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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. . CHICAGO, ILL., September 20. Fortieth day. Chicago Jockey Clnb. MidBummer Masting. Weather cloudy ; track fast. Presiding Judge, J. H. Bees. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Racing start? at 2 00 p. m. Q rj Q FIB8T BACK 1 Mile and 70 Yirds. Parse 00; 5 to second; 5 to thira. 2Q OQ I Q 3-year-olds. Selling. lad Horses AWt 3tM H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners , O H 0 P 280292MONOS 1C3 31 l"ii 2 2i 22 1 Coburn G C Bennett and Co 3 4 4 8-5 283i33LIXTLE ELKIN 94 11 11 11 91 51 ZH Hope J J Oglas 7 10 10 4 282732RASSELAS 103 2" 4h 3d 42 4 3 iT Knight T J OHearn 6 8 8 3 28225HANSWUH8T 91 4" 7a 42 51 61 41 B Steele TLicalzi 60 100 ICO SO 28341ARTENA 104 1 31 62 6 32 51 B Sullivan E Corrigan 5 7 7 3 283463BONN1E LIBSAK 100 5" 102 si 71 9 6i J Walsh P Dnnne 11-53 2 4-5 28245 GUY B. 107 8" 52 and 11 ij Dominick J E Cashing 6 15 15 6 28C90CARLOV NGIAN 91 101 9" 71 81 7n 85 Gormley Tracey and Mearns 80 60 60 20 28346 BIG IN J Ux 96 71 6 93 103 10a 91 Beaton J D McMillanandCo20 40 40 15 28318 WOODSTICK SI 61 21 U 31 81 102 Monro MrsBMWestrfildeO 150 150 60 2S0652ADELNTE 85 91 82 101 11 11 11 Davieeon W Carroll 6 12 8 3 Apprentice ejiowarce. Time, 241, 49i, 1:141, 1:41, 1:451. Winner B. c, by lutpcctor B. Bosa Buckden. Went to put at 2:00. At post 10 minuteu Start good. Won driving; second easily. Monos, alwajB well up, came away iu the last eighth, but Coburn had to bustle him oat to the last ounce to stall off Little iiiiue rash at tho end. The latter was outrun up to the last quarter, from which point to the lino hu closed fast, making up much ground. BasselaB tired in the last sixteenth, bat about ran his race. Hanswuret ehowed much improvement and will do to watch in his class in Boft going. Artena gradually feli oat of it after tho first quarter had been ran. She ran far below expectations. Bonnie Lissak was never a contender. She can do much better. Gay H. was right thoro for seven furlongs. Woodstick ehowed speed for six furlongs. Ovenvtit his Artena, 1 pound; Little Elkin, 1; BaBselas, 3. Monos, Bhovv, 4 to 5. Little Elkin, show, 3 to 2. Baeselas, show, 8 to 5. Bonnie Lissak, show, 1 to 2. fJQ97l SECOND BACK 1 Kile. Purse 00; 75 to second; 5 to thira. jCi O O rx: 4-yoar-oIds and upward. Selling. lad Horses A W: St H V . BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 28225 HABBY PHE8TN5 98 2 31 41 21 12 12 Gormley P J GarriganandCo 21 2 11-54-5 28319 FANTASY 5 100 In 1" 21 42 43 21 J Hicks WdfordandEvermn6 7 6 2 28346HELEN PAXTON5 92 5 21 1 12 22 35 Hope J J Ogles 12 12 10 3 28151 CHAUN. F1SHEB6 99 7 1131102 61 73 41 Otis W Mnlveil 6 15 15 5 28031 MATTIE BAZAK 4 86 Id 5" 31 SH 3 53 Beaton Mrs B Bradley 20 80 80 25 28346STAB COTTON 4 91 6 61 6 10 61 63 HelgeEon H A Cotton 40 60 60 20 28197HANAN 5 91 $ 4 5 8 93 71 Davisson I Glasscock 6 12 12 5 282013DAGMAR 6 93 8 7a 81 71 81 8 L JackBon B T Wright and Co 21 16-516-56-5 28206 MAYDINE 4 98 113 92 7 51 51 91 T Meade W F Schulte 20 40 40 15 27966 LITTLE BINGES 6 95 4 102 114 116 112 102 J Walsh B M Hennessey 20 20 16 6 " 281162T. JEFFERSON 6 91 12 VI 12 12 101 112 Boyd E L Talley and Co 60 80 80 25 20111LAURA K. 5 107 91 81 91 9 12 12 Mensior G Mensior 60 200 200 50 Apprentice allowance Time, 26, 49i, 1 :lo, 1 :411. Winner Oh. g, by Paniqae Lady Gay. Went to post at 2:40. