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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR WINDSOR ONT July 24 Third day New Windsor Jockey Club ClubBummer Bummer Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 p m O AO 1 7 Q FIKST RACIfi 4 12 Furloncs Parse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St J4 J4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26691 DBUMMOND 105 1 1 H 12 J Miller W H May Son 85 2 2 756 26749 LOUIS WAGNER 99 6 21 21 21 Henderson L Thompson 15 40 40 15 25182 MAID OF DUNDEE 103 7 4 41 31 J Martin E F Clay Jr 2 2 7535 26696 2026673LATHBOP AiiL GRAY 106 2 31 31 41 Pops G Stransa 15 50 50 20 26673LATHBOP 103 5 5U 6 5 White Mrs M Lnzader 6883 Sl8F K m 61 5a 61 H Michaels J A Maxwell Co5 8 i 26244SKING FORD 106 3 777 McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 4 4 c 25780 STUART YOUNG 101 8 888 R Steele Mrkln Vhmhff5 6 6 6o 302a553 SJI5iI2 SJI5iI2AB AB 10M 9 9 6 J Carter J 8 Rotbert 20 100 100 30 o 2a553 MATCHES 104 Left at the post T Walker F J Kittleman 20 40 40 15 Time 15Time 241 50 561 Winner Ch f by Forester Alma B BWent Went to post at 285 At post 8 minntes Start good Won easily second driving Drum mond showed the most speed won well in hand and can beat a better field than that which opposed her today Louis Wagner ran i good race and will baar watching Maid of Dundee was canght in a jam on the first turn and bnt for this would have finished closer up All Gray tired in the last aighth Insolence unseated her rider soon after getting on the track She showed a smart turn of speed for a f nrlong King Ford had no mishaps Matches was green at the startDrummond post and wheeled when the flag fell Lathrop was cat off soon attar the start Drummond show ont Louis Wagner show 6 to 1 Maid of Dundee show out King Ford show 4 to 5 26974 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 5250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K X StrFin Jockeys Owners 26912 FLOP 6 109 4 31 1 H H Herman F A Pope 56685 26021 HIMTINE 5 115 9 7 7 41 2U J Miller W L Hazalip 6 15 15 5 26068 DESCUBRIDORA 4 103 7 51 5 31 3 J Lynch C Scanlan 40 60 60 15 26565 MRS DANIELS 4 99 2 6 61 73 43 R Steele Torreyson Bros 30 60 60 10 26948JRED APPLE 3 99 6 41 33 21 5 Rice E Trotter Co 12 12 25 out 26323 THE GEEZER 5 106 3 21 4n 65 65 Michaels L J Haas 10 20 20 4 26948 INCANDESCENT 5 106 1 IH 2 5 7 J Carter Mrs M Luzader 30 60 60 10 265882TIMES STAR 4 109 5 8888H Wilson C M Kenner 58885 265652PRCESS 58885265652PRCESS EVELYNS 99 8 9999 J Martin D P Rodgers 6 10 10 3 Time 241 50 116 116Winner Winner B g by Coriolanus Freddie FreddieWent Went to poet at 310 At post 2 minutes Start good Won ridden oat second easily Flop was luoky in avoiding all interference He raced Incandescent and Red Apple into subjection in the first half mile but the effort told on him and he had to do his best at the end to stall off Himtines determined rash The latter began slowly and was interfered with at the half mila gronnd but finished strongly Descnbridora was tiring badly at the end and Mrs Daniels would have baen third in another stride Red Apple did not ran as well as in her previous effort Scratched effortScratched 22402 Little Land 103 26909 San Andres 99 26907 Ruth Park 99 Overweights 99Overweights Descubridora 4 pounds Incandescent 5 5Flop Flop show 7 to 10 Himtine show 2 to 1 Descubridora show 4 to 1 OiQQTpr THIRD RACEI 110 Miles Purse300 3yearolds and upward J i O Windsor Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St K Vi 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26946MI8S SOAK 6 96 3 11 11 Hi Hi 12 R Steele W L Hazelip 21 21 21 35 26909BA8SVEBINE 3 90 1 42 SB 31 21 2a C Murphy H E Gibson 7882 269092ECOME 7882269092ECOME 5 97 4 21 21 1 2 = 32 32 J Miller W H May Son 2 2 85 35 26490 CALLEAR 3 100 g 5 5 41 41 41 McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 1 65 65 25 26782 LONGFLO 3 90 2 31 4 5 5 5 J Martin E Frazer 6772 6772Time Time 25 50 1 16 1 41i 1 48 48Winner Winner Ch m by The Jacobite Lizzie M MWent Went to post at 335 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Miss Soak made her own running and was never in trouble She could have won farther off had Steele allowed her to do so Bassverine hogged the rail all the way and oatgamed Ecome