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SARATOGA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 9 Miles MilesOver Over 8 Hurdles Hurdles4yearolda 4yearolda and upward Handicap HandicapTho Tho Summer Stakes Value 1000 1000Ind Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp186792Qovornor 186792Qovornor Griggs 6 160 685 26883 Draughtsman 5 153 690 6902746SHolland 2746SHolland 5 146 700 70026616Jack 26616Jack Carey 5142 680 25652 Wandering Minatrel 4130 675 675Second Second Race 78 Mile 3yearoldj and upward Balling Balling275282HammooJr 275282HammooJr 4 111 705 705275092Go8bel 275092Go8bel 5107 710 27509 Blarneystono 6 107 695 27507 Ringleader 4 106 700 700275073flcotch 275073flcotch Bnih 3 105 695 27440 Bill Maaiie 31C5 700 7002744028atire 2744028atire 3 104 725 27470 Sweet Tooth 3 104 710 71027607Bard 27607Bard of Avon 3 103 715 27507 Anecdote 3103 690 27409 Eloim 4 100 705 27588 Oliver Me 5 100 700 27507 Ventoro 5 100 700 700275093Annie 275093Annie Thompson 3 99 705 705275882Cogawell 275882Cogawell 3 96 695 27508 Great American 3 95 685 27587 Colonel Ballon tyne 3 94 690 27509 Diffidence 4 93 685 685275283BarbaraFrietchio 275283BarbaraFrietchio 3 84 720 27390 Gertrude Elliott 3 84 715 715Third Third Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances27529Isidor 27529Isidor 7 116 775 77527471Imp 27471Imp 7 Ill 800 80027277Hoehampton 27277Hoehampton 3 106 790 27590 Bellario 3 106 750 750275643Alsike 275643Alsike 5 103 700 700275083Loniavillo 275083Loniavillo 4101 760 27530 The Rhymer 3 95 770 7702731038weet 2731038weet Lavender S 91 765 765Fourth Fourth Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 26127 Jamea P Keating 116 710 710Anak Anak ch c by Hastings Arnica 109 27469 Honolulu 106 725 725266603EddieBuach 266603EddieBuach 105 720 27566 Bhandonfield 105 715 27504 Bodlington 104 710 26702 Cats Paw 99 705 26985 CassvUle 97 700 70024109Atheola 24109Atheola 94 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 MUrs MUrs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Ziri Wt Hdtp Hdtp275903Kinnikinnick 275903Kinnikinnick 7 114 725 7252758728peciflc 2758728peciflc 4 113 720 72027391Trigger 27391Trigger 3 113 705 705275642Tho 275642Tho Amazon 4 103 710 710274722AgnesD 274722AgnesD 3 98 715 715275282Hammock 275282Hammock 4 93 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Belling BellingInd Ind Horses color sex pedi rrea Wt Hdcp Connecticut b c by Clifford Rehearsal 115 27563 ElsieL 109 750 75027439Keynote 27439Keynote 106 740 27531 Dark Secret 104 730 27531 Montana Pioneer 104 725 27469 Equalize 102 720 720275313Oclawaha 275313Oclawaha 101 735 27566 High Carnival 99 725 27566 Trump 92 720