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Harry Preston came away from his Held in the last eighth and won as his rider pleased. Fantasy was easily the best of the others. Helon Paxton tired badly in the last eighth. Mattie Bazar showed speed for six furlongs. Bagmars race was a joke; It should be completely ignored. It was" a poor field all told. Corrected woights Dagmar, 96. Overweights Helen Paxton, 1 pound; Laura K., 21; Chauncey Fisher, 3. . Harry PieBton, show, 9 to 20. Fantasy, show, evens. Helon Paxton, show, 8 to 5. Dagmar, show, 3 to 5. O Q Q T K THIRD BACK 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00; 5 to Becond; 5 to third. QO O 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind HorBOB A Wt St and K BtrFin Jockeys Ownara O H O P 28148 THE PBIDE 5 110 U 21 21 21 1 JWinkfleldT H Byan 2 4 16-5 7-10 283012MI8B BENNETT 3 104 3 H H H 26 Coburn G C Bennett and Co I 1 3-4 3-10 28320 GOAL RUNNER 5 103 51 3H S 31 3 T Knight A M Linnell and Co 5 10 10 11-5 28345SOBIA 3 101 2 45 4 51 41 Blake George J Long 15 20 20 5 28342 GONFALON 4 105 6 6 5 43 53 T Meade SCHildreth 8 15 15 4 28032 8IM W. 8 99 4a 51 6 6 6 Otis Leopold and Pascoe SO 40 40 12 Time, 24, 48i, 1 :13, 1 :19h Winner B. g, by Dundee BeeBwing. Went to pose at 3:15. At post 7 minutes. Start good. Won in a vigorous drive; second easily. The Pride laid alcg second to Miss Bennett up to Ihe last sixteenth, where he moved up on even terms and the two fought it oat desperately to the wire. It was just about a sixteenth farther than Miss Bennett likes to go. Goal Banner ran well, bat was well spent by the time the last sixteenth had been reached. Gonfalon moved up fast when entering the stretch, bat fell away beaten in the list quarter. Scratched 28312 Hairy Herendeen, 94 ; 281743 Kunja, 97; 27518 Baronet, 104; 27191 Jim Winn, 94; 28322 Morito, 97: 28342 Georgia, 97. Overweights Pirn W ., . pjunds; Goal Banner, 1. The Pride, show, 7 to 20. Miss Bennett, show, oat. Goal Banner, show, 7 to 10. FOURTH RACE Full Course. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. OO I U Handicap. The Emulation Stakes. 00 added ; 00 to Becond ; 00 to third. Vulna to winner, 50. . Ind Horsea A Wt St 4 8 12 15 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 282702DK FDRBEU4 131 l 6 6 2a 12 n 11 C Johnson 8 8 Tracey and Co 2 6 5 2 28S002C. CONOVER 5 127 Sh i 3a 33 2 27 215 R Taylor Mtb R Bradley 4 6 16-56-5 280002FLO US 4 133 2u 3a 46 4 4 4 8 Lloyd J D Hooe 2 2 9-5 7-10 28300 MAZO 5 135 6 21 210 1 35 32 4 Slater J D Hooe and Co 2 2 9-5 7-10 201732GLOBE II. 6 1-8 4a 512 53 5 5 5 5 Bartley John Brehock 5 10 10 4 28300 SAINTLY 5 132 1 V V Fell. Gaddy G W Cashing 4 5 5 2 Coupled in betting. Time, 3 :52i. Winner Br. c, by Fordham Duchess Caroline. Went to post at 3.45. At post 3 rciantes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Dick Fnrber laid away until shortly after the fourteenth jump where he was taken to tho front, remaining there to the end iJthuugh he had to be driven out to beat Captain Conover who closed fast in the Btretch. The latter fenced cleanly and came with IiIb usual rush at the end. Flaccas had enough soon after taking the fourteenth jump and the same may be said of Mazo. Saintly was used too much in the early stages of the race. He tired about tho tenth jump and fell heavily. Globe II., always outrun, fell at the eleventh jump but was remounted and finished the coarse. Overweights Saintly, 1 pound. Dick Farber, show, 4 to 5. Captain Conover, show, 1 to 2. The entry, show, 1 to 8. Q Q Q T T FIFTH BACK 1 1-8 Miles. Parse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. aOO I 0 All Agas. Free Handicap. Ind Horsea A Wt St St M V StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28302 PINK COAT 6 115 1 22 21 21 21 1 12 Landry WdfordandBuckner2 2 3-2 3-5 28320JVULCAIN 4 105 2a 42 32- 31 32 31 2 Coburn B C Hildreth 3 5 5 7-5 28302 STRANGEST 5 96 41 3a 5 5 5 43 32 Davisson C K Bardeaa 6 10 7 11-5 27680OBONTA8 4 108 3a 5 4 4a 41 5 41 Blako G W Cook 6 7 5 8-5 283202ODNOR 3 96 5 la 11 11 U 21 5 Gormley F Cook 3 5 4 8-2 Time, 121. 25, 1 :01i, 1 :141, 1 :27, 1 :39l, 1 :52i. Winner Br.h, by Leonatus Alice Brand. Went to poBt at 4 :20. