untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-20


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We Positively DO It is a crime to give out horses that figure to have no chance That is the reason that we seldom advertise winners the night before it takas from flfty minutes to an hour and a half to figure a race correctly Dont buy guess work Oar oxpsrts at Hawthorns combined with our scientific method of handicapping is the reason of our graat success 8 TO 20 TO I SHOT TUESDAYGREAT MUD RUNNER RUNNEROur Our exports say that tho only way for this good thing to lose is to fall down It figarea to win tho stable that own him thinks he is a cinch This weok will prove to ba another HER IO3O won at 60 to 1 ORIMAH won 20tol BLENNEN WORTH won 20 to 1 MOSES won 20 tol all during week May 29 to June 4 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY we have inside information on two winners Both will be from 10 to 25 to L Oldest and most reliable firm in the business FORM LETTER HANDICAP ON ALL RACES ON SALE AT 9 AM AMRace Race Track Information Bureau Suite SOD 263269 Dearborn St StAlso Also on sale at EOLMANS Cigar Store 267 Dearborn St and f rnit stand Hawthorne raco track

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082001/drf1901082001_2_12
Local Identifier: drf1901082001_2_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800