Hawthorne Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-20


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HAWTHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy First Raoe 6 l Furlong Furlong2yearolda 2yearolda Soiling Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp27555Harry 27555Harry Wilson 106 720 27555 Pyrrho 103 715 27288 Muresca 101 725 725273423VVhifHt 273423VVhifHt 98 700 27288 Bine Ridge 96 705 27491 HaiGift 96 715 27190 Gold Medal 94 690 690Second Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Fillies Boiling 24731 Andia 107 700 27314 Machmka 107 675 25525 Economic 107 625 27580 Hattie June 107 675 27285 Emily Groan 107 680 274633 School for Scandal 107 725 27522 Mary Moore 107 695 27872 Princess Btrathmora 107 705 27314 Maiden Lano 107 700 24838 Kings Favorite 102 690 27556 About 102 710 27285 Slips 102 720 720Third Third Race 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowancos 27404 Strangest 5 105 710 273463Malay 710273463Malay 5100 740 27622 Bangle 6 100 730 2749iTrinity 7302749iTrinity Bell 3 95 750 750Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 27583 Vulcain 4 110 730 274642Hernando 730274642Hernando 3 109 750 27525 Lady Strathmore 3 95 700 7002761828ilnrian 2761828ilnrian 3 95 710 276223Maggie 710276223Maggie Davis 5 90 720 720Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soiling27463If 27463If Yon Dare 3 108 715 26407 Alice Dougherty 4 105 700 27401 Pupil 4 105 710 275802Triaditza 710275802Triaditza 4 104 275232Qoal Runner 5 104 725 25743 Big Injun 3 100 635 27401 Lucille Bramble 5 100 660 20414 Either Higgs 3 98 610 27102Ural 61027102Ural 3 95 720 27104 Educate 3 90 705 27554 C BCampbell 3 90 670 27524 Pirates Queen 3 88 690 27463 Little Duchesa II 3 88 675 675Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Kiles 4yearolds and upward Belling 27387 Ecoine 5 108 710 27585 Bon Chance 4 106 700 27556 Haviland 4 105 725 27522Hanan 72527522Hanan 5 103 685 27407 Oxnard 6 103 710 27347 The Bondman 5 103 27102 Martha Fox 5 101 24367 False Luad 5 98 27165 Prairie Dog 4 98 98275822Banish 275822Banish 5 98 9824462Georee 24462Georee Lee 6 9S 27586 Helen Paxton 5 98

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082001/drf1901082001_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1901082001_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800