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Pink Coat awoke with a start and ran one of his good races. He had speed to loan and came away in the last sixteenth with consummate ease. Yulcain finished strongly, but had to be ridden out to beat Strangest in the closing strides. The latter ran a good race, finishing fast next to the inside rail: Orontas tired badly in the laandt eighth. He bears watching, as he iB right on edge now. Odnor quit badly when the pinch came. Pink Coat laid up too close to him to suit him. Pink Coat, show, out. Yulcain, show, 3 to 5. Strangest, show, 4 to 5. CQQf7Q SIXTH HACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. QQ I O 2-year-oldB. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St jj y BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 280353 J. V. K1RBY 109 2a 2a 21 la 11 JWinkfleld P Dunne 8-5 3 3 I 283473OUTHTRIMBLE107 la 91 91 7a 2b Blake Baker and Gentry 4 4 4 9-5 8269 ROSE PLUand1E 107 82 61 72 5 S W Hughes J T Stewart and Co 20 30 20 8 282692LUCIEN APPLEBY107 103 31 32 31 4" Coburn 8 C Hildreth 6 11 11 4 83473ST. TAMMANY 107 71 42 41 4" 51 Landry J U Strode 6 7 6 2 8347 THE GIVER 1091 3" 52 61 62 6 Alexander C T Boots 15 15 13 5 282693COACOA 105 91 7U 52 81 71 Baesinger W T Mnir 15 25 25 10 27832 BOSSFAME 107 4a 8a 82 9a 81 T Knight J Welch and Co 8 15 15 6 28055PBEETOHIU8 104 5" 12 11 2 91 Gormley TLicalzi 15 25 25 10 283472DABK SECRET 112 61 105 101 105 102 Dominick HermannandCasflin 5 5 4 9-5 27594 ERNE 109 11 11 11 5l 11 R Sullivan Mrs E HarriB 20 60 60 25 Time, 24, 481, 1:141. Winner B. g, by Bassstlaw Teatro. , m Went to post at 4 :50. Off at the first break to a good start. Won handily ; next five driving. J. V. Kirby, always well up, finished strongly through the last sixteenth. He wb,b cleverly ridden. South Trimble as usual came with a rush at the end after making up much ground in the final eighth. Boso Plumo finished fast and strongly. He made up ground rapidly in the last eighth. Lucien Appleby was tiring in the closing strides. 8t. Tammany ran right to the mark. Pree-torins showed speed for five-eighths and then fell away beaton. The others were never contenders. Scratched 28125Tommy Foster, 107. Overweights Coacoa, 1 pound; The Giver, 2. J. V. Kirby, show, 1 to 2. South Trimble, show, 4 to 5. Bose Plume, show, 4 to 1. Dark Secret, show, 4 to 5. ; QQQ fTQ SEVENTH BACK l Mile. Purae00; 5 to Becoud; 5 to third. SOQ It; 4-year-oldB and upward. Selling. ind Horses AWtBt.K Y BtrFin JockeyB Ownara O H O P 28177BAIRD 4 100 3a 82 82 8 42 13 Otis Keating Hecker 7 8 6 2 2831928YNIA 5 102 la 11 11 12 12 23 T Meade SCHildreth 4 5 3 7-5 282252BANI8H 5 104 2a 61 6 41 31 31 B Sullivan H Thorpo and Co 6 15 15 6 281473LAUREATE 9 91 4" 3 5h 7 52 4 Gormley G C Bennett and Co 3 3 11-5 1 280663CAPT. HAMM 5 105 6 21 21 2 21 5 BaBsinger J W Fuller 8 8 8 3 28058NET. REGENT 4 93 5a 4" 8h 62 63 6 DaviBSon P J Nolan 6 12 12 5 28200 FOBMERO 5 110 9 9 9 9 9 7 Alexander J Hackett 15 80 80 25 267243HARD KNOT 5 103 81 7 75 5 7 83 T Knight FW Miner 3 4 4 2 2827130LIVER MC 5 105 7" 51 41 31 81 9 Dominick C R Ellison 10 20 2a 8 Apprentice allowance. Time, 25, 49, 1 :15, 1 :4U. Winner Ch. c, by Huron Lime Tree. Went to post at 5:15. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter; second easily, baird laid way out of it to the head of the stretch, from where ho closed up fast and ran past the other horses near the finish. Bynia faltered in the last sixteenth, where she appeared all over a winner. Banish tired badlv in tha last eighth. Captain Hamm ran well for seven furlongs. Hard Knot was badly cut off just after passing beyond the first quarter, but it hardly made any difference in the result, as he could not "run a little bit" thereafter. Oliver Mc showed speed for six furlongs. Scratched-28177 Evelyn Byrd, 91; 28147 Ed Roth, 94; 283162 John Grigeby, 99. Overweights Banish, 2 pounds; Captain Hamm. 1; Oliver Mc, 3; Hard Knot, 1. Baird, show, evens. Bynia, show, 7 to 10. Banish, show, 3 to 1. Laureate, show, 2 to 5. Hard Knot, show, evens.