untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-21


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HAWTHORNE SEPTEMBER 30. First Race-MONOS.... 1 Second Race DAGMAR 1 FANTA8Y 2 Play the Longest Price Hors9 place and show. Third Race MI3S BENNETT 1 THE PRIDE 2 Close The Pride a cinch to be one, two. Fourth Raco DICK FURBER 1 i CAPTAIN CONOVEB... 2 Fifth Race-PINK COAT 1 Sixth Race J. V. KIRBY 1 8eventh Race LAUREATE 1 I SYNIA . 2 The Above Wero Our Selections Friday. TODAY WE HAVETWO ROYAL GOOD THINGS Our track timer has sean all the horses entered in todays races do their bast work and reporta that these two will win by a block. .00 WEEKLY. WIRED AT 10 A.M. The American Handicappers, Reynolds and Go, T2, J 1 9 DEARBORN STREET. 1 5 to 40 to I GOOD THING SATURDAY We have direct inside information on the best thing of the year. Dont miss this extra special. It is a sure winner. Only Rage Track Information Bureau SUITE 500, 2G3-2C9 DEARBORN ST. Also sold at Kolmans cigar store, 267 Deabrorn streot. Bunco-Broncho Information Co. Fantasy, 8-1, Beaten by, this day, a better horse in slower time than his work. During the hours of racing I am almost daily at the other track working horses, as these morning works when everybody is on hand are only four flushes-no smart owner shows his horse up . TODAY SATURDAY TWO SPECIALS AT GOOD ODDS AND I have the winner of the Iroquois Stakes, Odds 10 to I, at Hawthorne, and at New York next Saturday the big stake winner. Another Yankee-Odds 3 to 6 to I. Special daily city sheets with all races 1.00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. Wired to any part of the world. May roqnira two weaks to deliver as only wira horses of odds not hot favorites. H. J. Allard always at office to explain any matter. 1 with my track man 070ry morning as you know. Office 176 8. Clark St in ticks! office. Ou sale at 11:30 a.m. at newsstand BunthaaBt corner Clark and Madison 3tH. COL. J. C. WOOTEBS, MflK., 94 LINCOLN AYR. TODflY ! TODJIY! 3 LONG SHOTS Possibly five winners, all at good prices. M D. Millers Legitimate Handicap Selections 1 7 WIMNERS IK I, AST 4 DAYS. 23 WINNERS LAST AVEEK. . . . All our subscribers are ahaad, as we sive most of the long shots that ria at th?i local tracks. Commissions Axcntod and bast pricas obtained always .Oaly 10 psr cnt of n9t winnings charged. Suttlnmants made every morniait. HANDICAP SELECTIONS SI.00 PER DAY. AMERICAN HQRSEftlENSAGENCY Suite 516, 167 Dearborn St. Tel. Central 3719. "A Man of Words and Not of Deeds is Like a Garden Full of Weeds." Of Course He Won .! Our Advertised Special MONOS AT 5 TO f, Fresh from St. Louis and Specially Prepared for this Race. That is why We Guarantee All Our Specials. We also gave in onr daily sheet in connection with Monos HARRY PRESTON AT 5 TO 2; J. V. KIRBY AT 5 TO 2, AND 8AIRD AT 7 TO I. KT8Sk NSTHVfAUVAVrS?-?8 T hav2S9val SPECIALS AS GOOD A3 MON03. We asfc NUTUINCi IN ADV4NCB, simply send the ua winning cf a 00 bet, which ehows we aro CONFIDENT and cannot make nvmay unless YOU WIN. Our famous betting system FHEE upon application. Daily Sheet .00. Weekly .00. This Does Not Include our Extra Specials. The Great Western Guarantee Bureau, ROOM 803 ADAflrS EXPRESS BUII.DING, CHICApO. 6-1 Shot Extra Special Today This good thing has been especially prepared by .PSPSMBI m of tne best Gainers in the country, who jjffpB never fails when he cuts them loose for a kill- itltB lng Ttlls 0ne w!l jecut ,oose today at 6 10 1 or and: .tgS better. You can bet the works on this one winning. 7i, 2Mm FSFra LvFflPRrrAnfe" tub11!1 fho8 Yho Jcatmot at my office VjJSStMik WornlF w,th toleeraph code, or hav shet deliv- rH before 12 o clock. Also WBandQffiandiBand on salo at Saratoga, Morrison, Pal- -jWmSm wlr.t?1Be F.0t8lS i?ar 8nd,9 Weinsheinier cigar store, 124 8t-;, KH W"i8klns;n 8chmeliaKs cigar store, 5 South Clark St KHI ?oncttGedtBSdb8r 8hP 93 8Uth lark St- A-nSEiSSS Ex-Jockey Vic Britton, KOOM OlO, 235 DEARBORN STREET.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901092101/drf1901092101_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1901092101_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800