran his race at the poet poetOverweights Overweights Innominatum 3 pounds poundsYerna Yerna K show 6 to 5 Innominatam show 3 to 5 Minate Gnn show 1 to 2 Immense show oat SECOND HACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 5250 2yearolds Selling 26962 Ind Horses A Wt S St K y StrFin Jockeys O H C P 26853 TAX MAN 108 4 32 l iii Jackson L Smitha Co 21 5 41 65 26838 LADY PATRONESS 105 8 SB 31 21 LThompsnH Lewis 6 7 7 21 26835 WANINTA 105 3 11 22 33 Hayden K P Shipp 6872 26902 SILVER OWL 105 6 62 41 41 Gough W H Baker Co 6 10 10 4 26904 MISS LOBSTER 105 1 41 7 52 Blake Meagher Ray 6 15 15 6 1 7 8 6 J Daly Shortell King 6 20 20 6 26904 RODDY 105 9 8 6 7 McQnade E B Clancy 20 40 40 15 26904 BOURBON KING 105 7 998 Alarie F Reagan 10 10 8 3 26855 DASH 105 5 211 52 9 Pierman H J Hinar 65 85 75 35 35Time Time 241 491 56 56Winner Winner B c by Magian Annona Went AnnonaWent to post at 330 At post 6 minntea Start good Won easily second the same Tax Man came away without mnch of an effort when Dash quit in the run home Lady Patroness showed decided improvement She was outrun in the first part of the race bat finished strongly Waninta tired after taking a wide turn when entering the stretch Dash quit badly badlyTax Tax Man show 1 to 2 Lady Patroness show 6 to 5 Waninta show 6 to 5 Dash show out 41 n JQ THIRD BACK 1 11G Miles Purse 300 3yearolds ana upward S5t yOO Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X K K StrFin Jockeya Ownari O H C P 26854DOL WAGNER 3 90 1 H H Hi H 11 L Jackson J H Brown 32 95 75 12 12268542GRAY 268542GRAY DALLY 3 90 3 31 31 21 22 22 J Daly F Reagan 322 2 35 269033 FLAG OF TRUCES 103 2 42 5 41 3 3 Wonderly H McCarren Jr 3 41 41 75 268812RATHLIN 4 103 5 5 4 5 41 46 Postel BAG Craig 8862 26901BT DAVID 3 103 4 22 2 31 5 5 Blake L J Folmer 6 12 12 4 4Time Time 241 49t 1 15i 1 41 1 48 48Winner Winner Ch f by Wagner Dolly Withers WithersWent Went to post at 4 00 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving and all out second easi ¬ ly Dollie Wagner showed the most speed but Gray Dally was crowding her all through the i3tretch and might have won with a strong ride Flag of Trace tired and hang after he got to the leader St David quit with his month open after running threequarters threequartersDollio Dollio Wagner show out Gray Dally show out Flag of Truce show 1 to 2 9 Q t ° A FODSTH BACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26835 DIXIE QUEEN 101 3 11 12 HI li Wonderly N Bennington 75 85 65 12 26904 COU8INE 94 2 21 21 2 21 Pierman M A Bwigort 8 15 15 5 526904ED 26904ED WIN KENTON 108 7 6 6 3 3 = May R H Loud Co 4 41 4 65 26614 ST HERA 102 1 3 31 41 43 LThompsnK P Shipp 3662 26878 CONCERTINA 107 5 5 4n 52 55 J Daly J E Lane Co 34475 26904 J PATRICK 101 4 42 51 612 615 Postel W Weir Co 8 15 15 5 26902 NATALIE H 102 6 7777 Baker Oscar Rhodes 10 50 50 20 20Time Time 24 49 1021 1021Winner Winner Ch f by Sir Dixon Kentucky Belle BelleWent Went to post at 430 At post 8 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second the same Dixie Quoen broke well in motion and qaickly established a lead that she kept to the end but was forced to do her best to stall off Consine and Edwin Kenton at the end Consine ran a good race and was a contender throughout Edwin Kenton was on the extreme outside got off tangled np and went around his field finished with a rash and would have won in a dozen more strides Concertina did not run her race She can do better betterScratched Scratched 26902 Silver Chimes 94 94Dixie Dixie Queen show oat Consine show 2 to 1 Edwin Kenton show 3 to 5 Concertina show 3 to 5 6 Cl ± K FIFTH HACK 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26880 CAD HAZEL 8102 1 1 12 1 12 Wondorly E Moore 65756525 26839 LIZZIE A 3 99 3 3 32 22 26 J Daly E Whalen 2 6 6 1 126586GOLD 26586GOLD LACK 4 102 5 4 2 36 36 Hayden E Peters 65 85 85 12 26882 LELIA BARR 3 91 2 21 41 5 4 L Jackson H L Johnson 12 12 9 2 26882 L POWHATTAN 7 98 4 5 5 4 41 5 May Bomerville Co 30 100 100 20 20Time Time 24 49 1141 1141Winner Winner B g by Wandering Jew Lizzie Walton WaltonWent Went to post at 501 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Cad Hazel was never extended He made his own running and won as he pleased Lizzie A did her best and finished strongly Gold Lack ran as if short and quit after going a half halfScratched Scratched 26879 Foneda 100 100No No show betting on first throe 26966 ClS + Cldd SIXTH RAUE 1 316 Miles Purse 250 3yaarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St St X tt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H G P 268593 MONTREAL 3 88 2 3 41 21 22 11 H L Jackson H Alexander 852 85710 269032RADFOHD 4102 5 51 51 4i 31 2 26 Wonderly D Lamasney Co 85 21 21 1 26767 TOD LADLE 5 97 9 9 9 73 61 32 3 Hayden J B Wadaworth 6762 26856 KABLO 4 991 3 6 61 51 51 4 41 LThompsnA D Simon 5 8 8 S 26807 NEPONBET 4102 4 12 1 H la 53 51 Postel F A Hart Co 10 20 20 8 26903 WATERHOSE 5 103 8 8 7 8 8 7 6 Blake BEL Rice 15 30 SO 12 12268543COGSWELL 268543COGSWELL 39377 8 6n 7 6 7 Gough P J Miles 5772 26807 TIP GALLANT5 99 1 22 2 31 412 8 8 J Daly J A Sykes 5883 26807 M BUILDER 4 102 6 4n 31 9 9 9 9 Burton G McGrady SO 100 100 40 40Time Time 49 1 15i 1 4U 2 KM KMWinner Winner B f by St Saviour St Veronica VeronicaWent Went to post at 540 At post 3 minntes Start good Won cleverly sacond easily Mont the run home The latter ran right up to the mark was well ridden and had no mishaps Toddy Ladle closed a big gap but tirad in the last sixteenth Neponset showed speed but wants a shorter route routeScratched26903 Scratched26903 Obstinate Simon 101 26906 Templar 99 26839 Princa of Song 92 26901 Punctual 89 89Overweights Overweights Montreal 1 pound Kasloi Waterhouse3 Cogswell

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Local Identifier: drf1901072501_5_1
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