for second place The latter had no mishaps Callear can do better Longflo ceased to be a con ¬ tender after going threeeighths threeeighthsScratched Scratched 24329 Jessie Jarboe 95 95Miss Miss Soak show out Baosverine show 4 to 5 Ecome show out Callear show ont 2fiQ7fl FOURTH BACE G 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward n i Horses A Wt St X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 24329 JESSIE JARBOE 5 103 1 31 5 4n Is McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 85 85 85 35 22041 MR POMEROY 3 88 6 5 2 1 2 Henderson Louis Thompson 100 100 25 8 26911 ETHEL DAVIS 5 91 5 71 41 51 SH Hall P H Jones 30 50 50 15 263952STAMP 15263952STAMP 4 103 8 8 8 61 4 J Miller Hdrsn inghn4 662 26590 688326565ONANETTA SISTER KATE II 3 83 9 IK IH 2 51 C Mnrphy Shank Co 6883 26565ONANETTA 4 92 4 2 6 7 = 6 Rice J B Riley 10 10 10 4 24207 ALOHA II 4 104 2 9987 Vnnn r V O JnnflB 9 91 f 1 26092 RUSTIC GIRL 3 86 7 61 7 9 25556 HANDICAPPER 4 103 3 4 31 SK 9 J Martin CarthreShieldsS 4 3 2 222632EARL FONSO 6 103 10 10 10 10 10 Givens Dolan Rivard 66632 66632Time Time 241 50 1151 122 122Winner Winner B m by Eothen Ida Glenn GlennWent Went to post at 408 At post 7 minutes Start good Won driving second the same Jessie Jarboe ran well finished strongly and should have won further off bnt McCann used bad judg ¬ ment Mr Ponmroy backed for a good thing with an intelligent rider would have won Ethel racinInnfr Davis finished strongly and got third place in the final stride Stamp had bad racin Innfr HiBtor KntA TT tirnd in th final nnnrtAr FTnndirnnnnr ran na if ahnrt AlnhaTT nnl never keep up upBcratched26912 Bcratched26912 Hunting 86 26911Athara 86 Jessie Jarboe show ont Mr Pomeroy show 4 to 1 Ethel Davis show 6 to 1 Aloha II show 1 to 2 Handicapper show evens 26977 FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Parse 5250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Hors s A Wt St K H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 269082 HENRY ZITT 113 1 11 It 12 12 J Martin J C Milam 1 1 1 out 269083HUNTRE3C1A out269083HUNTRE3C1A 105 3 21 21 21 22 Givens Christy Brown 5662 26908 PAUL CREYTON 113 4 45 43 3 35 Berman P Egbert 2 21 2 45 26908 THE ESMOND 105 2 31 33 45 43 J Miller W 3 May Son 33345 26660 LAST KNIGHT 103 5 6 55 53 55 Henderson L Thompson 8 10 10 3 24193 ERNE 100 6 5 6 6 6 H Wilson Mrs E Harris 15 15 15 5 Time 241 491 1011 108 108Winner Winner B c by Simon Magus Preference PreferenceWent Went to post at 449 At poat 3 minntss Start good W9n easily second the same Hanry Zitt was easily the best and had no trouble Huntressa was just as easily the bast of the others Paul Creyton requires a vigorous ride Ha was coming strongly at the end The Esmond quit in the final quarter Huntressa quarterHuntressa show 4 to 5 Paul Creyton show out The Esmond show 1 to 2 26978 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 Syearoldn and upward Selling Ind Horses AWtBtX X StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 265663 BAFFLED 4 105 1 12 12 lii 13 12 W Nelion E W Fitzgerald 2 21 21 1 26589JEITHOLIN I 6 112 3 7 7 7 51 2 Snell W C Smith 85 85 65 12 26655 P BETTY B08IE 5 109 4 61 6 4 211 31 JHothersllGiles Babbitt 8 10 10 4 25466 RE UP 7 112 2 41 3i 6 4 411 H Wilson Mrs E if Page 22433 CHARLEY SHANE4 110 8 21123 2 3 52 FValentineJ H Valentine 20 20 12 5 26948 SLASHER 6 112 5 8 51 3117 61 T Walker John Smith Co 10 10 8 3 26909 NELSE MORRIS 3 97 7 51 4 5 61 73 Finlav Walls Co 35585 26563 HENRY GIBBS 4 107 99 9 8 8 8 J Miller HdersoaVTahan6 10 10 4 26431 BEAN 3 95 6 SB 8 9 9 9 R Steele W S Laird 10 10 10 4 DITTY 3 981010 10 10 10 10 Ford WTWasham Jr 20 40 40 15 Tims 15Tims 26511161 144 144Winner Winner Blk f by Top Gallant Plennie PlennieWent Went to post at 510 At post 4 minntes Start fair Won easily second driving Baffled ran to her best form and was never in trouble Sha finished well in hand and had plenty left Eitholin was a saff rer from bad handling Ho finished strongly and got sacona place in the last stride Pretty Rosie ran a creditable race bnt tirad in tha last seventy yards Charley Bhana was short Noise Morris can do better Romp ran well in spots Overweights spotsOverweights poundsBaffled Ditty 3 pounds Baffled show 1 to 2 Eitholin show out Pretty Bosie ehow 2 to 1